>Prep time
>Someone picks pic related
>Proceeds to shoot her team to show that she can "aim"
>Every single fucking time
Seriously, go in the game now with Ana, I guarantee she is gonna start jumping around shooting you in spawn.
Prep time
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Man op might be retarded
How is it we've gone this long without any Mother/Daughter SFM porn?
Maybe the want to warm up or something? I really don't know.
You might be autistic, just saying.
The hero is shit, every other support is better.
I also encounter an ana "main" every second game, where they instalock her and wont swap no matter what.
Its a game aimed for 13-18 year old kids, what do you expect?
Also stop with the "aiming" meme. You dont aim in Overwatch, not with those hitboxes.
are you autistic? its called entertaining yourself while waiting for the game to start
>have a pre-game ritual where i have to shoot any green gas canisters i see
>somebody willingly chooses support
>so committed to helping the team as a proper support, they begin warming up and practising their aim
>OP watches, mercy staff healing the full health reinhart, no longer secure as the most fuckable healer
>waiting in the spawn point for about 30 sec
>to pass the time, everyone is shooting something in the area
Seriously, go in the game now with any character, i guarantee they are gonna start jumping around shooting everything in spawn.
I do it as warm up and to get an idea of others' movements. Some people are more erratic. Some more predictable. Spawn's a great time to see how people will move and how I will have to move with them.
ever think that maybe it's because her healing darts have a super satisfying sound and everyone shoots shit when they're in the spawn?
Its boring at the beginning of a match.
People just dick around, you're actually autistic OP.
What a story Mark!
She isn't shit though. She has her moments. 150 healing per second from a long range is nothing to laugh at. And neither is a Nano Boosted Genji.
Every time I play as McCree I shoot any small items (basketballs, popcorn buckets, etc) that I can as a way of warming up for the match. I also shoot at my teammates to make sure I'm tracking accurately.
This isn't to let me teammates know that I'm capable but rather so I can determine what sensitivity I need to be playing at since I change by character and also by how shaky I am (nerve disorder, my hands tend to shake a lot if I have any stimulants).
They fixed the hit detection.
>show that she can "aim"
Nah i am shit at aiming, so i use prep time to practice. I have only used her two times and won both. She is not that hard. I dont understand why Sup Forums hates her.
Neither is a nano boosted Rein. Ana puts me in a tough spot as a solo support, because I have to decide which ult is more important to negate, the Nano boosted Rein, or the Genji. I won't have it up in time for both.
>hear enemy Ana ult followed by Japanese yelling
>I dont understand why Sup Forums hates her.
You've never had a shit one on your team who thinks she's an offense hero and never heals anyone.
They're probably just dicking around, who the fuck doesn't shoot everything in the spawn, try to climb up to stupid spots, or, if playing Junkrat or Soldier or Pharah, kill themselves with splash damage
>Someone picks her
>Get a gold in healing as mei
What's so hard to understand about using her?
You stupid? What else are you supped to do in spawn?
>Everyone puts their spray on the door
I like this
>prioritize healing and ulting people
>get called shit because i never damaged the enemy team
>Someone covers your spray with theirs
>You do the same
>Both of you are stuck in a never-ending loop
>Everyone puts their spray on the payload
>Including the enemy team
i thought people shot at the items in spawn because it was fun
at least, that's why i do it. i like watching the air canisters spin around wildly
>playing winston at sub 50% ult charge
>MFW ana ults me anyway
>Everyone puts their sprays together on the door and form a mosaic of weird shit happening
>Proceeds to shoot her team to show that she can "aim"
That's not why they do it. They're just killing time. I shoot people as different characters too. Or mess with the destructible stuff. Or just practice aiming a bit. You're reading into it way too much.
>widowmaker main
>never aims for head only bodyshots bc bad
>gets shit for it
>Ana comes out
>Ana can't headshot
>widow main plays her like widow and never heals
>Since it no longer says "need healer in screen nobody picks supp"
This is a real example from my placements
I just alt+tab to watch some anime during prep. I don't want wasting 30 seconds of my life watching canisters fly around the room.
You guys are pathetic.
is this porn
>this much fucking autism
holy shit op, maybe consider actually killing you're self
I did :(
>watches anime
>not pathetic
>I watch anime in 30 second spurts every 5-10 minutes because I have fuck all patience
>You guys are pathetic
>prep time
>someone picks soldier
>proceeds to sprint around in circles to prove that he can "run"
>every time
Seriously, go in the game now with Soldier. I guarantee he is gonna start sprinting around and laying down heals in spawn.
You need a nice mix of both but healing is a priority
Dont worry about it too much most people just look for a person to blame
>i pick ana
>we lose
>get blamed
>every single killcam is zarja with 100% charge
Ana is literally the best for getting blamed. Literally everyone will shit on your if you pick her no matter how well you do.
>Beginning of the match
>Start off with saying "hello!" to everyone
>Some people respond and we all feel more comfortable
>Match goes well for us
Why does it help so much?
>Prep time
>Someone picks Roadhog
>Proceeds to try to hook their team to show that she can "aim"
>Every single fucking time
Seriously, go in the game now with Roadhog, I guarantee he is is going to start jumping around and hooking you in spawn.
Pretty much.
9/10 times its the Rein or Ana's fault.
>enemy team has genji/widow/ana/no other support
>I go winston and harambedick ana+winstoncounterable damagers
>no one switches to counter me
>no one protects the ana
>when ana does sleep dart me someone breaks me out almost immediately
>"GG ana shit healer"
Every time.
And I give zero fucks.
>Prep time
>Someone picks pic related
>Proceeds to charge around to show that he can "trimp"
>Every single fucking time
Seriously, go in the game now with Demoknight, I guarantee he is gonna start charging around spychecking you in spawn.
Do you plan on being a virgin forever? Right on man Jesus rocks!
>Prep time
>Someone picks hero
>Proceeds to do anything
>Every single fucking time
Seriously, go in the game now with anybody. I guarantee that they will move around and look at things just to prove they actually are playing the game and aren't just watching you alone via some Twitch stream.
what's trimp
>Prep time
>Someone picks pic related
>Proceeds to Wall Ride to show that she can "wall ride"
>Every single fucking time
Seriously, go in the game now with LĂșcio, I guarantee he is gonna start jumping around wallriding in spawn.
Not him but roadhouse hook I'd still a giant rectangular meat magnet
God bless auto correct
>Prep time
>Someone picks pic related
>Proceeds to kill himself with his bombs
>every single fucking time
Seriously, go in the game now with anybody. I guarantee they will stand still and kill themselves in spawn.
T-this is me.
I-its so fun, I'm sorry
>Prep time
>Someone picks pic related
>Proceeds to get a 2
>every single fucking time
Seriously, go in the game now with anybody. I guarantee they will get anything but a five.
>in spawn
>ana is practicing healing me
>dodge and juke-step making her miss
Who's practicing now healslut?
Yeah thats me too
Lucio main
If a Lucio cant put his spray on the ceiling, yes ceiling, preferably the highest one in spawn, he's worthless
Insane shield charging through air thanks to wonky geometry and physics.
>Prep time
>Someone picks pic related
>Proceeds to spam her team with RM and LM
>Every single fucking time
Seriously, go in the game now with Mercy, I guarantee she is gonna start spamming her heal, just to show, that she can heal.
Raw non-telegraphed Ana ults are the worst thing in the game when you are not expecting them.
Like who the fuck Nano Boosts a Tracer. I bottled it like fuck and killed one person, which I would have done without the boost anyway. Its like being made the tank in Left4Dead, everyone is judging me, oh fuck.
I usually pick support but ever since ana patch almost every team has 2 supports auto locked in at start. I don't know whether to be impressed or upset I have to go a role I'm less skilled at.
Also, playing Ana like a tank healer (think holy pally in WoW) while your lucio heals the dps works great. Grenade + 10 quick firing shots can easily keep a roadhog or reinhardt up against 2-3 people long enough for him to eliminate them.
I have a 75% winrate with her but use her like Symmetra and Bastion, a niche pick to be used only when they shine the most then switched off when it's no longer good.
>Its not rape if its a woman doing it user, Not like anyone will believe you.
Try even attempting to play some Heroes in certain situations, before the game had even started in El Dorado Defense I was being told to change off of Tracer because Urgh.
I said I would swap off after a death, proceeded to not die the entire game and after my team died to a Junk wheel contested the payload through overtime long enough for my entire team to get back to the point and win the game. Its like they have played so fucking much with terrible players that they are triggered even fucking seeing them in team selection.
There are times when teammate jumps in front of Ana while she is trying to Boost another, thus bodyblocking the proper boost and wasting it.
Other times
>mfw I accidentally boosted out Symmetra and she proceeded to rape the enemy team with her juiced up autism beam
A good Ana can charge her ult in less than a minute so she can afford to throw them out like Candy.
>playing Genji
>use dragonblade
>kill the two enemies on the payload
>ana nanoboosts me
>everyone's dead so its a waste
>same match
>no ult no enemies around
>ana nano boosts me for some reason
>rush enemy spawn
>timer runs out as I'm making it to them
T-thanks for the speed boost, you were just helping me get to the enemy spawn faster, r-right
>wallriding Numbani airport spawnroom
Literally worth the $40 price of admission by itself.
>Prep time
>Someone picks pic related
>Proceeds to spam shoot walls to show that she has "infinite magazines"
>Every single fucking time
Seriously, go in the game now with D.Va, I guarantee she is gonna start spamming her bullets, just to show, that she doesn't need to reload.
The game needs more areas like this. just fuckloads of smooth ass surfaces that wont randomly dismount you.
>pic related
>no pic
what did he mean by this
damn pic
This is the only time Nano Boost should really be used, giving it to a Genji and nothing else. Shoving it on a Rein leaves the rest of the team completely unprotected, as he swings his hammer about like a nutter.
Nah just shove it on the Cyborg Ninja thats in every single game ever, its a given theres always going to be a Genji so you always have someone to Nano Boost and that way you can get his normally 3 kills Ult up to 4.
Stymettra is a legit nanoboost target. That autism beam maxes out at 120dps normally. the speed boost lets her keep that max damage by getting to targets faster before letting go, and the damage boost makes it even more deadly
A nanoboosted Roadhog rapes everything
I ult winstons
dicks out for harambe
>what is Soldier 76
>what is Roadhog
>what is Reaper
Genji is just good because he can zoom around the map like Goku
Soldier is probably the best because he will rape the whole team if it works out
I am so bad at this game goddamn.
Like I chose dva on kings row and proceed to jump down a pit.
Then I panic if I have to fight more than one person at a time.
and theres one in every single game and his stupid fucking Ult is a pretty much guaranteed 3 kill without being boosted, he can team wipe with it.
None of the other listed can do that.
I feel like people are overlooking the damage reduction on nana ult
The move speed is definitely nice, but the OP part is just that they can't fucking kill whoever you ult (combined with the bursty single target healing)
Uhhh most people jump around in spawn spamming their abilities OP
>Prep time
>Someone picks pic related
>Proceeds to fire a single round and toss his guns to show that he has "infinite guns"
>Every single fucking time
Seriously, go in the game now with Reaper, I guarantee he is going to start jumping around and scattering shotguns everywhere.
76 ult is weak shit and he pretty much has to make himself a easy target for it to work like Reaper but less suicidal, Genji can pretty much solo the whole team with his ult unless everyone focuses on killing him which is rare
Sorry, OP here, I'm retarded.
me too, it's ok
Why does he have shells on his belt if he just uses a whole new gun every time?
Shouldn't he just have a set of shotguns there instead?
Her ult charge is fucking obnoxious, faster than pre-nerf Mercy. Give it to a genji with his ult or a reinhardt and it's a guaranteed team wipe. Ana is a joke.
>Prep time
>Someone walks up to me
>Proceeds to spam the 'hey' emote to show that they can "communicate"
>Every single fucking time
Seriously, go in the game now with anybody, I guarantee they are gonna start spamming emotes.
Is there a private server yet
>People don't know you can cancel Reaper's reload animation
>People don't know you can cancel Roadhog's reload animation
>people do stuff during downtime instead of laying around being bored
whoa dude
>Prep time
>Someone picks pic related
>Proceeds to hover around to show that she can "fly"
>Every single fucking time
Seriously, go in the game now with Pharah, I guarantee she is gonna start jumping over you in spawn.
>not smashing the coffeecups on route 66 and destroying all the chairs on volskaya before the game starts to enchance perfornance