Buyers remorse thread.
Post the last games you regret buying OR the game you regret buying the most.
Let me start:
>SF5 on launch
>Lords of the Fallen
Buyers remorse thread.
Post the last games you regret buying OR the game you regret buying the most.
Let me start:
>SF5 on launch
>Lords of the Fallen
That's about it.
>Fallout 4
>Fallout New Vegas
>The Crew
i completely forgot the crew existed.
Fallout 4
>tfw you fell for all the Toddposting before the release
Oh shit, that's in my backlog.
What's wrong with it?
You decide for me. I enjoyed almost all of them, except for Mirror's Edge: Catalyst.
Last game? Its been a while.
I remember seeing Dungeon Siege 3 being a huge pile of shit.
There's a delay every time you respawn and on the later levels the fps drops down to silk smooth 5fps, not even joking, the very last levels are completely unplayable. they fixed the pc version for what i heard but the console version of the game is a cluster fuck.
Nobody enjoyed Mirrors Edge Catalyst.
Fuck all of you, this game doesn't have a single redeeming quality.
Just upgraded my hard drive and re installed BloodBorne. Can't wait to play it again
i heard the ps3 version was ass and the ps4 version is slightly better.
We happy few. 5 hours in and I regret it so much, fucking garbage game.
Does anyone still plays Dead or Alive?
Completely agree. I avoided the PS3 version due to suffering the console melting bug in the release of Disgaea D2. Yet when I played the PS4 version, I dropped it after two hours. I guess I'm not a masochist after all.
Not really. Then again, I didn't exactly buy it to be competitive, if you know what I mean.
>Borderlands 2 + bunch of DLC
I honestly prefer TPS than BL2
>SF5 on launch
You deserve every bit of that buyer's remorse. How someone can still fall for Capcom's bullshit after what happened with SF4 is beyond me.
bloodborne,should have gone with type zero for the demo
I knew it was gonna be shit but all my friends bought it so I felt like I was missing out. Hated the fucking thing from the get go, but at least I take solace in the fact that over time I eventually convinced most my friends that it was in fact a piece of shit.
Hotline Miami 2 is the first and last game I ever preordered. Fuck that shitty game
Battlefield 4
that is a pretty fucking weird mixing of tastes, never thought I'd see MLB and Senran Kagura in the same pile
Legends of Aethereus.
Bought it on the promise of what it could become. Dev stopped working on it, and it had nothing of what they promised was already in it.
First and only time I got burned buying pre-release games and it was only $20. Cheap lesson really.
The Evil Within
I fell for the destiny meme because I assumed it was going to get the same love they gave to the origional Halo series (inb4buy the dlc, i'm not paying another $60 for what I should have gotten initially).Now I always wait for reviews to come out and will probably never trust another hyped up game again.
thanks almighty God i didn't bought bulletstorm
I thought that Bloodborne was amazing, why did you not like it? Was it the "souls formula" that turned you off, or something else?
>Payday 2
Was pirating since beta, then bought it on Hypetrain sale and regretted it ever since. Haven't played it in 2 months and I can't even force myself to try getting some safes for free $$$, fucking swedes
Again, sale (75% off), everyone told me this was CS:GO but better, got 30 hours in it now and haven't played in almost 6 months. So fucking boring and stupid.
Thankfully I barely buy any games, bought
I fell for it, but I got it discounted so it hurt less. Not a terrible game, but not worth the price.
He's dead.
Star ocean 5
Have only played it 8hr total
Star Wars: Battlefront
It's not out yet but No mans sky. I know it will disappoint but I want to boldly go where no one has gone before.
>Being a pirate fag
Unless you only pirate shit games that don't deserve to be paid for then you can Fuck off
Tried to skip over the dialogue part of the game and within 5 minutes I realized it was the entire game.
Borderlans: Pre Sequel.
>can't understand what the fuck is happeinig because voicechatting with my fellow cunts and listening to godlike gearbox "dialogues" at the same time is nearly impossible
>""""""rpg"""""" part is closed to be completely retarded
>characters are shit in general since gearbox just can't make them sympathetic and playable
Worst buy in my life.
Digimon cyber sleuth.
Jesus fucking christ Sup Forums shilled the shit out of it and some even claimed it to be goty material.
Instead i got a boring, grindy ass jrpg that if i turn to hard mode bosses become the definition of artifical difficulty.
>Game is called Ace Attorney
>Has a courtroom on the cover
What the fuck were you expecting, a game where you beat up corrupt lawyers with a superpowered briefcase.
Borderlands 2 + all the dlc
when i go retard i go full retard
This. I paid $35 for it and I played 20 mins of it and wanted to kick my TV screen in
>Trusting Sup Forums
Star Fox Zero. My own fault, really. I didn't care for SF64 much and should've guessed it'd be more of the same.
Still gotta try Guard though.
Considering I very rarely pay more than ~$15 for a game, and when I do it's something that I'm almost guaranteed to enjoy, I honestly don't think I've ever felt heavy buyer's remorse for a vidya purchase.
There are definitely plenty of cheap games that I've regretted buying. Verdun was one I bought recently that really disappointed me, but then again I only paid like $5 for it.
>being a moralfag
Not my fault games no longer have proper demos to try them out before buying. My laptop is decent but I don't trust it to handle most new games properly, and since I almost always have no chance to get a refund, I'll rather play it safe and pirate it.
I fell for the 20 threads a week shills, my friend also liked it.
I bought it and i realized everyone had shit taste or needs standards.
This. Y'all niggas dumb as hell.
Last game I regret buying is maybe Assetto Corsa. Game I most regret pre-ordering and buying is and always will be Duke Nukem Forever's Collector's edition.
You should've known before even buying it that it was trash by looking up a video. It's just contrarians who think Pokemon is too popular to be fun, or genuine weebs.
Some of the later levels in the game are needlessly hard as fuck if you are playing singleplayer, and the multiplayer is a clusterfuck where you can't see anything and the screen constantly shakes from all the explosions. The xeno bosses are complete bullshit.
I've been playing it almost entirely singleplayer besides getting some help for one boss, i'm about 80% done with it. It's fun but getting certain characters can make or break the level, and they don't have nearly enough levels with halfway points.
How could you possibly make that mistake? If you got it as a kid then reading the back of the box should have told you it was a detective type game. If you got the mobile port then you have only yourself to blame for not doing proper research on a game.
>I knew it was gonna be shit but all my friends bought it
Would you also jump off a cliff if your friends would all do it :)
As a kid I always bought games with what it looked like on the front and looking at the back was just like reading an instruction manual to me. I also thought it was a yaoi game because of the fanbase.
I bought it and enjoyed it also
forced meme of the century
resident evil operation raccoon city. pre-order that shit and everything
>tfw I see it at gamestop for 25 dollars now
on the bright side it'll be that last time I ever preorder anything
DayZ: fuck those cunts, game will never be finished and the fans are delusional morons. Pure wated money, I should of realised when they used the Arma engine. That is a poor unrepairable piece of shit engine.
Lords of the Fallen: Cool ass fucking armour and sweet graphics but fell flat on its ass with the slow shitty clunky gameplay.
Darksiders 2: Just felt like a cheap and tacky platformer (personal opinion).
Lords of Shadow: Same as above.
Torchlight 2: No actual end game content made by devs, a let down as a big arpg player.
Valkyrie Chronicles: Recommended by Sup Forums, not really into weeb stuff. Seems like a boring game with trivial gameplay or too many shitty pointless cut scenes.
Planet Explorers: Another forever alpha game.
Call of Duty AW: servers were dead within 2 weeks and I couldn't get a refund. Thought id give COD another shot back then. Never again. (Pc ver).
Diablo 3: Piece of shit, nail in the coffin when they took away trading and super casualized it for new fans and pissed on hardcore arpg fans.
Hyperdimension Neptunia. That was the very last time I bought something based on Sup Forums autistic opinion and that was the biggest buyers remorse in my life. You have to be fucking sick to enjoy this boring, grindy, shitfest of a game
Resonance of Fate recently.
>chapter 3
>absolutely NOTHING is going on
>characters are flatter than a piece of cardboard and have zero chemistry
>battle system gets boring and 100% repetitive 2 hours in
>almost no NPCs or worldbuilding
Modern Tri-Ace, not even once.
>I also thought it was a yaoi game because of the fanbase
did you somehow miss all the fanart of Mia's giant tits?
>don't get it on release due to general dislike for Beth
>fucking hated Toddposting so just decided not to get it
>Friend lent it to me a couple of months ago
>5 irl days in game
It's my fave Fallout
>game starts extensive character creation screen.
> player character spends 100% of story standing in the background blankly while everyone else dose important things.
your character literally dose not exist within the story
DayZ with mods is ok, but yeah fuck the devs.
Lords of the Fallen on PS4
Battlefield 4
it's mostly just because I played it on laptop
You'd be surprised what gets spread around and what doesn't.
Not him. But I pirate and if a game is good, I buy it. Only problem is multiplayer games.
I got destiny as a oresebt and i couldnt fucking stand the game.
Either you are a filthy casual, or you never played the origional games. Fallout 4 removed all meaningful rpg elements and made most quests simple with just one way to go about things.
>Diablo 3
This. I restrained myself about any info about the game so I could go in completely blind and what a fucking letdown the game was. Bought shitload of snacks and junk food just for that weekend and for that game. Ended up forcing myself to play it through once and never touched it again. Lesson learned hard.
i'm sure it's a great game but i'm so extremely bad at it that it takes away any kind of hype or expectations for playing it
i know this is just a "git gud" situation but usually when i need to git gud i feel COMPELLED to git gud, you know
like "why bother"
I never cared about the story elements in previous games, I just like exploring and shooting. I still haven't finished the story and probably wont
I thought it was ok when I played with my friends, but playing that game solo feels like a chore.
>"Guys i have a amazing idea! What if we took everything that made Hotline Miami good... and took it out of the sequel!"
"So instead of our levels being based off of floor plans..."
>"We make all the levels massive empty rooms and hallways that you can't see the end of!"
"And instead of having a decent balance of melee and guns..."
>"We give all the enemies guns and increase the range they can see you, while making it so you can't see them!"
"So instead of fast paced gameplay you want-"
>"A dull bore where you have to wait three minutes for someone to move away from a door, only to get instantly killed anyway!"
"Genius! What will we do for the music?"
>Make it faster and better, just so people can get even more pissed off when they fail a level do to constant bullshit!"
"These are all good ideas. Any idea what we can do for the mask?"
>"Fuck the mask, just reuse a couple from that old game, add in maybe two new ones."
"But what about variety?"
>"Force them to play as only one character."
"Holy. Shit. Boss you are a genius! One last question...'
"What are we going to do about the doors?"
>"Hmm... oh i know! Make it so the only melee characters and dogs in the game get stuck in them, becoming a tornado of carnage that can't be killed that will instantly murder you!"
"Wow. The fans are sure going to love this!"
>"The fans... hmm. I know what we are going to call the new protagonist!"
Superbrothers Sword and Sworcery
BF4 at launch was unplayable trash with shitton of glitches, crashes and netcode issues
heard it's decent now though
Battlefield 4: 8-10 bullets shot on target but only 3 register as a hit. Couldn't put up with that shit after being raised on Counter Strike.
Force Unleashed 1 and 2: Generic hack and slash. You're doing something wrong when Jedi Academy, a game from long ago shits all over it.
Fight the Dragon: Dead game not long after release and limited content.
Colonial Marines: No comment needed.
MK9(pc): Literally unplayable online.
Dark Souls 2
I'll never recover from this.
Top 6:
1 Bloodbornestation 4
2. Warlords of Draenor, Mist of Pandaria & Cataclysm
3. Dead Island
4. Civilization: Beyond Earth
5. Diablo III
6. Fallout 4 + Season Pass
Overwatch also but i did get a refund so np
Can you explain the train of thought that made you think this game was going to be worth buying?
I put 1500 hours into it like a delusional faggot. The itemisation sucked and there was no real direction but I just kept grinding. I play Path of Exile mostly now, those cunts have done well.
Most recent - Langrisser Re:Incarnation Tensei
All-time regret - Enter the Dragonfly
RE4 on PC.
Paper Mario Sticker Star
what the fuck was I thinking
Hnoestly, I can't recall any. There are some shitty games in my steam library that I now think I would've been better off without, but they were all either completely free or just very cheap, so it''s not like I particularily regret getting them.
Maybe I just like video games for what they are.
The Division
I'm so stupid
SMT IV, bought it on the eShop a few days ago and haven't even touched it.
Why are so many of them unopened?
It's an ez game. Overrated as fuck tho. But u gotta git gud famalamalabama.
Witcher 3
I've played the demo twice, and it was fun both times. Why shouldn't I buy the game?
Why witcher?
It's a great casual game now but not really for hardcore arpg fans which were the initial fan base. They've fixed up the game pretty well. But I'm not into it. It's good if your first getting into the genre.
You should give it a shot. It's a pretty good way to get into SMT if you haven't played any yet.
Not him but it got downgraded to shit and they cut dozens of gameplay elements and features.
Someone bought it for me so I didn't feel remorse but if I got it I would have returned it probably.