Anyone else playing FFF? This game is so much fun right now

Anyone else playing FFF? This game is so much fun right now.

>Great Battlesystem
>Fun characters
>Awesome music
>Really good voice acting
>Interesting and engaging story

The only complaint I have right now is that fucking Jew loli and the scale of dungeons. I would like a proper dungeon, but I understand the small dungeon sizes since the game really emphasizes on just blasting through and getting to the boss. No need to waste 50 minutes walking through a maze.

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PC version, when?

Enjoying it a lot. Already played Steam version of its "normal" version. Story really starts going places at one point. Lot darker storyline than I thought from Compile Heart. Interested to see how much storyline differs in this version.

I have both versions of this game, the pc version of the original and the new version. Should I play the original first?

No. Just jump through the new one.
It is like Neptunia RB1 to HDN.

>Should I play the original first?

ps4 version or gtfo. The rest of old and busted.

>>Great Battlesystem
Repetetive as fuck with enemies bloating up life and damage as difficulty
>>Fun characters
Cookie cutter anime characters that are clones of a hundred similar anime characters
>>Awesome music
Only good thing
>>Really good voice acting
Just Kill me
>>Interesting and engaging story
Generic as fuck Lightnovel tier story

You weebs will eat anything

What does it change from the original?

>Repetetive as fuck with enemies bloating up life and damage as difficulty
Not at all, your characters can still easily mow them down with correct set ups. Now it's all about positioning and range
>Cookie cutter anime characters that are clones of a hundred similar anime characters
That's why they're so great.
>Just Kill me
I haven't heard any oniichans the entire game...
>Interesting and engaging story
>Generic as fuck Lightnovel tier story
Not at all.

Dont play the old one, this is where the new one is better and still have the original content.

Why is Eryn so cute?

Are trophies and better enemy drops the only benefits of hard mode?

you also get to fight enemies with different move sets and AI.

You can switch the difficulty during the game.

The free DLC Amateur mode reduces all enemy HP by 50% across the board.

Until paid DLC weapons are released (if they are released) Amateur mode is recommended at all times.

How do I get a higher Quest Rank? I'm stuck on D, because I can't find 2 stupid orbs. Where are they?

How does the game handle dungeons in the later parts of the game?
I haven't seen copies of the same dungeon yet, but it's coming, isn't it?
Do they at least have different layouts or is it just flat out the same fucking map but with different enemy population, like Neptunia?

>sherman is relevant
he was so fucking useless in old game

>Amateur mode is recommended at all times.


I'm actually playing fairy fencer F right now.
Does this game have an aggro system or are these monsters just being douche bags and only attacking one character.

Difficult modes in turn based games are bizarre to me

>using amateur mode
for what purpose?

Not sure if they changed it. The first game locked you out if you couldn't complete the objectives before the time skip, yet this one might be the same, since I've been stuck with B forever now.

The fire and ice stones are in the first fire dungeon and the first ice dungeon. The fire stones dropped from those bug like creatures...and not the phoenix. Not sure which enemy drops the ice stone.

Is the PS4 version that much better?

I'm about halfway though the original on PC and it's not bad at all, I'm wondering how much better can it be and in what ways?

They're douche bags and only attack Tiara. Use it to your advantage.

50% reduction to enemy health pools.

Why is it good? Use a sword that has 2X damage on it and put it over the dungeon. Then get the first hit in on an enemy, in the DLC dungeon, and you can do massive damage to them. Which skyrockets your level if you used multiple experience boosts on the dungeon as well.

If you level a sword to 10. Their radius skyrockets and you can place more swords around dungeons without them bumping into each other.

Waiting for Steam release here like any other rational person. But have fun paying $59,99 for fake 1080p without AA, framedrops and glitches.

Pro tip: just build a PC, there are $350 builds that completely blow out consoles and you will play all the games as intended by devs, without shitty sony limitations

>b-but muh persona 5
PS3 emulator is on its way, soon you will be able to play P5 in REAL 1080p at MAX settings + mods so there is no reason to fall for the sony meme. Become a smart gamer faggot.

>PS3 emulator is on its way
You've been saying that for the past 10 years!

That's great and all Nep, but I think you forgot the part about you stealing.

The PS4 version is essentially the complete version of the game with two brand new story routes, gameplay changes and a bunch of new character endings. Fairy Fencer F was a decent game, but it was obviously rushed out before they could make the game that they wanted it to be.

That's good to hear. I'll probably pick it up on PS4 once I get one, or get it on Steam whenever it comes there.

wait for steam sales,don't give sony and consoles money,don't send the wrong mesage to the industry

remember that an industry depends of its customers,if you stop buying games on ps4 devs will HAVE to make pc versions so its a win for all,keep this in mind when buying games on """"consoles""""",your doing harm even if you dont know


FFF on Ps4 is silky smooth 60fps.

But they already ported the PS3 version, has CH ported any of their games more than once? You don't see the PS3 versions of Nep 1-3, only the VITA ones. I guess they just ported FFF too soon, should have waited.

Well 10 years ago DX12 wasnt there.

It's weird. The PS3 versions were awful, but the Rebirth versions are simply the same games, with the graphics of the third game.

3 years and the PS3 FFF didn't sell at all seems like a reasonable date for a remaster. And what a remaster this game is.

The first couple hours were fine, but the gameplay never changed at all in any manner whatsoever, so it became extremely boring.

I dunno about you, but I'm starting to gravitate away from spamming spells and into avalanche links as I get more combo slots unlocked.

Seems like a gameplay change. What do you want? a FPS that suddenly turns into a platformer?

B-but I want the hardmode trophy.