PS Vita hacked: full system access enabled for homebrew

Is it time to buy a PS Vita?

Emulators only, so no.

Not to mention still no games.

Weeaboo games here I come.

Well, depending on how things go, vita could end up as the best hardware for emulation there is. PSPs are ancient as fuck but is still great because of that, now imagine that on the vita

150$ for emulation is a massive waste of money.

wake me up when i can emulate cps3 games

Are you serious? 150$ is a fucking steal if someone figures out how to emulate up to PS2/Wii/Dreamcast on a Vita.

Vita also has enough inputs that I imagine older PC games might not be outside the realm of possibility

Fortunately there's a touchscreen that can be used to emulate all those buttons.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't all the worthwhile vita games been ported to ps4 anyway?


The Vita is nowhere near powerful enough to run PCSX2 or Dolphin you retard. Reicast is a possibility though.

I can play NES games on my PSP, 3DS, cellphone, PC. Call me when someone does something about PS2 or DC games.

I use my vita as a soul sacrifice delta machine

The possibilities are exciting, here's hoping there are enough people still interested enough to make homebrew content on the damn thing.

The games are the last thing exciting about this.

>Emulated Jak and Daxter actually runs better than the Collection

Man, I'd love to see that

Got my Vita ready, just waiting for soneone to not be a moralfag and give us a game loader. Seriously? Why is it ok to pirate a Wii U and a 3DS but suddenly wanting to pirate a Vita "will hurt papa Sony :^("


Dreamcast is easily emulated on top-end phones, retard.

>emulators on Vita must be the same emulators used on PC

sony stopped shilling for shita lol

I bet vitagen must be extremely angry right now. With piracy becoming rampant more and more companies will ignore the Vita completely.

I could emulate DC games on my Galaxy Note 2, you don't need a high end phone for it.

>vita could end up as the best hardware for emulation there is
no, there's already powerful enough chinese android handheld devices that have controls.

i already have one of them for my emulator needs.

Probably because Sony actively does what it can to hurt himebrew developers, while Nintendo doesn't.

If this is root, commercial game loader should follow soon in any case.

Thank you Webkit, you are the gift that keeps on giving.

what even

I'm pretty sure the vita has been completely ignored by the companies you're thinking off for a couple of years now.

The point behind most emulators is to play Nintendo games for free. The pirates have the same value for the modern ones.

not a possibility

You are a fucking retard if you think someone is going to start writing new PS2/Wii emulation code for Vita. I'll rephrase it anyway then - PS2/Wii is not possible to emulate on the PS Vita. PS2 classics can't even be played on Vita.

Yeh but now even IFI and NISA will ignore the Vita and will just port the games to PC directly instead.

Yeah, but I'm guessing input on those things are probably god awful compared to hardware created by sony/MS/nintendo. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

>emulating consoles
pc with proper controllers
>emulating handhelds

If you want an emulation machine just get a PSP.

Still doesnt make sense. I can load up cias on a 3DS and stuff on loadiine but Vita is treated like a holy cow that shall not be defiled.

Sony rep here thank you for bringing this to my attention I will be sending a seize and desist letter immediately.

Such a shame people seem to want to hurt hard working game developers.

DRM still in place. It doesn't work that way, bub.

What hard working developers?

it's... ever so slightly worse.
the controls for some of them are god awful, you're right. but other devices are pretty good.

>he thinks its a root.

Why is Eurogamer reporting on this anyways?

I think the point is the possibility of having a PSP emulation machine on steroids.

>Trying to resurrect the Vita

Nope. It happened with the 3DS though for smartphones.

Is it not? They said full filesystem access. Replace a system executable with setuid with your code and enjoy? Or is it not full filesystem access?

>resurrect a console that gets more software than most other consoles

I don't think the Vita is beefy enough to emulate anything major that the PSP or a smartphone can't already do.


When you can do more with it than what a hacked PSP can do then probably.

Eurogamer said full, the exploit just means that it can run homebrew from the main OS. They need a kernal to use and decrypt games.

I meant it as a joke, faggot, chill.

Better snes and gba emulation and additional touch input alone would be great.

but who wants to emulate on a smartphone? its no where near as awesome as using actual buttons.

Wait, but then it's no different from what we had before.

If emulators do start coming to Vita they will be forks/ports of existing emulators with some optimizations for Vita. That's how it's always worked. Making an emulator from scratch literally takes years. Either way top-end phones can barely run Dolphin which are far more powerful than the Vita and the only PS2 emulator on Android runs 2D shmups at 0.5fps.

Why do people care so much about emulating the same games over and over on 100 different things?

Let me guess, you're one of those fags who believed you could run 1280p 120fps Skyrim on the Ouya.

No shit, it has this on older firmwares before. People are excited for an underdeveloped homebrew scene that will not go anywhere likely.

You can get Android handheld things with buttons.


Pirates are poorfags so they can't get excited about anything new.



I thought it'd be funny if an emulator ran a game better than the official release, I wasn't making a statement on how the emulator could/would run on Vita. Calm your autism.

Do you love your Vita now?

kinda always did.

So now you're claiming to be to which i replied "not a possibility" and then you went on a tantrum saying "CHILL OUT FAGGOT JEEZ I WAS ONLY JOKING"

Yeah you're a retard user.

I just want to play those weeb jap games without having to spend almost double the price on importation taxes

Can you name 10 good games for the Vita? This turn of events might make me interested.


Disgaea 3
Disgaea 4

No, I cant without bringing up PSstore classics and indies.

Still like it though, kinda.

If you look at it from the popularity angle, Vita was outsold 3:1 by the Nintendo 3DS in the countries where they didn't obscure the numbers by adding in PSP sales then dropping it off the sales report completely. There also isn't a killer app for the system. Because of that, there isn't money in selling knockoff cartridges, thus reducing the number of hackers (they're most likely focusing on PS4/Xbone game copying right now.)

At the same time, those homebrew developers and hackers can make real money selling their stuff on cellphones which don't restrict publishing.

What you're left with are the people that are doing it for fun, but at the same time don't want some fly by night Chinese factory to start making money off of their hobby work.

I'd love my Vita more if it had the same amount of inputs as a standard controller (clickable sticks, a second pair of triggers/shoulder buttons) and could thus do PS4 remote play without mangled control schemes, and run its own versions of console/PC games without simplified controls

You responded seriously to my joke scenario like a know-it-all faggot. Get over yourself.

It cant even run basic emulators properly.

Guys, the screen matters when it comes to emulation too.

And it appears the Vita screen isn't well-suited to 1:1 scaling for SNES games. It's either pic related or stretched uneven pixels.

Atelier plus:
Escha & Logy
Shallie (January)
Sophie(no longer plus)

Persona 4 Golden
Persona 4 Dancing All Night

Neptunia Producing Perfection

*Jrpgname* enhanced final version port

That's still better than emulating on a Nintendo handheld.

>544p weird screen that doesnt lend itself to play old games
>proprietary and expensive memory cards
>small community that wont develop shit for it
>not that impressive tech wise compared to android handhelds which already emulate dreamcast, gamecube and wii at full speed
>Cant update and so the great vita library will become unusable when online is needed

Nah, just buy a new3ds if you want an emulation machine or an android handheld. Keep your vita for vita games.

Wake me up when you can pirate worth while games and emulate PS2 and PSP games.

You could get chink shit phones with much better specs, emulate to your hearts content, and get a proper controller while having all the power of the Droid under your sweaty fingertips.

vita runs MGS2/3 natively

>buy vita
>hack it
>need to buy an expensive memory card to hold all the games
>sony profits

>it was sarcasm!!!!
>if you didn't tell my amazing joke GET OVER YOURSELF >:(


I love my vitas

Ys memories of celceta
Killzone mercenaries
Freedom wars
Soul sacrifice
LOH trails of cold steel
God eater

Really? Better than emulation in pixel perfect accuracy, perfect speed and sound in an emulator that already works perfectly on n3ds? You sure your fanboyism isnt clouding your judgment?

>Vita runs a vita game
Stop the presses m8!

MGS2 and 3 vita versions are vita software. The vita cant run ps2 isos or ps2 software. Its just not strong enough.

>emulate ps2
this will probably never happen

What is the resolution of the n3ds screen how well does it coincidentally scale with SNES games? Post a vid or pic.

just saying it has the horsepower to do it

Also couldn't this be a ploy by Sony to get their Vita sales up?, bet ya when the 3DS got hacked hardware sales skyrocketed.

Think about it, system's DoA, how can we revive it?

>Neptunia Producing Perfection

Dude, I like Neps but even I know PP is not a good game.

Gravity Rush

though these have modified PS4 versions now, they spent years as Vita exclusives.

>implying it was sarcasm
>Being this much of a sperg
Don't you have some blocks to sort?

No, it doesnt. Unless someone plans to port a particular ps2 game into a ps vita software.

I don't like Neps, but I like PP.

Homebrew is the first step to piracy and depending on how easy it is game sales could tank like the PSP.

When it can play Persona 4 golden undub I will consider it hacked

if bluepoint can do it

Sony makes more money off software sales than hardware sales on Vita, piracy doesn't help them much at all. Piracy fucked over original PSP revenue a lot apparently.

>it was sarcasm!
>why are you implying it's sarcasm?

l m a o

But the Vita will sell like hot cakes, and since the hardware and software sales have already hit rock bottom, it's in their best interest that the system gets a fresh breath of air, even if it's the ability to run home brew and pirate software for it.

Correct, it killed localizations from small 3rd parties which is all the Vita has left now that Sony has abandoned it.

All the little localizations we got this year wouldn't have been possible if full on piracy was a thing the year before.