You have ten seconds to prove you aren't a casual piece of shit by posting your most difficult trophies/achievements

You have ten seconds to prove you aren't a casual piece of shit by posting your most difficult trophies/achievements.

the casual outs himself

I finished FF13

Platinum'd vanquish.

That just means you have shit taste.

I platinumed Demon's Souls and Dark Souls on ps3.

I still have nightmares about farming for that pure bladestone.

>I'm a casual whose own profile exposes me
Thanks for letting us know. Trophies/achievements unlock whether you want them to or not. Unless you mean to say you haven't played a single game from 2005 on, in which case you would also be a casual.


her face bothers me
not because it's ugly or anything; she's very pretty
but it's at that perfect asymmetry where you can't tell if she's bored or enjoying herself

wow what a great thread

>3D woman
>a ten seconds thread
it's like clocks working

triggered the casual lads

100 percented dmc3

we could be having another e-celebrity thread right now, but we're having this instead

Achievement: Lose Virginity

It's not that hard. Just be yourself

I got 7 day survivor in dead rising back on the 360 and I'm going to get it again in the port

>Unless you mean to say you haven't played a single game from 2005 on, in which case you would also be a casual.

Fuck off.
Has there been a single non-casual console game released since then? Give me something that isn't a meme answer. Almost any given NES game is harder than Dark Souls.

>just be yourself, bro
>you gotta be confident, bro

who is this amazonian semen demon?

Get on my level fags.

Bayonetta platinum

I legit got all the l4d achievements on 360. Including the one for no one on the team taking damage from special infected the whole campaign

Beated Hitman GO on my own with no guides or anything. Kinda hard puzzle game imo.

Also I beated both Hotline Miami's to 100%. Hard mode in 2 was insanity.

>trophies and cheevos
>not casual
Man i feel old

Top cuck

Be yourself if you were confident :^)

Turns out I've been someone else these 28 years!

I'm thinking back about recent achievements, and I'd have to say that beating Justice in the original Guilty Gear was a pain. Actually, fighting Millia as Zato was tougher than Justice because she's way too fast and can shoot out a shitton of huge projectiles that fill the screen and follow you. So a question arises: who is the most difficult, bullshit fighting game boss you guys know of?

>Be yourself if you weren't yourself.

>NES games

95% of NES games were utter shite that just had no checkpoints and limited lives and cheap level design so they could prolong a 40 minute game out over many hours. If Souls games were one hit death or you only had a handful of lives the whole game, they would be loads harder than most NES/SNES games.

Fuck off nigger.
If you don't give the cops a reason to fucking shoot your black ass then why would they?

Spotted the millennial

Not all achievements are casual grandad. Why don't you go and beat mega man 10 without taking damage and see if you still feel the same way.

>28 years!
Ha. You're pathetic. 27 1/2 here. I just want to hug someone as I fall asleep and want to know what breasts, especially big breasts, feel like.

Exactly, you got it!

>posting anime
Spotted the fat neckbeard virgin still living with his parents in his mid 20s

She looks more bored than anything. Even when covering her right side she just has a blank expression.

too brown

I got the zombie genocide achievement in dead rising 1.

Had to grind for ages.

All they do is spank you around a little bit if you throw it at them. I bet you sleep in the wet spot too.

Now you're starting to get it.

i beated all the bandits near witchwood in dragons dogma on hard mode, fighter level 8 solo

But that's from a video game, and a recent, popular one as well. Are you just trolling for replies?

Thanks, man. I feel like I can lose my virginity with my new gained knowledge tonight.

>spank you around a little

>Implying it's not excessive use of force and police brutality

30s actually, Mr. casual.


Can we speak English in this thread please? Thank you.

fuck your achievements

I beat 2 friends who were pretty damned good at a 2v1 handicap match in this once.

just remember
if all else fails, there's always rape

You know, I actually like being a casual piece of shit. Because then I don't have to worry about tearing my fucking hair out in frustration over a extremely difficult video game.

But hey, if playing difficult games are your thing, more power to you.

>you will never have a bronze-skinned, green-eyed girlfriend


every trophy in smash melee, every emblem in sonic adventure 2 battle, every pokemon in pearl version with almost zero wifi trading

You wipe them all out later anyway


This are my rarest ones on PSNP, also have some 100% that don't have platinums such as Hard Corps Uprising, Retro/Grade, Sine Mora, Bloodrayne Betrayal, and Race the Sun.

>they would be loads harder than most NES/SNES games.
Yet they aren't.

They feel nice in a way you can't fathom, but you will get bored of it surprisingly quickly. Better off grabbing yer own tits.

Sure, easy.

I had fun with video games. Bet you didn't do that.

>he uses a console
>he uses a DRM platform on the PC
Fuck off retard.

I don't have any because i am not a casual.

Beating Rodin on both Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2

Im sure id feel like i wasted time to show off my epeen to someone for a game not many care about these days for 1 second of fame.
But to each his own

I'm not into tanned girls, I like girls with milky white complexion.

I'm on my way to get /fit/ though. Already escaped skeleton mode.

Yeah you just proved his point though. NES games were bullshit which made them way more difficult than casual baby shit like souls games

Whats it like living with such basic bread and butter taste?

>I don't complete games 100%
>I don't beat games on their hardest difficulty
>I don't complete games under certain restraints such as beating them in a certain amount of time.

You sound pretty casual to me m8.

I got an A rank on all SA2:B missions.

If you've never felt the thrill of finally getting past a bullshit boss fight, you don't know video games.

No, user, you are the casuals.

Wow, so people really do play multiplats on consoles?

I got all 1000g In Sonic 06 on 360.

fat girl big tits and normal girl big tits are different.

fat girl tits are lumpy when squeezed, legit big tits are soft but firm and keep their 'shape' (as in, they remain smooth even when squeezed).

Oh god running into them early was so damn hard, good job user jesus

Don't you have friends?

You're actually invincible during the whole sequence. When you get too close to the cop he also gets aggressive, so I baited him outside and got a solid beating for several minutes before he got bored of it

You can make Souls just like an NES game by playing with three lives then restarting. But Souls isn't a 40 minute long game, it's 20-40+ hours for first playthrough, so it doesn't need that.

And just like people try to say Souls is easy when you have played and mastered the last three games, it's same for Mega Man or Contra or whatnot, but they are still hard games, and you having a load of experience with them doesn't change that.


As long as yourself is socially active and moderately attractive.

>current year
>liking niggers

I would never touch a fat girl anyway.

I'm probably having a better life than you are.

Multiplats always sell more on consoles.

To be fair, finding girls with actually white skin, and not pink or tanned or whatever skin, is a bit more difficult nowadays depending on where you live.

The only platinums I have are for VLR and ZTD.
I'm a casual piece of shit.
Would've had the plat for Gundam Breaker 3 by now if my save hadn't been corrupted, forcing me to redo.

you might have to if you don't get crackin'.

I just couldn't do it in 2. Did you use the chainsaws?

Stop psyching women up as something they're not; they're humans, just like you, just as impure, insecure and unsure.

You don't need confidence to talk to a woman and talking to her is the first step to fucking her. People will tell you, "Relax! Be yourself! Be somebody else! Be confident!"– it's all bullshit. The only thing you need to do is treat her like a person, not a goal or a challenge or one of your anxieties, just a person.

Continue treating her as a person and she'll show you what people really are.

t. somebody who lost their virginity later in life.



I've never 100% a game in my life because the idea of doing little nitpicky bullshit just for digital validation is stupid to me

I'm treating them like guys, the last girl wanted someone that dominated her though.

Maybe they just like the novelty of fucking a near-extinct species of girls.

Can you retarded virgin fucks stay on topic and stop sperging out over any picture of a moderately attractive girl?

>nigger skin
>not a nigger

Nope, just use Rosa and pray. It took me 3 hours.

I have felt that thrill. I just don't think the investment is worth the small amount of joy I get from it. I actually got to a point with some games where I ended up feeling more angry and tired and when I finally overcame that hurdle, I didn't feel much of anything other than "I'm glad that's over with". That shit just wasn't fun for me.
So nowadays I play easier, less demanding games because I just don't want to be stressed out all the time playing a game. A little challenge is fine here or there, but I don't get you guys who need a game to be hard all the time everytime.

But hey, this is just how I feel.

>OP girl
>moderately attractive
Kek. She's fucking garbage.


>treat her as a person
How is this supposed to help? I don't know how to treat people in a way they don't find off-putting.

there's barely any topic to discuss
fuck off