Shilling doesn't exist on Sup Forums, they said

shilling doesn't exist on Sup Forums, they said

Other urls found in this thread:

>That last one

>no con tent

You autists are the ones keeping those threads alive.

i think its just shitposting
dont believe that people get actually paid to shill on Sup Forums, it has actually the opposite effect

Just. Buy. It.™

>b8 threads
>oh look another b8 thread about the b8 thread

what's next, posting battleborn threads claiming it's shilling?

(fwiw, shilling does happen, but this isn't an example - a better example would be the nvidiaposting)

I think almost all of those threads are ironic

When the mods openly shill for Nintendo products there's really no point in bitching about random interns coming here.

It's going to happened regardless of what you do. it's fun to screw with them sometimes. But some really autistic faggots just lose their shit at anyone starting a thread asking for discuss these days

>this isn't an example
>these other examples are examples
you're not helping your case here

people don't get paid post by post, but viraling on Sup Forums, reddit, facebook, twitter, blogs, etc is absolutely in certain marketing strategies. It's more about creating awareness and getting as many eyes on the product as possible than it is to make everyone on Sup Forums buy the game. Watch_Dogs 2 had some pretty heavy "shilling" and several obviously copy/pasted posts and threads leading up to E3 and they've completely stopped after the ubisoft press conference. It's all part of their marketing strategies.

source: i make marketing strategies (although ive never worked on marketing a game and ive never made a strategy personally that uses Sup Forums, but ive used facebook reddit twitter and blog comment sections for shilling purposes)

it's shitposting all the way down user, there's no fighting it. just endless layers or irony

it's not shilling because they're obviously b8 threads because people (imo understandably) enjoy shitposting about NMS

>OK last thread got filled with haters but let's try this again!
>Why does everyone haet my game? You can literally d... do anything...

You can see the hope being crushed thread by thread it's hilarious

>people thing marketers don't use Sup Forums

Nobody thinks that they don't, everyone knows that they do

Wouldn't surprise me if Ubisoft does. Feels like Siege and The Division (and even The Crew) got a lot of fake Internet momentum.

But it really feels like WD2 is gonna bomb either way so meh.

>b8 threads can't be shill threads too
>b8 threads don't attract the most people to talk about a game
>b8 hasn't ever been used before to shill a product

ironic shitposting is still shitposting
ironic marketing is still marketing

people enjoy shitposting about nvidia but that doesn't make your example any less valid

So you know what a "smear campaign" is? Here's a primer. Come back when you've read it.

Just as bad as all the overwatch shit and Sup Forums garbage on this board.

I completely hate with all my heart. Smear campaigns.

A guy getting paid to make either everyone supporting the game look autistic, or just shitpost as loud as possible.

Sup Forums has become the new Sup Forums. It's just marketing. A battleground for product placement. We're not a community so much as we're civilians among shadow agents planting ideas and shit in our head. The moderation is in on it too. Shadow government shadow agents. We just come here to get confused and angry until we leave.

It's worse than Undertale was. Or the Skullgirls 2 kickstarter.

I wish the game would quit being delayed and come the fuck out so we can sit through the month of post-release shilling and then get on with our lives.

What did I tell you motherfuckers? Sony does this sort of thing all the time.

>But... it's just ironic shitposting

I am myself a shitposter, and know that's bullshit.

Take for example, Operation Kowashita, the Tokyo Mirage Sessions campaign. How shitposting generally works is that you take one, general idea and keep running with it. For Operation Kowashita's schtick was that TMS was going to outsell Persona 5... and when it came out, he said the game met it's goals because '100,000 units sold is still more than zero!'

It was funny because of how out there it was, and it remains my favorite line of shitposting this year. Props to you. But what makes NMS stick out from that is that there a number of different threads being made at the same time covering the same general topic. We saw the same thing with Undertale, Overwatch, and to a much lesser extent Stardew Valley in which several threads come up everyday talking about how 'hype' the game is, and don't really elaborate on why, because they are shills and NOT actual enthusiasts.

Don't believe their lies.

>It's just marketing.
welcome to the internet

welp the shitposting namefag is here, thread over everybody go home

People don't remember the old borderlands viral marketing threads? It's always been around on Sup Forums

XSeed admitted to advertising here. A ton of indie games like Minecraft, Risk of Rain, Terraria and Dungeons of Dredmor were advertised here. We even use to have a community manager for EA be a mod on Sup Forums.

You can't rape in No Man's Sky.
You can't start a eugenics program in No Man's Sky.
You can't be a serial killer and be hunted in No Man's Sky.

You can't do literally anything in No Man's Sky.

>Sup Forums has become the new Sup Forums. It's just marketing.
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, rather than admitting it's just cunts being cunts at other cunts. It's the EVIL CORPORATION FAULT.

You people are absolutely pathetic. This is by far the most pathetic board on the entire fucking site, and you sorry fucks can't even fucking admit that you are just being incredibly shitty people.

There amount of marketing here is completely negligible. Nobody would fucking waste their money on something like that. EVERYTHING you see here is product of people doing literally everything possible to just be unpleasant and annoying to other people, and participating on endless shit-dance routines because that is all you cretins can do.

No evil corporations, no marketing. You people are just pure garbage. At least have the fucking dignity to admit it to yourself.


t. Schlomo Shillberg shekelstein

>When you pay for a game, you pay for the right to download it, not for the right to play it, it should be an additional price

W-What kind of fucked up thinking is this?

>This is by far the most pathetic board on the entire fucking site

Sup Forums is a trashcan but cmon

There's a reason the word "sonyger" is a thing.