Can we have a thread about rpg maker games?
Can we have a thread about rpg maker games?
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i can tell just from that filename how awful the humor in that game is
barkley is the only great rpgmaker game
Wonder how the people who donated to the Barkley 2 kikestarter feel since it's obviously never coming.
Space Funeral is literally one of the greatest things ever made.
barkley 2 fucking never.
Greatest kickstarter scam of all time?
i never donated, but i check up every now and then
they've shown legitimate gameplay demos a bunch of times now, which is way better than the vast majority of kickstarters
still not going to buy it because every single player game is free
Chef Boyardee wanted to distance himself from Dilbert after that shit got too popular so he's probably doing the same with Barkley 2 but is too far in
But what does Dracula do?
They went fucking nuts on that bb tactics minigame and delayed the game
What's the best yume nikki fangame?
Watch "the promise" and tell me its ever coming out.
>Google led me to a website about diapers
That was actually Game Maker IIRC.
I'm looking forward to Ruby Quest: Undertow. At first I was unsure when I saw the site that hasn't updated in months, but the latest gameplay footage from a few days go reminds me of earlier survival horror games.
only autistic people who actually make rpgmaker games care what brand of re-hash software is used to shit them out
He is Dracula!
cboyardee had nothing to do with barkley you moron
not him
but cboyardee did most of the music
so the chef on the website for tales of games isn't him?
Visions and voices is my favorite RPG make game.
Has good Lovecraftian themes and a focus on exploration. Also the atmosphere is top notch.
OFF was good.
a decent little dungeon crawler
The Way and OneShot are pretty good.
If you can get over the hideous portraits, Exit Fate is a very good Suikoden ripoff.
Probably .flow or 2kki
Anyone playing Pocket Mirror?
Why does this shit always look the same. Another 5 euro greenlight game.
Salvation 1.07 is the best
OneShot really was a fun ride.
I think it's a damn shame people even charge anything for it.
When I was 12-13, people were sharing their rm2k projects for free and I think it should still be that way.