What happened?

What happened?

The catering of weebs and realizing big budget JRPGs don't make as much money as reskinned shooters and mobile games.

JRPGs are expensive to be AAA.

What happened?

The games are better. There is less reading, more engagement, more characterizations, better stories, better graphics, and at least 10x more immersive.

Go try playing a WRPG in the 90's. The games pale in scope and engagement of those created today. Try it. Skyrim gets a lot of hate, but it's actually a much better game than Morrowind.

Could we make this into a jrpg thread and not a meme thread TYVM.

Who here likes Strange Journey? I sure do!


idk man, those Infinity engine games in the 90s were pretty fucking neato

nice try shitter

Excellent arguments.

If you argue with a retarded person there is no way to win

Is anyone going to comment on the fact that both artworks are from the literal same game? no? ok then..

A downward spiral of creative inbreeding.

In the past sci-fi/fantasy-minded nips had no recourse but turning westwards for material and came out of it with classic-inspired material that had a "japanese twist".

Time passes, next generation of creative minds have a bed of japanese products to enjoy and work upon by invariably adding more japanese to it, and-so-on so-forth down until that "japanese twist" is really all that remains.

The repost is too early. This bait only really works when it's been a couple of months, in this case, 3 years. It worked 3 years ago and assblasted dozens, and worked 2 days ago. But this rapid repost is too early.

The thread 2 days ago turned into a really good jrpg thread halfway through though.

>Less reading is inherently a positive
American, please leave.

That's what I was hoping for.

Why do you keep making this thread over and over again?

what game is it? is it any good?

Moe is life.

Morrowind is a much better game than skyrim.
The only thing Skyrim got going for it is sexlab.

>Skyrim gets a lot of hate, but it's actually a much better game than Morrowind.

Todd, go away please

This OP has like a 50/50% chance to turn into a really good thread or complete dogshit.

Sadly looks like we got the second one this time.

>posting two pictures from the same game
>easily baited retards still fall for this

I like games about anime characters using the power of friendship to save the world

Those are from the same series, same game even

Looks fine to me

I sincerely believe Sup Forums blindly bashes anything they don't like. This image proves it every time, they naturally gravitate to the edgy side.

I loved FFF. Hard to justify $60 for this until I see more about it though. I was really disappointed by the lack of actual endings between the goddess and the vile god and the legendary poor performance on the PS3.

Fairy Fencer F which has a colab with yoshitaka amano, that's why it has both artwork styles and haven't played it really but I hear gameplay is a bit like Nep V

Is that game good then?

>Skyrim gets a lot of hate, but it's actually a much better game than Morrowind.

This is actually true. At least in Skyrim you can go more than 5 minutes without being swarmed by large bats, with nothing to fend them off with but a pissweak butterknife. And all the NPCs have a giant hateboner towards you for no reason at all. Fuck that game, dropped it after 10 minutes. At least you can finish Skyrim.

Could you tell me what game this is from, kind sir ?
My extensive research bears no fruit.

The game in OP is Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force. It's a good game, go buy it.

kill yourself afterwards

If anyone wonder why modern games seem to be made for retards, well, they're made for that guy and guys like him.

>5 minutes without being swarmed by large bats
>dropped it after 10 minutes
>all the NPCs
>10 minutes

Increase your baiting effort

Well you're not going to get it in OP's picture.

JRPGs have always been the same. I don't know what you're talking about. They're the equivalent of western shooters in how they're so creatively bankrupt and never change.

It's basically the same except with a bit more complex character/build developement.
Sadly that's completely unneccessary since the game is even easier than the nepgames.

>kill yourself afterwards

After what? Living a long, fullfilling life with good taste in video games? It would be moot at that point.

>I sincerely believe Sup Forums blindly bashes anything they don't like.
That's not true at all. Sup Forums blindly bashes anything just to get (You)s. It's harder to get replies to games you actually have a positive discussion about

What game is on the right?

Really? I'm finding FFF to be harder than Nep VII.

The same on the left, Fairy Fencer

Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force

post your address motherfucker, and I'll fucking buy the plane ticket and pay all the expenses to kick your ass irl.

It's a cunning ruse my friend, they're both concept art by different artists for the same game

I like cute anime games. Is the game on the left any good?

It's literally just nep with a more traditional jrpg coat of paint.

The fun fact is that in bottom left you can read "2013 Compile Heart"