Will Civ 6 be good?

Will Civ 6 be good?

There are some interesting ideas, but the graphics are just bad.

Depends how good mod support is.

If they make it more accessible and widespread then before with easier and better integration for created civs and units etc and fully embace Steam Workshop integration there's some new potential there.

If not, I'm still hoping someone will mod Gilgamesh into the FF V Gilgamesh.

Why is Teddy so fucking fat? It's like they're confusing him for Taft.

Man they can make a killing on mods if they really wanted to. It's the perfect game to reintroduce paid mods (stealthily) alongside free mods.

Vicky looking wider than Teddy or Qin

why is this allowed Sup Forums?


it's called art style.

Why isnt Cleopatra black?

Why do you think some ugly white men and a trans woman is better than a pure woman who loves France?

i want to cum inside catherine

push the women quota

i feel bad for that one guy in every civ thread who keeps trying to b8 people with cleo

Artstyle > relsitc cinematic garfix

They should've contacted the Fall From Heaven guy and worked alongside him during the final dev cycles to work out their mod support and allow him to make changes as extensive as what Fall From Heaven does in a reasonable way using their mod system so that not only massive conversions like that are possible but the guy could basically produce a great version of it for Civ VI that they could sell as DLC in partnership with him pretty early on.

He was actually Spanish

I would fuck Cleopatra

Actually this time it doesn't have to do with "muh soggy knee" but the fact that she's kind of the lead devs waifu? Like he's made tons of other stuff where he pushes her like mad and she's leader of France.


Yep. It's pretty brilliant, but doubt it would happen.

Maybe. I hope they re-instate multiple leaders per civ. If Brazil really is in the base game I would want a second one, since Pedro 2 a shit, give me Getulio Dornelles Vargas.
Other than that I just hope it wont be bad or to at least not needing two expansion packs to make it playable.

After the obligatory DLC and expansions. Sure.

I think the new graphics look pretty good. Less muddy than the old ones at least.

Sadly Civ6's artstyle when it's about the leader is fucking trash

>Born to Italians
>Corsica was conquered by France the same year he was born
>Bonaparte translates to "good part"

The new gameplay mechanics seemed interesting when I saw 'em, but it didn't strike me as "shit I need to pay $60 to upgrade a series I play only occasionally." And the leaders almost all look atrocious. And what's with some of these pics? "Big Brother Theodore" instead of, say, Abe Lincoln with a TOTAL FREEDOM personality? And France isn't an expansionist Napoleon? I just don't like the choices. And then there's the graphics which I found offputting.

I think only someone spends 50%+ of all their gametime in Civ can justify that purchase, it's nothing like IV -> V

Yeah if anything V proved a step backwards from that, since IV at least had the Colonization total conversion they sold.

If they actually went big on moddability they could just have that for VI again as a kind of half-price game/DLC that runs on VI, same with Fall From Heaven and maybe someone will even feel like making an Alpha Centauri mod.

fair enough
The art style is shit

>nationality of parents determine your nationality
That's not how it works unfortunately.
Corsica is French therefore Napoleon is French.

It sure as fuck has done it in people's minds thorough history.

What about people born in the Elsace, hmmmmm?

>What about people born in the Elsace, hmmmmm?
They are french, you fucking kraut.

>6th Civ game
>still won't do changing outfits for leaders based on era they're in as Civ 1 did.

This is why I said unfortunately, but that's not the case.

If you born there now, regardless if your parents aren't French, you'd be French.

>That's not how it works unfortunately.
except it does, a nation doesn't need a territory for it to exist, therefore the place you were born doesn't ultimately determine your nationality

What about people who were born to German parents in say... Königsberg, when it suddenly became part of Poland and became Kaliningrad.

They were German, right? Because their parents were. Even though that place was now Poland.

See how parentage matters?

Yeah I don't get why they aren't doing so. They make more money, and they can keep pushing out their expansions for even more money.

Vanilla? No.
With DLC? Most likely.

Delete this.

The only time it's debatable is if you are born on international waters, or the nation you were born in has been absorbed or destroyed.

I'm fairly excited for it. But we'll see how much shit is left out for the inevitable DLCs

says who?

Depends. If it's Poland when the person was born, you're Polish.

A Civ game without Napoopan? Is Firaxis nuts. Like Napoleon is in the top 5 of most iconic leaders period.

This would be like skipping Ghandi IMO. Are we going to have multiple leaders per Civ ala IV?

>immigrants live in an Algierian ghetto in France
>have a baby
>raise it in Algerian culture, at home speak primarily Arabic
>child is therefore a French citizen but has Algerian nationality
nationality isn't determined formally, it's generally dependent on the cultural circle the person was raised in or identifies with

I wouldn't be against having a different Indian leader for once

Algerian immigrants ofc

Say's all international law. You can argue that "parents lineage is paramount" all you want, but unfortunately that simply is not the case.

mobile goty

Those seductive eyes when she looks down at your penis and then stroked her neck.

Holy shit this looks like garbage lmao

I'm not sure I would agree. I have a friend who was born in Denmark, but who grew up in Sweden. Nobody considers him Danish. Not me, not him, not the Swedes, not the Danes, not the Finns. To the world he is Swedish, and nobody would know he was Danish if it wasn't stamped on his passport.

So to me, your culture and growth has way more weight than where you happened to have been born.

They are French. They should be Algerian of course, but international citizenship law dictates otherwise.

Of course individual nations determine what constitutes their territory. If you were born Kashmir, someone will say you are Pakistani, others would say you're Indian.

I don't know why you're replying to me, I argued the same point

Meant to quote Sorry.

h-mods when

German Man and German Woman living there. Woman is 9 month pregnant, cannot travel. Country became Poland 3 days ago.

Gives birth.

Child is Polish?

>international citizenship law
we're arguing nationality not citizenship

Instead of Gandhi, it'll be

You all seem to be forgetting, I agree with you guys.

But the law says otherwise. You can culturally, linguistically and politically be linked to one nation, but if you aren't born there, tough, unless you take citizenship in that other country.

Wouldn't everyone just be wearing suits at the end game?

Out of the two, she's the one who actually at one point was the leader of her country.

Except for the Queen of England and the like.

Also whatever it is Kim Jong Un wears. Those weird black plastic-wrap looking suits.

She was Greek.

Your nationality is your citizenship though, even though it really shouldn't be. Nationality should be determined by your parents lineage, but is isn't.

Yes. Read up on the incident involving the former crown prince of Yugoslavia. His mother was pregnant in London, but Yugoslav law dictated he had to born on their soil in order to become king. Therefore for 3 days, the British government ceded a hotel room in London to Yugoslavia, so that the child could be born on Yugoslav soil.

Now you're arguing Yugoslav crown succession laws, not nationality.

It is nationality though. He would have been British if not for this change.

Nationality just means belonging to a specific country or state. Usually meaning you can participate in politics and land ownership and shit.

How its determined varies from country to country so this argument is pointless.

But is she a meme?

I would like to see Inspector Clouseau.

I don't get why they don't have multiple potential leaders for each country. Aside from laziness.

They could even have each leader have a different AI.

The worst one by far is Victoria, she looks like some bowling-alley tier character design.

But at least Cleopatra is giving me wood.

>People think this looks good

I am kind of getting a Tropico vibe from the character designs

A bit pissed they always do half a dozen Civ's to leave room from the DLC cashgrab, as always it will only pass Civ 5 after all the expansions, as was the case when vanilla 5 came out and full fledged 4 was miles better

Why not have queen victoria as a leader for India? That'd be fun.

ITT there will be
>bitching about how France's leader is Italian even though it has been like that since Civ 1
>bitching about "literal whos" by uneducated retards
>bitching about "female quota"

only after 3 years of dlc and updates

obligatory post of leaked leaders

tell firaxis how you feel

they will respond

>This triggers the curry
Also POO IN THE LOO ability when?



>If you're born in Africa in a French colony, you identify as French


why are western devs so shit at making female faces

you haven't refuted a single one of those points, redditor



Woops my parents were on holiday to Zimbabwe when they had me, now I'm Zimbabwean!

are you fucking retarded?

what points? there's nothing to refute here

>everyone is wrong because I say so

what the fuck are you on about?

Why is there just a civet

some joke with Civ - civet? no idea

Why isn't cleo black?

because the devs are FUCKING RACISTS


hyped for the civ guys to try to sell me the same DLCs all over again? no thanks

>karolus magnus
>a german

How is Charlemagne not germanic, exactly?

das rite!!!!