>play on server
>some faggot keeps harassing and insulting you
>say you will fuck his shit up
>he completely dominates you instead
Play on server
Try getting good before you shittalk
>tfw bullied every time I use the mic
Not the same user, but that was a hard lesson I learned on my own. Now I just keep my mouth shut unless I know I'm at the advantage.
>Kicking someones ass
>They're talking shit despite losing like a bitch
>I don't say shit and they keep getting more and more pissed off because of it
Silence is golden. If you talk shit you're just gonna be made a fool of eventually.
You start talking on the mic and only stutter.
Fucking traps, quit drinking my Vanilla Bean Hazelnut™ at your local Starbucks™
forgot my >
dick or gtfo
>not letting them know they are shit
>not adding insult to injury
>not rubbing it in
>Not being the bigger man
They already know they're shit compared to you. Insulting them is just adding insult to injury. If you really want to piss them off then offer constructive criticism. Tell them exactly how they could have beat you in the nicest way possible and you'll drive them into a complete frenzy.
>start of match
>say "gl hf"
>guy from enemy team replies "yeah hf if you like getting your shit pushed in"
>don't say anything but am slightly pissed because of that
>we are doing good against the enemy team
>guy who talked shit at the beginning kept blaming his team and insulting them in all chat
>match ends and we won
>me "Was it fun getting your shit pushed in?"
>people on both teams say lol
was a good feel
>those fat legs
fucking disgusting, at least try
>helping your enemy become better
Just shit all over them, user.
>If you really want to piss them off then offer constructive criticism. Tell them exactly how they could have beat you in the nicest way possible and you'll drive them into a complete frenzy.
Nah not really mate
>Not wanting a good challenge so you can become better
You don't become better by just demolishing people. You need people of equal or slighter greater skill to become better.
And you can go look for them instead of helping some random cunt in a random match
You are a complete faggot bro
>that one faggot with macros for spamming the team chat
>that one faggot who lectures everyone on the team how to play their class
Refusing to talk back is worse. It implies that they aren't even worth your notice, and all they deserve is your silent contempt.
Thick legs*
gross fatty
eat a salad
Did you really delete your whole post just because you made a typo?
That skull has a lot of teeth.