Guild Wars 1

It's a GW1 thread get in here

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I never did finish Winds of Change. Did Nightfall get anything like Winds and whatever Tyria had?

Do people still play it?

Tfw playing with a friend and cant decide what to play because I've played pretty much everything

>GW1 with its expansions still costs money
>GW2 is F2P

No it didn't. Also Winds of Change content was artificial difficulty up the ass. It's like they didn't even bother testing it.

I didn't even know this was a thing

This fucking game. Had so much shit to do and places to explore like what the fuck. Or is my mind just remembering wrong?
Like the starting city before destruction, you could go past the gate to explore even more shit right?
And the main quest was so god damn long that I never finished it. Last I remember was the open plains and the ninjalions coming for me. Max-lvl wih semigood gear too.

Brother Mhenlo has died. Your party has been defeated.

i guess its true, you get what you pay for

Im still disappointed at the skill system for 2.

Let's run some campaign

Don't mind me just being busted

where did the ankh go

How is this game if you play alone? I always hear the how good it is, but I wouldn't have anyone to play with.

You can solo the entire game if you really wanted to since they give you bots/controllable heroes


Spent so many hours in this game with me missus. The best mmo i ever played, and it's not even an mmo.

Why couldn't they have just made this game again with better controls? It would've been the biggest fucking esport ever. Guild Wars was really ahead of its time, and they fucking butchered it for GW2.

Because muh living story, muh scope, muh dynamic world.


My default nickname is a combination of the first and last names of my main character

you fuck right off m8

>tfw you will never GvG with your bros again

"big butt"

so who wants to play the campaign. I stopped playing when my best friend died and i think i just reached lion's gate.
Hold on while i reinstall though



>mfw I had trouble most times
(probably because my builts sucked)

for what purpose? you cannot speak and noone is in there

Yes you can what are you talking about

"you do not have permission to speak"

This game was the shit. I miss my times playing it.
I can never play GW2 now because it doesn't even feel like the same game. Why did they have try to change something that was pretty much perfect?

How's your time Sup Forums?


About 1600 hours iirc

lmao nice dead discord

367h over 90 months on that character.
948h over 92 months on my entire account.

That screenshot was taken two years ago though since I don't have the game installed anymore.

The character on that screenshot is the oldest character that still exists out of all games I ever played.

GW1 was my first online game when I was 12 and I started playing when NF came out.

>tfw want to reinstall
>can't remember my account details


good luck with remembering it, because support doesn't exist for gw1 anymore

>Playing prophecies ages ago
>Learning basic German and Spanish phrases and commands in order to play missions when there won't enough in the English lobbies.

Anyone else do this? It started as just staying silent and copying the german group search phrases and then learning basic directions and verbs.

GW was a special part of my formulative years, I wish there was a modern day MMO that filled the niche GW did.

Surely can't be that hard to use the same basic combat system and progression and just add in a vertical axis or something and call it the next gen guild wars.

>mfw the potential GW2 had and squandered

>Nightfall the first and only time I've seen African fantasy not only attempted but done stunningly well
>Factions did an Asian setting that managed to nit just be Japan with the names changed
>neither setting gets touched on in GW2


Had to restart completely on a new account, but I wanted to run through the campaigns just in case the GW servers get the city of heroes treatment. I usually see about 1-2 people in outposts during prophecies right now.
As long as I control this OBELISK, I will strike any foes who ventures near.