Is she the kindest vidya MC?
Is she the kindest vidya MC?
She's one of the cutest & hottest to say the least.
Lady Hakurei is really great.
No she's a straight up murderer.
She is a complete bitch, in order to be her friend, you have to be a jerkass too.
Wew lad
not really.
Reimu is a lazy piece of shit Wyatt Earp of Gensokyo. She needs new needles? Blacksmith youkai makes brand new ones for her. You think It would all end with tea and cookies but no, Hakurei Reimu straight up attacks the blacksmith with her new killing tools.
Hakuri Reimu will try to summon dark gods and play a bad guy just to see If she can do It and defeat you in the process.
Hakurei Reimu would rather first shoot and then ask. A youkai has the balls to ask for her help in defeating another youkai? Sure but not before smiting the one before her.
Hakurei Reimu is so fucking lazy, she put ropes besides her house so she could get some shade from the vines that would grow on them.
That's It. She just prepared some ropes. Seeds? Fuck seeds, bro, Hakurei Reimu would rather laze around and pray for some plants instead of preparing anything else.
Each time Hakure Reimu needs something done that doesn't require brute force, she just lazes around until some other character appears. Then she forces that character to do the chores with and sometimes even for her.
Hakurei Reimu - best person.
I love her so much
I don't consider the autistic fanon canon but she is quite amusing in the games being some combination of being likable and well meaning while not giving a fuck/taking anyone's shit
That depends on your definition of kind.
And that reminds me, one of her EoSD endings is really funny.
Miko is actually the best girl
reimu is a murderer
Delete this
What? Dinner?
Marissa is better
hakurei of murder
>"Still, to think the maiden of hakurei would act so quickly and harshly, she is truly someone to be feared."
>"Oh? Aren't you, on our side?"
canonically she's pretty cruel
She's too kind if anything. She such a poor hardworking girl and she just allows all the thiefs and freeloaders into her home.
>a gardener kills a fox.png
Oh you
She has no friends. She has people she tolerates more than others, like Marisa, but she will never respect another human or youkai enough to actually have a real friend.
But she killed someone
She's fucking mean to most people she meets
Even Marisa is friendlier
She actually doesn't give enough of a shit to make them leave after all the trouble
Now that is kindness. Playing host until the very end.
>"Oh? Aren't you, on our side?"
Wasnt that Yukari to Kasen?
Kasen is probably one of the kindest, purest souls in Gensokyo. Reimu could learn a lot.
>Start SA
>Stage 1
>Beats up yamame because she felt like it
>No actual reason, reimu wanted to hurt her
If you see a spider, you kill it.
It was. The whole 'our side' seemed to include Reimu, though, considering she's just Yukari sockpuppet.
Can't she just quit her job?
Not until she collects her paycheck.
>we'll never, EVER get [sound threads] again
daily reminder that he did nothing wrong
still happen occasionally on Sup Forums
>didn't read the manga
She's just doing her job.
>transforming in the middle of a human village
>not the biggest wrongdoing
Didn't all workarounds get snuffed out?
An d her job involves murdering youkai from time to time.
Essentially being a guardian it's more self defense then murder. Except when it's preemptive self defense.
Youkai aren't people
That's racist.
Give donations or else
That's a sin.
can confirm
cry more buddhishits
But i gave them to a better 2hu.
>Better than anything
You can admit she's better than some characters, like rumia
Still, fuck pants
There's literally nothing kind about her.
I never really played 2hu before, but I'm curious. Does this game have any guys in it? I only ever see the qt girls from it & it got me wondering.
Do you prefer girls in shorts.
Is Reimu the most morally grey vidya MC?
There's a few, but they're all minor characters
Most often guys appear in the manga instead of the games, but the PC-98 had the turtle dude
there are like 3 men but nobody gives a fuck about them
There are, but they never make any proper appearances in games. There isn't even a particular reason for it either, it's just a thing that's happened for so long that it feels like tradition at this point.
There's four I can think of right now. One's dead, one's a turtle, one's a cloud and one's a normal human.
Most of the men are in the expanded universe. the games mainly feature a turtle, a cloud man and a woman who was once a man.
>Hey Orange, I see that you exist
>Let's do something about that
Thread is still full of quality.
When is Tiny China coming back to the games?
Because you keep spamming it with your shit to pretend that it's bad.
The Democrats are totally ridiculous here.
Worst doggo
>two posts 3 hours apart
Maybe you should stop being autistc and stop trying to derail any thread that you don't like.
Is this the shitposting thread?
My Reimu just sits at home all day and does nothing. What do?
>tfw you forget your on Sup Forums and not /jp/
That Reimu has a big bow, can it get any bigger?
no this is the soku thread.
This thread fucking sucks. When's the real Touhou thread?
Why do you shitpost so much on every single thread and let proper threads die within 10 minutes?
I don't understand, why would you incite shitposting like this?
Do you hate 2hu?
>That Reimu has a big bow
She's an average size girl.
Which 2hu would you fug?
Could have fooled me.
Looks like shitposting from here.
Good i was worried for a moment.
Maybe you should stop being autistic and stop replying to any post you don't like.
Like you spam and incite shitposting on every single thread you don't like?
Fuck off and kill yourself
Uhhhh I dunno
I would gladly bump a thread that wasn't shit, tbdesu
>everything I don't like should kill itself
He has a point.
Whatever that is, I wanna fuck it.
How bout Chen?
He doesn't
Now either stop bumping or fuck off
You are no better than the thread you are posting on
It's alright
Pelvis breaking sex with Yuugi!