League of autism thread

league of autism thread

whos your favourite champ pic related

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Lets see you faggots main the most difficult to play champion.


oracle is great.



I thought this game was dead. I haven't heard from it for awhile. When I look at the stream numbers from tournaments they're all lower than before.


What the fuck

Ancient of League here, I've mained Tryndamere since 2010, but've recently transitioned to maining Darius.

>nobody else decides with his dick
for shame

A lot of people stopped playing, including me, when they dropped solo queue.
Not a lot of point in trying to climb by yourself now when you're always against a group of 5 dudes in a Skype call.

question - any private servers around for v0.0.0.36?
need to do some shit with an old ass version of league

I don't play League, so explaint this to me: How has this game managed to stay relevant for 5+ years?

>A lot of people stopped playing
You mean twitch banned viewer bots


is it gay if I want her to peg me?

I mean its still called having sex with a girl so no right?

>spend money on chests cause I have all the champs and skins I care about
>get jack shit
why do I keep giving them money, wew, just kill me

also shaco is my favorite character

At first it was Neo-Dota, then it was waifu, now it's just bandwagon factor

I'd rather just fap to the lewds

>love karthus
>want to always play karthus
>get the dick by every reworked mage and everything else
Karthus update/rework when

I stopped playing League like 2 years ago, is it true that they removed SoloQ?

How are you even supposed to play this game now?

Sadly none.

>meanwhile ryze is a massive cunt now

New Ryze is the ultra-comfiest.

You want her to stack 'victory damage' in your anus?

It's still a thing it's just people can up to 4man "solo" queue without it being teams

he's also ultra shit and in need of another rework


h-h-hivemind? i think you're doing it wrong.

Jhin best mage

well shit. would have thought someone made a private server for this shit at some point

ryze is best girl

>tfw 73% winrate as NewRyze
You can't stop me

>>also shaco is my favorite character

my condolences

>lets nerf swains snare since he is really strong - riot
>meanwhile ryze was able to perma root and 100-0 pretty much everything

Haven't played the game in ages, but Janna was mai waifu.

>make character scale with a stat that's almost exclusively found on tank items

Unless they changed the itemization or the way his damage scales, this will not stop being utterly retarded.

How the fuck do you play nuRyze? These fucking minigames are getting to me


deal a shit ton of damage really fast
be able to take hits

essentially to beat ryze just play as nautilus unless you can do the same with another character

just be ready for late game because he can still take out a volibear with full mr with passive on his own should he build right.

It's simple
Use E to last hit if an enemy champion is within range of minions to tag them with E

Then W-Q-E-Q them

If anyone tries to engage on you ever, E-W-Q and run away with a free 1,000,000 HP Shield

max damage-qeqwq

snare sooner but q first-qwqeq

or qewq if you are concerned with dying

idk why anyone claims hes weak only thing he lost was the spellvamp and they gave him a fucking shield now

>>If anyone tries to engage on you ever, E-W-Q and run away with a free 1,000,000 HP Shield
dont forget the speed boost

I fucking hated LoL but the meme game was supreme in the NA scene
I wasted 4 years of my life in /lolg/

fuck ricegnat draws best ahri

I always love picking into riven, Garen for days, and there is nothing she can do.

its fucking retarded he can aoe waves down now before having the ult

faggot doesn't even need to farm he can just rape from the get go

q range is too fucking long

>visiting /lolg/
what, are you some kind of masochistic shitposter?

The most comfy of champs

Why wouldnt you do the snare sooner?
Why does doing the E sooner increase your total damage in that combo?

I miss old Karthus
I liked the skellyman better than grey zombie thing

I remember back a couple years when there were no skillshots and you could just roll your face on a keyboard.
I remember when buying a banshee's vale would mean you would win your lane automatically.
I remember when I could legitimately 1v5 the enemy team.

All those moments are lost...

lucky you

They shit out a ton of content every year
Non-stop patches, items, champ, maps and reworks

Keep the game "fresh"


Her design and skills are cool but shes ultimately boring to play and has to many viable build paths.

She should be super cancer when they rework her. I cant wait to see another shitty damagless ult.

They needed to please their chinese overlords somehow.

just play this guy if you want no skillshots and want to 1v5 the enemy team you stupid nigger

I only played for instant turn speed

>but chests for Safari Cait
>4 chests later I get Soulstealer Vayne
That works

>what is crowd control
>what is burst

Except alpha strike has to be activated 0.3ms before you would normally reactionarily activate it because of the spaghetti code interfering with the invulnerability tickrate, resulting in:

Thank you. I'm very proud of my ability to be matchmade against uncoordinated enemy teams that tilt quickly.

Believe it or not i actually had fun for long while in /lolg/ just shitposting and trash talking FOTM champs, jerkcing it to bandlebros art while making flamewars with NAfags because their scene was just to retarded to be real sometimes

Now that i think about it i miss complaning about Zed even those everybody that i played agains was utter shit.

I don't miss all the retarded tripfags tho
Those guys where just on another level of

I used to always play Diana mid but I stick with Alistar mid because no one expects an Ali mid

retards usually think they stand a chance so they don't realize how bad they fucked up until they eat a few shots or if its melee you have time before he is in range to flash out

against a non retard yea you might want to snare sooner or use the longer snare depending on the situation


E has a 2 second cd so by the time you cast your other shit its already back up and it increased the damage the Q does

>Started playing League again instead of Dota because my friends play it
>League-babies have no fucking clue how to play against hard CC
>Absolutely shitstomping everyone with Alistair, Lulu, Nami, and Shen
I'm having fun

they cant cc/burst you if theyre all dead top kek

theyre fixing the alpha bug

12/18/0 or 18/12/0?

I'm pretty new, what's the secret to dealing with hard CC?

Dont be in a situation where you can be hit with it

That makes more sense now
I'll remember that while running him support

>4 chests later I get Soulstealer Vayne
>That works

i know that feeling, fellow user.
it's the comfiest.

Got this on my first hextech box, when the system launched.

>used to always play outer meta champs and just ones I enjoyed sometimes in obscure lanes.
>next big tournament a team uses them and now everybody is too.
>People start saying I'm trying to copy pro players
>Once thought LCS was a cop show even after playing League for over 5 years

Do people still get trigger over lewd annie posting?

This is the only skin I want. Just for the splash art. Hectech keeps giving me fucking Jax skins

Anyone up for some nostalgia?


Naw, Luluposting usually makes people mad though.

It's pretty gud with the new splashart
Just wait for the next legacy vault opening, user

you need X amount of ap so the deathfire touch is better than the thunderlords decree

i don't remember the exact number or how high ryze normaly gets in ap, but thunderlord is better in nearly every situation since by the time deathfire would out damage it the fight is already over

>I'll remember that while running him support
>FREE GOLD items

im a support guys
jk im a mid hero that doesn't need to farm

shit reminds me of dawngate tacticians

>Hectech keeps giving me fucking Jax skins
better than yorick skins


Yes he does

then i will cuntinuse anyway

I feel that Voli's nerf was more of a castration than anything towards him.
>Jg with him isn't as good

>Luluposting usually makes people mad
I see

>A Magnus supremely fucks up an ult
>His whole team was swarming together to follow up on it
>Show him how its done

>Doter has several map replacements and weather change
>Rito removed seasonal maps and added game mode rotation instead

Yup, that tasted purple.

>Anyone up for some nostalgia?


any nigga with a blink was so fucking good in the old 3v3

mundo, singed, warwick and jax being the gods of old 3v3

patch preview comics by Cbr1000Rider


if you get caught overextended you die, so thats why we want to remove red buff

udyr 1v5 by guardsman bob


>magma chamber

old lux splash that lasted less than a day

ap shaco box traps raping anyone that dared walk into a bush since they lasted more than a minute

best feel
late game aghs rubick showing people how to play their own heroes

>mundo, singed, warwick and jax being the gods of old 3v3
You also forgot fiddle

I take trynda mid some times to fuck with Talon Zed and swains.

What kind of fun can you have with a mid bull?

Good times

>old sion
>bot lane singed/taric
Man i miss the old times

shushei gragas and alistar

>malzahar is op guys % damage is too strong!
really? watch me flash into his base and 1shot him real quick

Mah nigga

Climbed to Plat II so far with Vel'Koz mid.

I miss biker riven splash
And art Spotlights too

Best supp champ

is that a new zyra skin?


but... i like her

You're waifu a literal shit

so? i like her too but your playing league of lel

pick the broken characters or lose

those are your options

the swimming animation with the mobility boots is basically the only reason to pick her

Always the best
Always the most fun to play

Im a dota player, but i loved Pantheon That fucking global jump and Singed That fucking fling and 'try to catch me' AIDS.

Draven, over 600-700 games on him.

I stopped playing year or two ago for multiple reasons, one of them being that ADC, the only role that I liked became underpowered whilst jumpers and assassins were in meta.
Second reason was dynamic Q which totally fucked up everybodys ranks, even when you soloed.
Third reason, the most major one is that at any time, there is only around 15-20 viable heroes, rest is dogshit.
Fourth, the worst reason was forced 50%.

I started playing starcraft and haven't played any moba since, I might try dota, I've got a few hours in it from 2011, but I doubt that I could get to starcrafts top 1% equivalent anytime soon or solo.

So many youtubers and streamers have been expressing their dislike, and some have even stopped playing it all together. Because of this, a lot of their fans might have opened their eyes and stopped playing it too.
Just look at some of the biggest youtubers that just quit playing, Dunkey, Keyori. GrossGore doesnt stream anymore, and I think UberDanger might stop playing soon too.