Why does Sup Forums love Dragons Dogma so much?

Why does Sup Forums love Dragons Dogma so much?

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its fun

It's fun.

it's fun

The same reason Morrowind/Dark Souls are two of Sup Forums's most treasured games.

Deep down, Sup Forums actually has decent taste in vidya with good gameplay. Don't let exceptions like its love for MGS/Witcher/Persona fool you, those are exceptions to the rule.

It's fun.

Pic related.

Sup Forums has the most pathetic Guts/Berzerk boner i've ever fucking seen.

Fun it is.

it's fun


Witcher 3 >>>>> this fucking trash

I find berserk overrated edgy garbage, still love DD
fuck off


Yeah user,I totally agree.Let's get out of this bread!Let's go a round of Unchartedâ„¢ together!

If it is fun you seek, fun you will find in it.

Because it pretty much is an offline MMO, very same reason they gobble up FFXII and say it is the second coming of Jesus Christ even though the game was absolutely mediocre

>inb4 "because Sup Forums is one person"
The vast majority agrees on it

>Witcher 3
Are they really that comparable?

No, witcher gameplay has always been shit, worst offender is the first game with its DDR style

>offline MMO
confirmed for never even looking at pictures of the game

Its selling point is the combat system, not being an offline MMO

>Witcher 3

I liked it on my first playthrough but it gets boring after that.

Nigger I have even made mods for the fucking game, fuck off

wtb original models of DLC armors to mod Guts and Griffith armor

>Witcher 3
Shit combat system tbqhwy

Sequel when?

Because paid shills own Sup Forums ... *cough*Overwatch*cough*

>That rage that permeates your body as you see EVERYTHING discarded from the game, even carriages and livid towns

When Capcom stops being shit

they said they wanted to make one eventually
i think

>wtb original models of DLC armors to mod Guts and Griffith armor
there are no such mods faggot. and i should fucking know since i played through the game as guts with schierke and looked everywhere for mods. there was nothing except for a recoloring of a sword so it looked like the dragon slayer

>Paid shills that started to market the game up 2 years after its second release.

>Two completely identical posts so close to one another.

How is this possible?


Capcom barely gave this game any funding at all, they couldn't afford shills even if they wanted to. But I know this is just a baitpost, so here's your (you).

>2 years
I'm pretty sure the PC port came out this year
still, anybody who honestly believes the shill meme should fucking end themselves

Its one of the rare games that gave me that childish yearning and lust for adventure. Playing through the whole game as some valiant knight who saves princesses from castles was amazing.

Its an incredibly flawed game and replaying it is beyond rough, but it is one of my all time favorites.

Capcom shit practices are widely known, that's why

>he doesn't know

It's fun.

Also it's made ny Itsuno.

>>inb4 "because Sup Forums is one person"The vast majority agrees on it

No, no... sorry..... you can't inb4 that, faggot.

>Sup Forums is actually a combination of people who are paid to pretend they like certain games, and the retards who fall for their shit (then ask mommy to buy it for them).

Oh user

There are actually shills and it has been proved, that is why everyone in Sup Forums is pretty paranoid about everything nowadays, hell, there are even divisions that spam internet forums (reddit mostly) to promote games

It's a comfy monster killing simulator, you chucklecuck.

What happened

BBI is trash

People had their hopes up again for a sequel only to have it shattered into pieces in the most ridiculous way.


you poor soul

>Also it's made ny Itsuno.

Bingo... caught red handed.

>Fools that pretend to like something to support a programmer they have been conditioned to think is "cool".

This is why people pretend to like pretty much any game on Sup Forums... to role play as part of the hive mind.

>Real gamers skip this game... don't let them fool you.

Capcom is too cruel.

T-thanks anons, I didn't know. N-now please, excuse me...

>Paid shills that started to market the game up 2 years after its second release

Wow... Capcom re-releasing the same shit instead of making actual sequels? Oh, they've never done that before! You got me!

>I can't wait for Super Dragon's Dogma Ultra Championship Arcade Edition!

Fuck you.

>Project palm
>smartphone aimed at girls
>not a VR sex game


>Capcom barely gave this game any funding at all, they couldn't afford shills even if they wanted to

Sure... they don't need to. They rely on young idiots (like yourself) to spread bad info and recommend shitty games (an offline MMO).



Gameplay is among the best 3rd person action combat ever. Magic feels very powerful and rewarding to use. Unique and intricate Pawn system. Memorable NPCs. Some say the world is very boring but I thought it was alive and very fun to explore, especially with the day/night cycles.

So what do you get for spreading bad information?

Oh no... you got me!! I don't know (or give a fuck)who he is!

>I don't play games to support names. kys

I get the alpha male non fag super ultra championship edition belt... and your mother.

Please kill yourself

Is this some new tumblr meme

Not even in the PC release sick bait senpai

You should have just told me you were just shitposting for attention, I would have understood user.

How would your mom support herself if I did that? ...you're the reason I won't ever marry her. Move out already!!

Shitposting for attention on an anonymous message board... your power level is so low.

Itsuno is a fucking director though

He also made DMC3 and 4, two games generally well liked on Sup Forums aswell.

It's fun.

It's been around for a while, but summerfags keep telling everyone how much it hurts their butts(hint, hint) so people troll them with it. Good job perpetuating it by asking.

DMC3 and 4 were only "better" than 1 and 2 for graphical reasons, which is why they needed to do a complete reboot (that failed miserably). Shit, even Castlevania Lord's of Shadow and Dante's Inferno were better than DMC3 or 4. You're insane.

has more depth than dd's combat system. if you say otherwise you're just proving to everyone that you're full of shit. in dd it's literally just mashing one button for hours and spamming curatives. yes, in tw3 you can cheese by using twirl and/or quen, but you don't have to do that. no matter what you're spamming one button in dd

I am a vore fetishist

>food analogy
I aaay lmao'd

>DMC3 and 4 were only "better" than 1 and 2 for graphical reasons

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about, DMC2 is total trash and DMC1 actually has better graphics than DMC3 most of the time because DMC1 has a locked camera up in corners.


>that first time you see the hydra
>the squirming bulges going down the throat

>no matter what you're spamming one button in dd

Have we played the same game? You have plenty of cool skills and calsses and you can climb shit. No way I am spamming one button there.

In Witcher however you just stunlock your enemies by hacking and hacking and slashing until the die (or you do, from boredom).

why is this the new game being shilled?

I mean I'm so glad that overwatch shilling is slowing down, but is this garbage fucking game on sale or something

its creepy and weird that something this low quality is getting heavily shilled, it must be some new advertising thing they're trying, just to see what happens

Yes, CLEARLY... because your opinion differs from mine. You must be right.

Sup Forums loves dragons dogma because it tries its best.
Even when it was console exclusive 30fps locked $60 re-buy for DLC it was beloved because it goes for big ideas even if the execution is a little flaky.
Pawns have a sparse handful of lines, online pawns are mediocre if raised poorly and mostly cosmetic, the pool of monsters is fairly shallow, the difficulty curve goes out the window by mid game (even -faster- if you are playing on hard), there are maybe 18 quests and the affection system is a steaming wreck of hilarious mishaps, but it really really REALLY is trying to be a cool game that is different from the rest
Basically what says. I love janky garbage with big ideas more than mechanically sound passionless games.

>The fucking Evil Eye tentacles that try to swallow you
>Mimics in general
>Ogres kidnapping women and eating them
>The list goes on
This game was good for my boner. On top of being a pretty solid game in general, of course.

>didn't read berserk
>it's edgy!

oh boy you can climb shit just to mash one literally one button and spam curatives. dd is flashy. that's all it is. there's no depth at all. besides, climbing is a useless gimmick most of the time

damn i love that gigantomaniac japanese monster design... japs are the only ones who get giant monsters right. which other games have scary giant bosses like in DD and DaS?

Shadow of the Colossus is scary giant bosses: the game

So guys, how about that Project Palm?

>Yes, CLEARLY... because your opinion differs from mine. You must be right

A person who prefers DMC2 over DMC3 or 4 can't be anything other than wrong. And I'm saying that knowing Itsuno partially directed DMC2.

le captain obvious

Phantasy Star Online.......

It's fun. Every time you travelled to a new area it was like a grand adventure. Pawns are cute and how they learn and improve was cool.
Good selection of armour and weapons. Combat was great with good skill diversity. I really liked what little story was there.
Stuff like eternal cycles and multi-layer universes aren't all the common plus everything seemed tied together quite neatly.

It was a fantastic game and I loved every second of it. I kind of feel it came out a console generation too early since it was a clear victim of old hardware.

So, I'm wrong because you daydream about sucking off Itsuno? I could care less.

Nice false flag fag.

Define "depth". I mean, what would DD's combat need to have for you to say it had "depth"?

>I could care less.

So you do care is what you're saying?

Capcom was a fucking mistake

he means he cares, but not much and could possibly care less than he already does, meaning whatever youre doing isnt that important to him. i dont understand why no one understands that phrase

He understood it... he's just role playing that he doesn't, because he has no real comeback.

...and he never denied wanting to suck off Itsuno. Food for thought.

>I dont understand why no one understands that phrase

Because the saying goes "I could not care less" or "I couldn't care less" not "I could care less"

Saying "I could care less" makes no fucking sense what so ever, it's a phrase that implies either the opposite or nothing at all.

Wrong... it means I care, but I COULD care less...... for example.

>I don't care about Dragon's Dogma.
>I care less about you, though.

Hence, "I could care less about Dragon's Dogma."

Fuck off back to your mother's tit.

>there could not possibly be two different sayings

Sorry, but you're either a kid or retarded.

Have some sort of grasp on the English language if you plan to lecture somebody on it.

I guess saying "I COULDN'T care less" about something I'm CURRENTLY DISCUSSING is somehow possible on whatever planet Itsuno's boyfriend comes from.

its shit
single player mmo