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This artstyle sucks.
I bet you love Shadman
I like gremlim dva.
The joke is plagiarism?
Oh right, it is a "reference" and a "homage".
>this middle school understanding of plagiarism
It's an edit you inflamed autist
No money is being made off of it. But even if it was making money, it would be protected by fair use
>ripping off shitty webcomics for facebook attention
why are normalfags so fucking pathetic?
You sound like a tripfag
>(it's a play on words)
Is this extreme satire or something?
undertale 2
I'm a sucker for anything with a :3 face
Sity Life #2 when?
i don't get it
I am reasonably entertained.
You should reasonably fuck off
It's based off an old comic called Calvin and hobbes, which is pretty good if you haven't read it yet.
These are frame for frame copy pastas of Calvin and Hobbes with an Overwatch theme.
They aren't original but they are well executed.
kill yourself asshole
or find a time machine and grow up with some taste this time
Lucio would work better wouldn't it?
Please see
lucio seems too chill to get mad over anything like that
>They aren't original but they are well executed.
They might be well executed but still are not funny at all compared to the original (which did not just have the obviously SAME characters as children and adults).
Hobbes/Winston in the last panel has always been the cutest and most Sup Forums thing in the world.
>Susie is Mercy
>Calvin is Mercy
>still no sauce
I'm amazed at the level of vocabulary in Calvin & Hobbes. FFS I found out recently that Watterson did a Kafka reference once, and it didn't even get translated in the french version because it was probably assumed to be too complex
wow he lifted a word from a prodigy song and read one of the 20th century's most prolific writers. watterson was truly ahead of his time