Why didn't it sell well Sup Forums?

Why didn't it sell well Sup Forums?

>shit series by an overrated dev
Take a wild guess.

>Made in 1 year by platinum b-team
>Better than both Mgs 4 and phantom pain

Kojima is a hack that completely lost it after mgs 3

Platinum game

Their games just don't sell well, it's a curse.

It did sell well for a spin-off in a different genre than the main series.

Platinum makes shitty games

It did

These are some very mixed answers.

Casuals can't gid gud

reportedly sold only 300k in japan


>300k in Japan

That's good

Not enough memes, Jack.

Mediocre revue scores and a high launch price.

Metal gear has always been a westaboo series
Although MGR was the most weeb-y in the series

I bought it twice, on PS3 and PC
It was most fun I have had with a game in a long time.
It hurts to know no sequel is coming.

Not a Hideo Kojima game

Metal Gear has always been more popular in the west, and 300k is very good for just Japan.

The game sold like 1.5 mil I would warrant, which isn't crazy good but generally good for a Platinum game.

>too poor to pay 50usd for a game
this is the face of Sup Forums now

I wish I was a girl just so I could scream RULES OF NATURE in the toilet every month.
Then I pass my hand in my bloody pussy and say "It's time to Jack let er rip!"

If I check I will reborn as a girl in the next life

Use your intellect to evade my blows!

it sold about 1,5 million copies
that's quite decent for a spin off

as for why it didn't sell more, it is too japanese for the western audience and there wasn't much in terms of marketing

Because its mediocre at best

The only recent hack n slash that doesnt shit all over it is DmC

Westerns are boring people

Platinum is such an oddity. They make amazing games, they almost never sell particularly well, but the company keeps going no problem. How do they do it?