You'll never have a gf who appreciates your loser hobby
You'll never have a gf who appreciates your loser hobby
You'll never have a girlfriend
>Trash games
I don't want one if I have to have taste that bad
>not a single good gmae
Delete this
They broke up after he played a single one of these games.
I'd rather have one who isn't in to the hobby at all than have one who knows so little about it to buy shit games like these.
>mfw my gf got me some rare amiibos
>4 games
>the best one is FFXIII-2
>Girl that appreciates you
>AC Revelations
Good one OP
Well, at least there's 1.5 good games there.
>all that trash
Why is your girlfriend trapped in your phone?
Writing letters to yourself, aren't you a bit too old for that?
Oh yeah, also more like
>You'll never have a gf
>had a gf
>she was amazing
>she was pretty casual with games but never gave me any shit for what I played
>first time happy ever
>were planning on getting married
>her mother tells her if she marries me she's banned from her family
>instead of listening to reason that her mom is a fuckhead she breaks up
The pain doesn't stop anons. Don't fall in love with anyone it's not worth the pain.
I'm a 21 year old kissless virgin, and yet still have no need to get a girlfriend
>her mother tells her if she marries me she's banned from her family
You must be a nigger user..
Keep telling yourself that
I'm a 24 kv
>implying i dont live in japan with a cute 19 yr old girl studying to become a nurse who likes to play games with me including recently mario galaxy and fatal frame
I'm sorry that happened to you. My wife's mother thought the same about me at first but turned around after some wooing.
Happily married for four years now. Play lots of videogames while my wife works and I take care of the home. It's great. Hopefully you can find the same in the future.
I wish that were the case user then I could understand. Nope I'm white and she is too. Her mother is a drunk piece of shit that wants no one else to be happy if she isn't.
>tfw I got my concealed carry permit before I've held my first hand
fucking normies
The sad thing user is that I was nice and all that to her mom. Her mom is a selfish cunt. Plus she gets Jim Lahey levels of drunk.
Your gf is a top tier shitposter.
I just want a boyfriend to cuddle with when I play games
I do, she bought me a 3ds.
>Start relationship with girl
>Forces me to sell all my video games
>After 3 months of no gaming, I crack
>Buy a PS3 and a few games
>Six months later I have 50+ games
>Constantly gaming
>We get into arguments
>Late one night, biggest argument yet
>She smashed all my games
>We break up
Video games saved me from the crazy bitch
>go to meme pages on Facebook
>post about vidya
>it's always call of duty, assassin's creed, skyrim, or minecraft, nothing else
Is this what they call "normies?"
you're lucky for having such a loving mom OP
>Letting a woman force you to do anything
Should have broke up with her then.
should have broken up with her the moment she tried to get you to sell your games.
I'm talking to this one girl online
she's mailing me a bunch of drawings , she got me a birthday present and we call almost every night and text all day every day. What do I do?
>lining up a bunch of your shit games, putting a post it note next to it and claiming it's from your girlfriend
Almost as sad as the people who put up fake signs telling people not to play Pokemon Go near their house, prior to taking said sign down immediately after taking a photo with their cell phone.
People are starved for upboats it seems.
>You'll never have a gf who appreciates your loser hobby
Thanks asshole now I'm crying.
>Forces me to sell all my video games
That should've been your warning right there. Any girl that forces/demands their boyfriend sell or get rid of all their stuff that is their hobby exhibits an extreme controlling behavior. If you stayed with her, there's a good chance it would extend to more than just your vidya.
>You break my games, now I break up with you, like I break your hymen
I was 18 and had no experience with dating back in 2010
>FF13 anything
>ass creed
I would dump that bitch for wasting money.
Meet irl and have a fun day out (shopping mall, cinema, etc). If it goes well, take it from there.
Ok someone explain this meme to me.
I don't watch food shows and can't eat pizza so I have no clue what this 'go 'za meme is supposed to be about.
Me and my gf fight over who gets to play the game first. Honestly she's like a girl version of me in almost every way.
She lives a few states away from me
She's 16. 4 years younger than me.
She did ask about my college and was interested in dorming here.
Why do you have a girlfriend if you're both faggots?
I don't give a shit about that meme but long story short pizza that is doughy and undercooked is disgusting as fuck. Which it is.
WHAT?! No way!
Seriously though user your playing with fire.
>4 years younger
I think it would be much worse if I were a fag got. At least my gf can't kick my assignment when I beat her on a game. With a guy that may be much different. Could you imagine having a domestic violence record as a faggot?
Or at least, for me.
Approaching wizard status in two years.
Though I'm better this year, went out on 3 different dates so far. Just need to learn how to get to second base and practice more.
The chance of being on a sex offender registry is not worth it user.
> Be male
> Have game boyfriend who can't afford shit
> Buy him at least one video game every month (except during summer because drought)
> Buy expensive collector's editions when possible
Just start banging dudes already.
Please don't tell me that picture on the phone is supposed to represent the girlfriend. Jesus christ, it's not bad enough that disgusting white women online use anime-styled personas to make themselves seem attractive, they have to do it in real life AFTER they've already managed to sucker some poor retard into dating them? Wew lad.
It doesn't help that she acts mature and is going to college early.
Ask her if she's willing to wait 2 years to fug :-----DDDDD
that doesn't matter when she's fucking 16
What's the difference between a 16- and an 18-year-old girl?
>"officer she's going to college early! So I can't be doing anything wrong? Right?
One is legal and the other gets you on a sex offender registry.
Welcome my son. I went out on what was very explicitly noted as a date with 3 girls that mentioned boyfriends on their dates in the last semester. It's been a wild ride.
Did some research, they weren't making it up
Getting arrested
I did. Then she turned into a Tumblerite.
>tfw most hot girls don't share your interests
>tfw most girls that share your interests have no sexual interests
>tfw most girls that share your sexual interests aren't that attractive
>tfw girls who are attractive, share your interests and have any sex drive are usually 11/10 psychopaths
>tfw 16 is legal here
Where the fuck are you sods from?
Not the UK m8
A civilized non-muslim country.
Did you ever try to make contact again, or did you just give up?
>Woman tries to make you change at all instead of just liking you or not
Trying to make others become the person you want them to be never works. They won't be happy with who you made them, or you won't be satisfied.
You take a partner, good and bad, or you find someone else. This "settling and changing" meme is the reason divorce rates are so high.
100% this.
God this is so true it hurts.
Fucking spot on.
>You'll never have a gf
>aren't that attractive
Who gives a fuck as long as their not bellow a 4.
>Dating a 22 qt
>She's sorta casual, but gets heavily invested in the games she likes. Mainly sticks to 3DS games
>She's been branching out since meeting me. We played some Monhun Gen together which was a blast
>Lent her Theaterhythm, she used to be a band geek so it's up her alley
>She's teaching me how to cook/bake
>We took each other's virginities
god damn it.... thats all true for me.
again and again and again
I've tried for months user. she won't answer my texts or calls or anything. I'm starting to accept there is nothing I can do and I'll be alone for the rest of my life. Maybe it's for the best. I don't want to be with anyone else.
>A 17 yo teenager can legally fuck a 13 yo in my country
Shit is fucked up
glad you're happy, user
gaming is not a fucking hobby.
It takes a lot of guts and determination dude. Before I met her I talked to like 10 different girls. 4 of which ended up being lesbians. 3 already had boyfriends and the rest had no interest.
>your sexual interests
its funny how any girl below you on the scale will just accept whatever and be down for just about anything because they are so desperate for you.
attractive girls dont need you so theyll just stay with what they enjoy: standard sex.
but girls a little bit less attractive than my standards? i can tell them all about my crossdressing shit and bdsm fantasies of getting spanked and pegged and what the fuck ever and theyre usually just like sure ok
20 years old and I still haven't gotten a girlfriend
This warmed the cold, black void where my heart should be.
I'm not even 20
There's still hope for me, right?
Go back to korea
people are easy to get down on themselves for getting rejected
everyone, including chad, gets rejected a bunch, has awkward moments, has psycho girls, get dumped out of the blue for no reason, and goes through a whole bunch of shit before getting someone good
Iktf. I was lucky enough to get a turbo crazy fuck puppet gaming gal pal back when goth clubs were a more prominent thing.
I consider myself lucky.
find someone else
You're clearly a true gentleman, you deserve a girlfriend. It is your right as a man.
Just don't stick it in for a year or two and you'll be golden, bro. Remember, it's not a crime if you're just innocently dating. You should go for it, and just don't put anything sexually suggestive in writing in case one of her family members starts looking through her cell phone. You have a once in a lifetime opportunity here, don't blow it because you have to wait two years to legally bone her. Think about how many of us here will never have a female that cares about us besides our moms. And you're just going to throw it away because moralfags have conditioned you to? My dad was 4 years older than my mom, why is that completely normal throughout every other part of life except when he's over 18 and she's younger than 18?
He wasn't the hero we wanted but he was the one we needed.
If she won't answer you over the phone, go meet her in person. Make her agree to sit and talk with you, don't let her just drop you like that and then never say anything again.
20? You're fine. I already posted earlier in this thread, late 20s here. You should only be sweating when you reach my age.
I don't need one
I'm attractive
I don't need some slut (because all female gamers are sluts, no exceptions) sharing my hobby to feel right.
I'd say the "chads" are the ones who dump people first because of different insecurities. I know that sounds bitter and whiny but I didn't know how else to say it.
You're literally fucking pathetic if you haven't fucked at least one girl by the end of high school.
>Be 20 in college
>Average looking male
>Don't really have a drive for sex
>Just want to meet a decent girl with a nice outlook on life
>College females just want to bang your beef stick and cry about things
>Don't want to bang on my beef stick or cry about things
Am I stupid?
No thank you. I've gotten tired of women and there bullshit. She was the only one that legit made me happy. I'd rather be alone then try to settle for someone else.