Did video games ruin your life? Be honest.
Think of the things you could accomplish if you weren't playing video games all the time.
Did video games ruin your life? Be honest
Videogames didnt .My fuckups parents did
They most definitely did.
But oh well, gotta deal with the hand I got.
No. I still play guitar, have a job, go outside and talk to girls fairly often. Granted I'm 27 and not the shithead I was at 20, so there was definitely some rollback on the vidya james
Nah, I'm a hard worker and get results at every job I've been to. Only been at my current job 3 months and I'm already about to have full time and have made several good impressions on my supervisors and managers.
May not have a college degree under my belt but I'll work towards that after I save some cash.
nah if anything i think my life would have been even emptier and duller without videogames
>boohoo i blame muh parents
You have access to the internet and video games. You're probably not bad off.
Considering that I "use" videogames as a timesink, and tend to grind in JRPGs, when I know it's on the easiest setting, I doubt I would find things enjoyable without games. I'd probably become a monk or something.
They did, yes, but I enjoy them so I don't really care.
I ruined my life myself, video games don't get to take credit for these fuckups
No, mental illness ruined my life. If I didn't have video games, I would have just sought another indoor hobby to get addicted to. Albeit, life would have felt very dull and empty without video games. I probably would have killed myself early.
I tried a bunch of other things. They didn't work and I didn't like them. I found videogames and by proxy IT and I'm fucking good at and I'm happy.
I blame my loneliness on no one but myself.
But yeah, videogames provide a tool for my social closure.
I don't know which would be cozier to lay on, the bear rug or Burt Reynolds.
psa to all anons:
1 - get a job
2 - get your own place
3 - learn to cook and clean
4 - take care of personal hygiene
5 - exercise
6 - play vidya and shitpost on Sup Forums during spare time
that's all it takes and you're not a failure, life can be pretty good if you just adjust your attitude
>Did video games ruin your life? Be honest.
>Think of the things you could accomplish if you weren't playing video games all the time.
Yeah, I could be shitposting on Sup Forums more instead, just like you. Thank you, anonymous, for opening my eyes!
Yes, I quit playing basketball. I could've did track too but video games were my interest. I invested soo much time in games that my health is quite shit but I feel like doctors are lying saying im fine. I'm literally skeleton status just straight up bones I wouldn't eat because of games and I've adapted the habit of a picky eating and having just little food to be enough for me.
They have ruined my finances. I have a huge backlog of about 300 games I've never played. Somedays I want to sell all that shit and do the downpayment of a new car; then I remember that other than going from work to home and viceversa the only thing I use the car for is to buy vidya or snacks.
sure, just think of all the tv i coulda watched instead
Shit, nigga. I eat a lot of garbage food like potato chips, cupcakes, flaming hot peanuts, ice cream and I'm also a skeleton. I should stop eating that shit and crack up on protein rich food.
My life was already a mess. I went deep into video games as a form of escapism. Now these days I don't even play video games.
Nothing because I have ridiculously high social anxiety. I'd just be watching more movies.
Blaming your failures on video games is bullshit. You would have found something else to blame if video games didn't exist.
This. I was always antisocial. If it isn't video games it would have been some other useless hobby.
Don't think so. I use vidya as a mean of escapism. If it weren't for them, I would've off'd myself a long time ago.
This. Sad thing is good paying jobs are harder to find now and rent is fucking crazy everywhere. Im paying 900 for a single bedroom 40 miles from downtown. Autism bucks or $10/hr wont afford that.
No, this website did.
I fucking love video games.
to add on that i have real shit genetics, i look more like my uncles and aunties and as a result I somehow managed to get a arched jew nose, noone in my family even haves that, also my head is extremely big, as well as my ears, I'm literally the hairiest one. All I've got is my smarts but even then I was foolish to venture more to video games and internet. I had friends n shit online that were way older than my and complained about their college years, instead of using that to better myself I seemed to follow that path, wow what a dumbass i am.
I would literally be listening to music all day in my room.
>beta sjw father didnt teach me nothing useful,only advice he gave me are paulo cohelo bullshit,who didnt apply himself.
>autist feminist mon who hates everybody,dindnt let me go outside with the other kids as a child and go out later.
Tell me all my life i am autist and retarded like her,so i have pretty low self steem
Most of my friends are useless neets who are living the life ,partying and fucking women all the weekends .Some of them leech from the goverment.
Videogames didn't -- I did. Vydia is just a symptom, not the cause.
>arched jew nose
You too?! Fuck. Are you my long lost brother? I'm aussie BTW.
>also my head is extremely big
Probably it isn't big per se; but it looks like that due to how skinny you are. If you somehow ever managed to put weight on it would look normal.
>I'm literally the hairiest one
I don't see how that's a bad thing.
>instead of using that to better myself I seemed to follow that path
Dude, I literally keep to myself all 5 years of uni. When I had time between classes the library was my solace.
My lack of ambition and always taking whatever anyone said to me as an order are what fucked me, vydia dindu nuffin.
“I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.”
Bullshit. If there's no parental figures to instill values and discipline during a person's formative years, they can end up more or less crippled for life.
I grew up all alone, with my parents being awol, my sisters keeping me but never being around.
I learned to enjoy solitude and be at my best while alone. I cannot fucking stand the idea of socializing. I'll probably die alone, because no matter how much I sometimes yearn for companionship, I have a childhood-instilled aversity to other people. I cannot stand workplaces with too much human interaction. I do not have any innate socializing skills such as inviting out new acquaintances to events or activities to solidify friendships.
Some shit that comes basic for other people is a fucking chore to me and will never stop being that way.
Nah, coming to the conclusion that there's no point to anything when I was young did.
Getting better now, but every now and then it's still easy to see things that way.
Burt Reynolds was always a faggoty ass Tom Selleck.
>You too?! Fuck. Are you my long lost brother? I'm aussie BTW.
lol nah i doubt it man, there many people on this website that have arched jew noses
>Probably it isn't big per se; but it looks like that due to how skinny you are. If you somehow ever managed to put weight on it would look normal.
true but it looks a little curved on top.
>I don't see how that's a bad thing.
I've been extremely hairy since I was like 3
>Dude, I literally keep to myself all 5 years of uni. When I had time between classes the library was my solace.
Yeah I think alot of people do that.
No, what's bullshit is you won't accept that you're responsible for your life as an adult. Maybe you're not an adult yet but you can't let all these people be your excuse as to why you can't do better in life. Stop blaming other people. Bad shit happens to you, it happens to everyone. Get your life together.
Not really. I'm still a college student. I'm still exercising to get /fit/. The only people who allow video games to ruin their lives are those who have no idea how to balance life and games.
Society ruins my life. It's not Video Games' fault that playing them invokes absolutely zero respect from other people.
Fucking NEET, skinny, useless faggots can have nothing else in their lives than pretending to play an instrument and going clubbing on the weekends can get laid on a daily basis if they want, but not me, because humanity, in our infinite well of dumbfuckery, decided that Alcohol is hip and cool, but vidya isn't.
But yeah, Vidya is at fault, right? Not people. The overwhelming majority can never be wrong? I'm just an edgy non-conformist, I bet.
If I didn't have videogames I probably would've killed myself during my chemotherapy when I was 17.
Given the fact i live in brazil, video games most likely literally saved my life.
If i was a "kid that goes to the street to play", i would be murdered, kidnapped or turned into some awful murdering minor, drug addicted or all of above at once.
Are you me?
No I ruined my life
nah, depression did. but i found video games to be a nice time sink even when i didn't realize i was using them for escapism.
Now I see them in a positive light for being there when nothing else was, and enjoy them as a hobby.
Course I still have depression but at least there was something good to come out of it
Every friend group has that one person who thinks that his/her parents were so awful at raising them, and they blame all of their problems on everyone and everything else other than themselves.
I remember back in high school we had that person, his name was Boggs. All he did was act like a complete little whiny bitch 24/7. We could order food at a restaurant and his would take an extra couple of minutes to come out and he'd still find a way to connect that back to his parents and how much his life sucked.
Needless to say he finally fucked off and everyone was happier afterwards.
tl;dr no one likes a little bitch, we're all dealing with difficulties. the difference is, when you're an adult you have the power to change all of that for the better. Instead, people like you spend the rest of your life projecting your problems onto your parents.
They don't even sound that bad.
>Think of the things you could accomplish if you weren't playing video games all the time.
Like watching anime or/and killing myself?
Vydas gave my life meaning if anything else
Go back to your pedophilia board now neckbeard
Why should I?
All my peers have a family to NEET up their ass while they can comfortably go to Jewledge, which sometimes also gets covered by their parents. Meanwhile I'm stuck working 6 days a week in a dead end job just to cover rent, and I'm somehow supposed to go to school amidst this shit, too?
Fuck that, and fuck your hippy bullshit about adversity.
I'd rather play my vidya now and end up on the streets once I'm not young enough to be hired for shit jobs as opposed to working my fucking ass off day and night for some horseshit perceived improvement a decade from now.
I ain't here to be a slave just because society decided a good life has to be "earned". Horse fucking shit, dude. Millions of people get free hand outs and will never have to deal with the shit I have to.
Meanwhile, kids are starving in Africa. Innocents get taken to court and fined or imprisoned for shit they didn't do. People's appendages get amputated from accidents they had no control over.
Every fucking day.
Fuck you, I'm going to escape to a better world via video games. You can pretend they're the problem all you want. Enjoy the whole sweat of your brow bullshit. Ridiculous.