Is there a gaming community as autistic as twitch


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Sup Forums


Sup Forums is far worse. i've never been on twitch but i can say this confidently.

Why the fuck do people even bother typing in the chats of these larger streams? No one will see what you're saying; there IS no discussion. What is the point?

yeah sub-only twitch. it's is own community


because epic memes get with the times grandpa.

fuck off, twitch chats are fucking best

Who the fuck is that dude anyways?


You're a big guy.

>using kappa and pogchamp outside of twitch like I'm supposed to know what the fuck you're talking about

>muh LoL vs CShit with memes
Fuck off normalfag

fuck off 4channer


Kappa Pogchamp XD
gonna go donate to my hot streamer girlfriend and play a game on twitch now

I really don't get why it should be called a "community".

They're just people who watch other people jerk off and spam meaningless emoticons.


>Social Eating is still a thing on Twitch

I thought it was a fucking joke when it was brought up like a month or two ago.

I think the word you were looking for was 'cancerous'

Why are you even here?




I thought you were kidding. Fucking hell, that's one of the dumbest things I've seen in a while.

Sup Forums

>I only type things if they get attention
no wonder you're on Sup Forums
fucking faggot

>Sup Forums kiddies triggered by harmless fun

4head LUL

I genuinley believe that there should be age restrictions for general internet use, or at least the ability to post on websites.

So much of this meme posting, ironic shitposting, "kys", etc, etc.. and "cancer" is just dumb undisciplined teens and pre teens doing it for the ebin lol's.

When i was young i never acted like a total asshat online, but now every kid is telling people to kill themselves because its the cool thing to do now.

first post best post

What does kappa mean? I've never bothered to ask or look it up before

Uhh... Not him, but why would you ever say something if you don't expect a person to reply?


It's a meaningless expression.

I kappa don't kappa understand kappa what kappa you kappa mean kappa kappa kappa kappa.

>Social Eating
The fuck is that


It's like typing LOL xD etc. at the end of every sentence.

eating on stream, its big in Asia. justin tv used to have

It kappa is kappa a kappa form kappa of kappa punctuation kappa kappa.

It's the new trollface.
Unfunny and overused.

What is this dudes face about? Why do you spam it? What does it mean?

i never understood this either. I think its just people trying to fit in with the meme posting. alot of these people probablly dont even know what kappa means (I dont either)

PCucks, but both are the same anyways.
Now do we get rid of PCucks, the biggest most cancerous entity in all of video games? They make up all the cancers in the world.
>twitchfags who watch and pay other people to play video games all day, also pay to spew memes in chat
>meme spewers
>annoying weeaboo manchildren with bad tastes in anime/jojobronies/mikufags/etc
>diaper/scat/vore fetishes
>literal faggots/SJWs
>12 year olds
>retards who shitpost everywhere thinking it's actually funny to act cringely retarded
>valve drones
>obnoxious furries
>le 9gaggers
>facebook/twitter mindless retards
>Sup Forumstards
>list goes on
How did the joke of the video game industry since the early 2000s manage to aquire such a large and cancerous being?

your the cancer that is killing this community
literally kys right now faggot

It means anything you want it to mean.

pls tell me this is b8


how can anyone be this normal?

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

no it isnt

You're typing in a chat window.

You either want a streamer to see it, or other viewers to reply.

Either that, or you're an underage faggot who's just spamming kappa.

First post is perfection.

Great job at demonstrating you're a retard quite frankly. I guess I shouldn't expect much from a neet Sup Forumsirgin who only posts shit for replies. LOL

it isnt ironic dipshit
this asshole with his age restriction bullshit thinks hes better than everyone else but in fact he is a massive retard

More people = more stupid people. Thats why so many of us look back to pre 2007 as the golden years, because that was right before video games became more mianstream

Twitch is like rock bottom. Both from SpongeBob and literally. But less funny. Instead of speaking by blowing raspberries between every word they just put kappa in.

Great job dodging a direct question. At least you're not denying that you're underage.

Yeah man, PS2 was totally hardcore and totally not widespread as fuck

yeah but with an age restriction people like you wouldn't be able to post anymore until you were more mentally mature

Go on twitch then

>replying to a 14 years old

He's right. Kids are annoying.
But that shouldn't bother you or insult you or even mean anything to you. You're an adult.

I'd agree with him if he wants someone to read it instead of reply. As he phrased it, it's more about fishing for replies. But if no one's actually read or bother with your post, why post then? Posting in some streams is like screaming into a forrest with hundreds of others.

It actually wasnt compared to everything past 2007

>mfw streamers with viewerbase of 50 have $1000 worth of audio equipment queued in wishlist

Sup Forums had far less users. Smaller community. higher mod to user ratio. Less shitposting. Smaller communities have less retards.

I'm sure a lot of you saw the E3 chat. Jesus fucking christ, what's the point.

It's like a bunch of underage faggots who think they're part of some new thing.

>tfw cant even get to 50

if im lucky i might get a couple follower in a stream

>almost 1 year of streaming

if you wanted mentally matured, you'd go somewhere else and not Sup Forums

this place is riddled with mentally deranged and handicapped people see Sup Forums. for gods sake you are on a japanense anime board for video games and you're over 18? get a life

Children are annoying. Guess how we felt putting up with you 10 years ago and everyone else did with me 20 years ago.

What does Kappa mean?

I see people on streams and comments saying it and Kappa Pride all the time

why is it so hard to find streamers that dont yell all the time?

every fucking big streamer does it

Well he's over 18, and so are you. You can't really insult him for something you both are.

Just play a couple rounds of League and you'll end up like those fags with their wubstep and donation readers

>Sup Forums
>not twitch users on Sup Forums, especially the ones who boast about minute differences in viewer counts like it matters

All the big streamers do it because thats what gets you the most fans which leads to the most money

Let me put it this way:

"Why the fuck do people even bother dancing at these larger clubs? No one will see you dancing among the crowd; there IS no socializing. What is the point?"

>playing one of the most over saturated games

no one will ever find my channel

Well I don't know what you're playing but most people watch Esport shit

This site hasn't been solely about anime for years, and the people who still believe that are well over 18. And yes, you should be over 18 to post here. that is literally one of the first rules here.

and im not talking exclusively about Sup Forums. every site that has a comment function is riddled with "cancer". Youtube, facebook, Instagram, you name it.

Sup Forums

I'm pretty chill, but I stream "boring" games like eve online and faeria.

>implying kids were THIS autistic back in the day
Nope, you're wrong. Twitch combines the Hivemind Mentality with preteens in a way that is unprecedented. And the result is about as cancer as it gets.

And yes, I would take fucking /r9k/ and Sup Forums before twitch.

>stream with webcam

They are just silly

Well...yeah. twitch is kinda unpleasant.

>Wanna start streaming or making videos
>People I know say I have a great voice for it
>Start recording
>No idea what to say
>Record in silence for 5 minutes
>Feel crippling sadness and stop

such is life

Write a script dipshit.

That's what everyone did back before the steam-of-consciousness youtube stars got famous.

The only people I watch on Twitch are BroTeam and BestGamers and neither of their user bases are like this, so as far as I'm concerned, they're the only streams worth watching. It's why I don't even watch shit like E3 on the official streams because it's so cringe-inducing.
Also, post-stream chilling in coolhole is the best.

you just commentate. My biggest problem when first starting was talking to myself when there are 0 viewers, well guess what - if someone does hop in and they don't hear shit then they will pop back out to another channel pretty fast so keep at it.

>People I know say I have a great voice for it
They say that because it's the only thing you've got going for you in terms of a streaming career.

>Sup Forums triggered


You're right.
I seriously want to doubt that Big Bang Theory airing in 2007 lead to everything fucking sucking. There's no way, must be a huge coincidence.

i watch vinesauce

Even talking about random shit that has nothing to do with the game can be entertaining if you can't think of anything. Like when you broke your leg tryna do some sick scooter stunts or some shit

I just watch Brote, other than that streaming is stupid

>streamer doesn't yell
>instead does anime little girl voice so often you wonder if that's her fetish

Are you ever actually going to answer his question, faggot?


I bet you didn't watch porn until your were 18 huh?

Ive been watching porn since i was 13. What i wasnt doing was telling people to "kys" on internet and shitting up every community possible. Why do you think the toxic buzzword is such a big topic right now? because there is a legion of hive mind underage faggots on the internet