Let's talk about your hopes and dreams for the MGSV Definitive Edition, no matter how unrealistic they might be. It's fun to fantasize about what could have been.
Will pic related finally happen, Sup Forums?
Let's talk about your hopes and dreams for the MGSV Definitive Edition, no matter how unrealistic they might be. It's fun to fantasize about what could have been.
Will pic related finally happen, Sup Forums?
I think the best we're gonna realistically get is Konami stop fudging the numbers and allow disarmament.
Considering the cut scenes are all nearly done I'd really love Episode 51, but I really doubt we'll get anything new.
Such lust for cut content.... :(
I just want the Kingdom of the Flies episode.
To be realistic it has the most likely chance of happening considering assets already exist as well as the audio. Same with Battle Gear.
I think episode 51 has the most feasible chance of any of the cut content of making it into this version. Battle Gear would be good too.
Definitive Edition will just be GZ + TPP in one game. Don't expect anything else.
You joostfags are pathetic, if you had any understanding of underlying narrative you would notice that Venom Snake has nothing but disdain for Quiet, she loves him but he doesn't love her back, her dying alone and heart broken was always part of his revenge plan.
Snake slowly manipulated Quiet's feelings of hate for what happened to her into feelings of guilt for doing he stuff she did to him, and then those feelings become love to which he rejects her, just as he planned, making her lonely and depressed and suicidal, when she finally tries to kill herself she fails, and when Snake goes to """save""" Quiet, she is misled to believe that Snake wanted to bring her back, when the only thing he was really there to do was stab her in the back.
She was less than nothing. She wasn't even a diamond dog. She didn't belong anywhere.
my hopes and dreams are
>Remove Quiet
>Remove Skullface
>Remove Venom Snake/Medic
>Remake the game and actually show how and why Big Boss turned into an evil faggot.
to add to this:
>Remove open world
>Don't spend 50 million in shit 80s music licensing
I hate that they don't answer this well and never will because no more games.
I literally finished the game for the first time about 20 minutes ago (put it off cos school) and it has answered roughly 0 questions I had about the whole series while being not that fun to play as a game.
level editor
Still hurts.
There wasn't really a missing link anyway. Besides, we see Big Boss being a somewhat "evil faggot" in MGSV anyway. We don't see him bathing in Russian or Cipher blood or whatever, but his behavior is pretty villainous.
MGS3 and PW gave us plenty of explanation anyway.
Big Boss going "evil" isn't the only thing people wanted though. We wanted Solid Snake and shit.
>"Oh, and yknow the thing about chaos? It's beer."
What did he mean by this when he said it?
I wouldn't have said that we didn't get a missing link because nobody really thought there should've been one. That is until MGSV came out, which has raised more questions than answered.
Like one second we're all for nuclear disarmament, then he's buildings Metal Gears?
Only reasonable explanation I can think of is that he only wants to get rid of other countries' nukes.
What do you all think was supposed to happen after kingdom of flies? It wasn't really even an ending to the game. How much was cut?
What the fuck was up with liquid snake going "IT'S NOT OVER YET!" over a picture of the twin towers?
There are too many weird things about this game and it's development.
Well you're not smart enough to achieve it yourself so you might as well die.
>Anything goes
You asked for it OP:
Better writing
Better pacing
Better Side Ops
Snow Map
More bosses/3rd Volgin fight
Better chapter 2
Mission 51
Mission 46 not being a total rehash
Useable battle gear
More alive and interactive maps and motherbase
Simple dialogue options for Venom Snake (See Uncharted 4)
More fleshed out FOB system
More buddies
Ocelot not being flat as a board
Being able to return to Camp Omega
>What do you all think was supposed to happen after kingdom of flies?
The hit in the head Massive Medic gets triggers his real memories. Paz will required with a revisit to camp Omega. This leads to the truth mission.
The pacing was so fucking shit, open world was a mistake
>At the top of everyone's list to fix the game is remove Quiet
Don't you think there is enough removed content already user?
It's a GZ & TPP bundle with the DLC included. Anyone expecting more is retarded and is setting themselves up for disappointment.
At best you will get that Sahelanthropus cutscene from the collectors edition bluray. Probably crowbarred into Africa or Afghanistan with no in universe justification for the change.
Are you really going to buy that shit?
she adds nothing to the game
she's a literal autist that makes 0 sense
she's only in the game as an excuse for kojima to release a load on joosten's face.
skullface was okay until the autistic jeep ride and the whole "he was a scout in mgs3 feeding us info before you went into the area", completely ruining big boss's achievements.
Nothing, can't beat perfection
Feel sorry for you sad fucks not being able to enjoy the game of the decade
I really wish they put in Ocelot as a buddy character. I don't really know how he would work, but I just want to go in revolvers blazing with him.
and venom never had sex with her.
I thought for the sure that the real Bowie edition of The Man Who Sold the World would play at the end, or during the Truth mission, with the "fake" (cover) version is the one that plays at the beginning of the game. But they couldn't even license the real Bowie version.
One thing i loved about V vas Skullface's voice actor, you just want him to keep on talking
Gah, so many lost opportunities of cameos and characters from MG1/MG2/MGS1 that could have made an appearance.
Instead we got a big fucking fake lie of a game.
Fuck you, Kojima.
I really think about this every day. Every time I see a large male, every time I think about a plane, every time somebody mentions the CIA, every time somebody asks about a mask, every time I weigh on the scale, every time somebody mentions they want to be a Dr. , every time somebody says they're not their friends, every time somebody mentions loyalty, every time somebody mentions Batman.
Holy shit. It's a part of me now. This scene is a big guy for me, and taking over my brain must have been a part of it's plan. Of course, Bravo Nolan you're a real human being and a True detective. I don't know what to do anymore. I wake up in the middle of the night and immediately yell FOR YOU! I just can't help it. Every dream I can remember for the past 3 years has had to do with this fucking scene. Even if it's just the faintest sound of the plane. Oh my God. Please save me. Somebody. I can't take it. My life is crashing with no survivors.
very true.
I don't think post kingdom was the end. I feel like there was gona be another epilogue that either time skips forward and leads into MG1 or something right after that basically starts to explain venom's mental meltdown
can i save this?
The joy is dead, but her memes live on
>completely ruining big boss's achievements.
Hahaha, what fucking achievements? He only made it as far as he did thanks to Adam and Eva, being tricked into murdering his own mentor hardly counts as an achivement.
Hopes? No hopes, I'm not gonna be disappointed again.
The joy was a traitor to her country and to snake
The itinerary for air travel that I have summarily recorded with the central intelligence agency details me, from the central intelligence agency, my colleagues, also from the central intelligence agency, medical professional Dr. Pavel but does not meet the requisite number to allow all three hooded men to travel.
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He prevented WW3 in Snake Eater.
He did a lot of shit in Peace Walker and Portable OPs.
He got tired of the US fucking him over so he made Outer Heaven.
It answers questions nobody asked or cared enough to know:
How did Big Boss survive MG1?
Where did the concept of nanomachines come from?
Who killed Miller?
Did Zero really hate Big Boss?
Who gives a shit.
One thing i don't get is....
Why wasn't big boss angry after getting his base blown up and spending 9 years in a coma? I know i would be pretty fucking pissed off. I would do everything to have my revenge on that smug skullman
What questions were you wanting V to answer?
>why Big Boss turned into an evil faggot.
Did you even understand the meaning of him taking out the Boss in MGS3?
>Like one second we're all for nuclear disarmament, then he's buildings Metal Gears?
We're not though, it's up to each individual player whether they build nukes or not, if you do you'll face much fewer invasions but you'll have to contend with much more powerful opponents when you do get invaded.
The whole point of the FOB system is to kind of illustrate how the MAD principle works in real life and how the existing hegemon responds to new nuclear threats, which is to say the FOB player equivalent of the United States just invites itself in and absolutely brutalises your economy until the weapons disappear.
>how and why Big Boss turned into an evil faggot.
Was MGS3 not clear enough on this?
>the system made you killed your mother
>your mentor
>your lover
>your love
When the system makes you its bitch, and then pats you in the back for it, you'd turn into an evil faggot as well.
Mgs 3 should have been the last game about big boss. We know exactly why he is gonna do what he does in the future when the game ends
He realized what a serious threat Skullface was, and in creating Venom, he took the opportunity to go into hiding and build up an even bigger army. Zero didn't want BB to die, and didn't want Skullface to come after him again (he did in the form of Quiet in the hospital), so he took the backseat and let Venom handle his dirty work while BB started building Zanzibar Land (which, incidentally, is the same physical location as Tselinoyarsk from MGS3, just named differently since country names had changed since then).
what questions could you possibly have at this point that 6 games couldn't answer?
I swear you guys are literally just looking for things to keep perpetuating your asspain
he only goes "evil" after Peace Walker though, retard. When he feels betrayed by the Boss as well and says "fuck everything". That's what MGSV was supposed to show, what the fuck he was doing between PW and MG1
what the fuck kojima why did you try and tie up every loose end you fucking hack we didn't need cameos from returning characters
what the fuck kojima why didn't you try to tie up every loose end you fucking hack we needed cameos from returning characters
Da Reel BigBaws fags are the worst
You mean between PW and MG2. The "Big Boss" in MG1 is Venom.
After PW/GZ he was in the coma for 9 years.
During Phantom Pain and MG1, he was building Zanzibar Land.
Expert of the medical field Pavel, may I introduce myself? I am a part of the organization called CIA, or perhaps I am the whole organization myself. My true identity shall remain hidden for now.
remove everything and make it about solid snake and otacon having adventures while philantropy still existed ;_;
SO was half the shit Eva said about a War between BB and Zero completely wrong?
>one of the biggest fucking complaints is that Kojima did bring back old characters (Liquid and Mantis)
>and their implementation was fucking stupid.
Inb4 the Quiet guy shows up
cept that never happens you fucking retard. the whole point of the game is he's never "evil" like he's depicted in mg1 and 2.
Mgs1 even talks about how good of a person he was endlessly. Everything he's doing is fucking terrorist level activity in america's eyes by the time peace walker starts, and he's kidnapping people, recruiting kids to fight in his army, and he's still a likeable, nice, goofy ass comedy relief character.
I don't understand how metal gear fans are so uneducated while trying to act like they're all know-it-all's
Yes. Zero stated in the truth tapes that while he and BB were "adversaries," he never wanted BB to be killed because he was an icon to many, many people, and his loss would help Zero in no way whatsoever. However, Zero went off the rails and "used" BB for nefarious means (Les Enfants Terribles project, for one). While BB didn't agree with what Zero had done, he didn't hate him until his Patriots project spun out of control, and knew the only way to truly end it was to kill him.
Then that's even worse. BB just wakes up and says "know what? I feel like creating some orphans and giving them guns today"?
Probably because we're never going to get another game again, so those loose ends will forever be just that.
he's probably always here, watching
Restore Kingdom of the Flies, it's even in the timeline.
From the footage they released it seem way too busy for last gen, maybe then can just do it for current gen hardware.
Mgsv is as perfect as is
Ocelot is guarding over BB in the hospital. Ocelot tells BB about the "ruse" developed by Zero to use Venom in his place, while BB can go into hiding and not be targeted. If you remember, from the point where BB/Venom "wake up," to the point where shit starts going on, there is a span of a few weeks in there.
>That's what MGSV was supposed to show
And it does. Big Boss adopts a more active philosophy regarding Outer Heaven after MSF gets wrecked. He goes so far as to accept the creation and manipulation of a doppelganger and the sacrifice of an entire hospital's worth of people to dodge XOF and get his new warmongering military state underway.
No. Big Boss built and controlled Outer Heaven, too. Venom accepted his role as "Big Boss" and came along for the ride.
>Include ALL of the cut content.
>Reconfigure Chapter 2 so that it's varied and not just rehash missions from Chapter 1.
>Include GZ in The Phantom Pain so that it is a seemless transition between the two games.
That's it for me.
>what the fuck he was doing between PW and MG1
Building a zoo in the middle of the ocean, putting balloons on tanks and running around angola-zaire naked, with a water pistol and a chicken hat. Because it mattered fuck all what happenned between the portable spin off and a game from 300 fucking years ago.
subtlety escapes this one
what fucking loose ends are you talking about?? there's literally no depth to you seeing mantis and liquid train together, there's no fucking depth to you seeing big boss tell sniper wolf GREAT SHOT KID, YOURE PRETTY GOOD XD, I know you're itching for the glorious MACHINE GUN KID's backstory, but you'll just have to use your imagination.
Damn these loose ends will haunt me forever
MGS4 ruined nanomachines. Nanomachines did not ruin MGS4.
MGS4 tore itself inside out trying to pack so much fan service bullshit and side story plotlines that it lost focus of what it was actually supposed to be: A closing chapter for Solid Snake. When in reality it was it's own thing where Snake just walked around while stuff unfolded around him without doing much of anything to push the plot in the progress. Even the epilogue was inconsequential to Snake. He should have shot himself, at least that would have been somewhat original. No, he just walks away and chills.
Snake could have been entirely absent through Acts 1-3 and nothing substantial plot-wise would have changed. You could argue the same for Act 5 but I guess he needed to kick some little robots so MK. II could hack the entire internet.
Fuck I hate how MGS4 handled Snake so much.
No, Venom built the Outer Heaven that we know from MG1, under the name "Big Boss". The real Big Boss was in the States at that time, commanding FOXHOUND under Col. Campbell.
That real Big Boss built Zanzibar Land from MG2.
There he is, there he goes again.
Look everyone, I posted again! Did not the dude's shit surrounding? Oh my God! I can almost see your pathetic slices glowing in the dark, all illuminated by your screen is the only source of light in your county. On laughing like a little girl again when writing your little shred of Bath and filling the hood. You know what? Maybe even filled it. Maybe you're a NINI so disgusting you paid for 4canal pass and all you have to do is choose the photo. And boy, do not know the photo? The epic agent CISEN is not it? I guess, Mojoncito, cagandote both laugh while clicking to throw your Takis the floor. But it's Thumbs, your boss cleanse him in the morning. Oh that's right, he chispoteó not tell me you live with your mom! You're a fucking fat fucked and I like you already got fed up with you. So pissed of errands all day, every day, for a grown man who spends all day in 4changos posting about a crap film layer. Just imagine it, and then you had thought you'd be a politician or a footballer or something chingón and then you became a NINI. A pathetic fagot NINI bathroom. She probably cries until he falls asleep every day thinking about how fucked up is the roll as would disappear. Do not even try to talk to you because everything you say is "FOR YOU, FOR YOU, FOR YOU".
You have become a parody of yourself. That's all you are. A sad dwarf laughing in the dark as he prepares to delve into the same dance that has made chingamadral times already.
And you know what? That is all that will be.
What MGS1 says about Big Boss doesn't contradict his depiction in MG2, though.
>remove credits from every mission
The time line says the real BB build outer heaven. Then his phantom, Massive Medic, moved in and was killed by Solid Snake.
he was there mostly to get beat up and look sad and complain about his back. The end fight on top of Haven will always be dope af though
>I know you're itching for the glorious MACHINE GUN KID's backstory, but you'll just have to use your imagination
I lold
But that's wrong. The timeline unambiguously states that Big Boss establishes Outer Heaven while commanding FOXHOUND. MGSV didn't really change anything in the greater story aside from the fact Solid Snake kills Venom instead of merely almost-killing Big Boss.
whoops meant to reply to you for the quote my man
Exactly, that's exactly what I said. BB built Outer Heaven while BB was commanding FOXHOUND. Because there were 2 BB's. "Venom" was physically the one building Outer Heaven and "John" was the one physically commanding FOXHOUND.
See >> 346743074
like a watchful protector, a silent guardian, who is Quiet, she is not cared about by anyone, is a cuck, not even a friend, not a diamond dog, she is hated by everyone, even the person she loves and protects.
But again, that's wrong. The timeline makes the distinction between the phantom and Big Boss. The "phantom" being a reference to Venom--the same way Ocelot and Miller refer to Venom as "the phantom" multiple times.
I missed you too Quietfag :)
t. MGS2/4 fan who didn't actually play or watch MGSV
I didn't have any questions. I just wanted a JRPG style MGS where you could hang out with all the characters at motherbase, or have a date with them in angola-zaire. What I wanted was Deadly Premonition II: The Phantom Pain.
But more on point, my quam with the information is that 99% is just unnecessary and dull. None of it adds anything of significance, and quite a lot of it is just subtleties and or indirectly stated information from previous games, stated directly and without vacillation.
The only, the ONLY piece that vindicates V, are the tapes with Zero in them.
>the timeline refers Naked and Venom as the same person, Big Boss.
>Except when it doesn't.
Make as much sense as the rest of Kojima's shit, so I guess I will except that.
That doesn't change the fact that the game has gone out of it's way to retcon that and to show that big boss actions have been misconstrued and snake was a pawn of cipher by that point.
Ya'll put so much weight on an MSX game, when the creator already said those games were ass and if he could go back and change the story he would.
Big bosses whole story is of a dude doing what he thinks is best, despite getting shit on, he pushes thru and sticks to his ideals.
Noooooo shit.
Agree to disagree.
You don't think capturing generic Russian commander 15 is important?! How dare you.