>250HP for an offense hero
>can pick up health packs in Wraith Form
>on top of being able to heal himself with every kill
Is he the most broken Overwatch hero right now?
>250HP for an offense hero
>can pick up health packs in Wraith Form
>on top of being able to heal himself with every kill
Is he the most broken Overwatch hero right now?
Other urls found in this thread:
No and youre retarded
who fucking cares.
and yet he can get shredded by multiple heroes if the player is even remotely competent
Reaper is pretty much a melee fighter like Reinhardt.
Anything past 15 feet away and his guns do no damage.
The niggas range is like 5 feet, are you one of those morons that can't move and shoot at the same time?
You forgot to mention that he's slow as fuck for an offense hero and needs to be under 5 feet away to do anything
Is Lucio a counter to Reaper?
Just boop him back and heal yourself while shooting his head.
unless he gets the drop on you from behind, yeah.
t. heavy lucio & reaper player
If your team has eyes and ears then Reaper shouldn't be an issue. He has to get in your face to do anything.
Got a hearty chuckle out of me
Everyone except Tracer and Genji moves at the exact same speed
Effective Reaper counters
>Freeze, emote "Hello", headshot
>Just shoot him and back pedal
>Stun then fan
>Trap and ggnore
Roadhog(soft counter)
>Save hook for AFTER he's used Wraith Form
>try to stay at alt fire distance until then
Are you on drugs?
Even if he was he's still right.
It's true senpai.
>Roadhog soft counters Reaper
>Mei countering anyone
That's a funny joke nigga.
He's right if we're talking about passive movement speed
Actively it's Reinhardt I believe
Back up 5 feet retard
>"Death..... CUMS"
What did he mean by this?
No, you fucking unobservant mouth breather
>Base movement speed is 5.5 (6 for Genji and Tracer), base crouched movement speed is 3 for all heroes. Note that Lucio speed boost gives a 30% increase and a 110% increase when amped up.
wait is this from the new Batman telltale?
tales from memelands
He has more HP than the other offense heroes because he only does damage at close range. His guns do absolutely jack shit at even mid range.
>he cant counter people with mei
bad mei player spotted
I quite like zen for dealing with him.
>Effective Reaper counters
Wraiths out of freeze
Wraiths away at half health
Have to land every shot of FtH
Wraiths in trap and waits until it breaks then gets away
>Roadhog(soft counter)
No. Mei doesn't have the capability to counter anyone other than shitty players.
>See Mei a up close
>kill her because it takes forever to freeze people
>see a Mei from a distance
>shoot her while walking back and forth because there's a DELAY before she can fire a PROJECTILE
>even if it hits me it doesn't matter because the damage falloff is ridiculous
Her abilities don't do anything other than stalling a point or seperating your team so more competent heroes can kill them. Mei is shit.
And while you're putting in all the effort to deal with ONE hero, another hero comes along and kills you before you can :^)
>t. rank 40
Mei has an edge against Edgeman, just keep agile while applying the freeze and he won't be able to kill you before either wraith or ice block.
It's like it doesn't have a set time when it wears off so you can easily deal with him!
>Is he the most broken Overwatch hero right now?
McCree is the strongest hero now, he is better than reaper at CQC and is better than snipers at long range.
>have to hit every shot of FtH
What, you shit at aiming or something, son?
No, he's just the edgy teenager class of choice, and the only effective tank killer right now
>base crouched movement speed is 3 for all heroes
Is there any reason to crouch in this game?
>effective tank killer
lol no, McCree is better, and Zen is the best tank killer atm
>Can't crouch with D.va's mech
>It's a retards still cry about 1v1 in a team based game thread
Don't get isolated against an offensive hero and you're fine, 2 people can BTFO of reaper and he's shit in a team situation because he has to get so close
>calling someone who knows Mei is garbage sub 40
Enough of these jokes dude.
At best it's even because Mei heals and Reaper fucks off with wraith form afterwards and at worst Reaper wins because he can shoot her in the face twice and she dies and Mei can't freeze him fast enough.
occasionally there is cover that you can use if you crouch but its better to just take one or two steps back instead since those are mostly one or two stairs up
>be winston
>get play of the game
>it was just me running around getting 3 killing blows for 2 damage each with my zappy gun when earlier i knocked 4 people off ledges with my ult
Except these arent counters.
The counter to reaper is to stay a distance.
I guess pharah is a counter in this respect.
You're right, Mei is a trash pick, but one of the few things she shines at is fucking with Reaper.
Crouching hides the sound of your footsteps fampaitachi.
When you crouch you make zero noise from footsteps so if you are trying to sneak up on someone in this arena shooter (which is never) its good for that.
no one listens to those anyway, I've literally met one guy in 50 hours of game time who noticed me running up from behind
time is more important in this game
I hope this is a bait and you're not this bad desu senpai.
Useful for finding a sneaky Reaper
Honestly I feel like the games in a decent place now. I feel like Winston could use a slight buff but that's it. Ever since d.va became good again she kind of occupies the same slot as him
What distance do footsteps start being audible?
MC Ree can take him down pretty easily
Depends on the Hero. Tanks are loud as fuck. Reaper is pretty loud. Zenyatta is always silent unless he falls from a certain height.
Balance-wise, sure. Player-wise, still sucks.
>Pick Genji
>Do well
>Suddenly realise the enemy can afford to send 3 people to hunt me down without the objective getting pushed
>Check team comp
>Some dude decided to be a second genji, our support switched to a sniper and our offense hero keeps trying to 1v3
I'm glad they buffed Zenyatta. It's actually fesible to carry an entire team when you're joint healer and primary DPS.
in Overwatch form
>Quick play
Found your problem
it's stale pasta
Thought I'd let you guys know that pretty much 100% of whats posted here is wrong. You're actually all garbage and have never went up against good players in your life so you wouldn't know anything about anything.
Idiots unironically saying that Mei or Mccree saying they counter him just don't actually play the game at any relevant level. The hero has a stranglehold on current metagame because of his amazing kit and spoiler there's a fucking reason why hes the highest winrate % offense hero.
All the fucking stats are on real stat trackers and you animals still think your anecdotal personal experience in the 30s bracket is indicative of actual game balance.
just fucking kys
I don't know if Genji is the most borken hero right now but I'm tired of seeing him every fucking game.
here's your (you)
Having fun at rank 32?
What if Reaper was an octopus with 8 shotguns?
this desu
If you guys want to know which heroes are strong don't ask for random people's opinion, look at the actual numbers instead.
I agree. Reaper isn't a problem at low levels but the higher skilled reapers absolutely shit on every other class. He doesn't even have to be that close to do good damage, he shreds tanks and squishies, and he can easily escape or flank more highly damaging characters with ease. If he has a good team with him it's gg.
The vast majority of Genji players saw a few seagull streams and try to emulate what he does but don't realize he also has thousands of hours of top level TF2 and hundreds in the closed beta under his belt.
Plus Seagull queues with a group of people who are good at the game.
a skilled mcree shuts down a reaper every time. 140 damage headshots+ flashbang is just so powerful.
Zen is such a good counter to like most ults.
>enemy team tries to stack a Zarya and Pharrah ult
>One sec, my team is experiencing tranquility
nice dude thanks for your anecdotal evidence and lack of actual game experience
meanwhile in the real world
but he's right and your chart does nothing to prove him wrong.
>other team has rank 80 genji or tracer
gg brb deranking
>Health Packs can no longer be picked up in Wraith form
>Souls can no longer be consumed when not in Wraith form
Did I balance Reaper guys?
>skilled reapers
yeah dude I'm sure "he" is right.
i mean the fact that the hero nearly got picked twice as less prior to the patch is completely irrelevant right.
Oh that big spike? surely has nothing to do with the fact that they buffed his long range which has nothing to do with Reaper... oh what? The pharah, a hero countered by long range efficiency went down at the exact same day???? wtf pure coincidence
I'm also sure that the recent patch which toned down his long range and brought Mccree back to a reasonable level with a slight +2m effective range increase is going to have a big difference on the dichotomy between both Offense heroes.
But they buffed fan, right? Wow I sure do welcome you to run the numbers on how efficient that is against a reaper.
But right....What does that matter all these changes make no difference in how reapers and Mccrees fight each other??? Surely that can't be substantiated with the fact that the reaper pickrate hasn't fluctuated at all across all the different patches??????????
youre fucking garbage
All I want to know is when are they going to re-implement avoid functionality? I'm looking to play a decent game, but aren't a tryhard enough to bother with comp. Having to deal with randos who play double torbjorns on control maps rustles me real bad. I don't want to ever see them again.
Why did that single WM player have to ruin it for everyone?
Just don't get close to him
A hero can be both garbage and good at specific things
Mei is pretty gud at raping close range enemies, just sucks at most everything else and isn't worth the slot at the end of the day
Nah, he should at least be able to pick up souls. Those things barely fucking heal you.
I agree about health packs though.
>no one listens to those anyway
Try leaving retard ranks
Enemy footsteps are even amped up in volume
>loli pharah will never destroy your asspussy forever with her enormous futa cock
why live
So your amazing chart shows that reaper is picked ~2.5% more than Mccree overall?
This clearly means he's overpowered and not just that he's easier to use and thus picked more at lower levels.
>People complain about any hero at all when tumblr dyke exists
>Can make herself and her teammates invulnerable for 2 seconds with a 20% uptime
>Does assault hero levels of damage on a tank character
>Half her entire enormous health pool regens
>Has the most game winning ult in the game
>Is good in almost any situation
>No one seems to give a shit
The latency and or netcode in this game is so fucked you can combo someone down with roadhog before they can use their escape abilities like wraith form or mei's ice block a lot of the time.
Is this bait? If you attempt to run up to his face and shoot him, or he catches you from behind unaware... yeah he will kill you
ANY other situation he is pretty easy to avoid or kill, heck I kill him a LOT as symettra without turrets
Like zero fucking damage and normies don't understand her abilities
>200 hp
It's pretty stronk but come on
Did TF2 see this much shit-flinging between patches?
>zen shot up that much since I last saw one of these
Hot damn. Maybe I should come back and play my boy Zen.
Being a Zarya player if suffering. Everyone I ever play with just runs off on their own, out of my shield range. I want to protect you and give myself charge. Quit running off to 1v1 a Roadhog around the corner where I can't help you!
>enemy has 2 zaryas
>can't shoot anyone for all the bubbles all over the place
Zen is god tier this patch.
thats cute how you intentionally picked the stat where Mccree had the highest pickrate ever because of the absolutely retarded buff they gave him that was rolled back a week later. real cute fruitcake but unfortunately for you I'm not garbage at the game and notice these trends.
also chump that's from qualifiers and tournaments, if you even bothered looking at the information below. real cute how that's a pickrate and not a winrate stat
stellar job at making yourself look like an idiot
Maybe you should look at the stats that actually matter instead of the ones that take into account every shitter who's spent three minutes in the game.
if everyone is op, then nobody is op
He's a straight balla now
>thats cute how you intentionally picked the stat where Mccree had the highest pickrate ever because of the absolutely retarded buff they gave him that was rolled back a week later.
I keep forgetting this is european hours so all the arguments are just garbage...
>2v1 gives the bigger group an advantage
No shit
I'm mostly matched up against people around 80-150