Horror section in a non-horror game

>horror section in a non-horror game

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what if that thing crawled up ur butthole haha

it would be extremely painful

I'd finally get some action

>Be a kid
>Go up the attic to pick the Christmas decorations
>lift up the box
>a family of these fuckers crawling everywhere
>run back calling my mommy
Christmas ruined


user kun you are such a faggot holy shit

Your a big guy...

*Triggered flashback of seeing that one webm of a woman with a fuck ton of centipedes inside of her vagina*


>horror section in a non-horror game

>non-horror section in an horror game
>it's most of the game

>not posting the webm

>game isn't really intended to be scary, but some shit is just fucking terrifying to children and the devs presumably dont realize so it gives you fuckin nightmares

Same for me but it was after Christmas when I was enjoying my new train set in the basement until I saw a huge ass centipede (or millipede?) crawl nearby. I swore I fucking jumped on a chair nearby screaming.

Do you really think I'd save a webm that triggered the fuck out of me?

I really hate those fuckers.
The shitty thing is that they eat bugs that could actually be harmful.

It's called a silverfish and it's 100 percent harmless.

last time i chekced Sup Forums was a swf board, but everyone still posts like it's Sup Forums

>mfw I live in Hawaii

These are the real buggers.

>google images

jesus christ where does the line end?

That looks NOTHING like a silverfish, and silverfish aren't harmful but they are considered pests

>screenshot from phone

holy fuck

Not him, but better than a webm saved on a phone of a Youtube video of a Windows Media Player Video of a BR Hazmat tripping over a loose cable and brutally harming a sick patient.

Webm saved on a phone of a phone camera recording a Youtube video*

Tumblr, please leave. Being grossed out isn't triggered.

>Being this triggered by some retard on their phone
pipe the autism down and let's all just be spooked by crunchy million legged beasts from hell

That thing doesn't even have a stinger

you're all a bunch of pussies.

if you made the central conceit of a game being a non-horror game with sudden horror moments, would it just be a horror game

Are these guys even considered pests? they were common as fuck in my house. We never bothered enough to call the terminator.

Boy, it's either this really disgustin Category 3 Hong Kong horror movie from 80s (I guess there was a scene where a woman eats alive and legit centipedes and than vomits them out) or some new Daikichi Amano porn movie.

Ok. What's your point?

>tfw saw whole 0m39a
Damn if only someone made a game with this creepy as fuck artstyle...


when I was a kid I had a huge fascination with insects, so Id always try to let them outside instead of kill them but this fucker is the most "creepy crawler" one of them all. still helped a few though.

That's a millipede, they're alright.
It's centipedes that are the spooky assholes, the hornets of the ground, but more able to kill you.

A..a..aren't they poisonous?

(Greentext): Not browsing Sup Forums whole riding the bus.

I'm sorry this offended you guys.

(Greentext): your autsim is showing

>All those bugs climbing for dear life to avoid certain death
That's sad


Alright, back on topic guys
>Half Life 2
>Stalker:Shadow of Chernobyl both did this
fuck that shit

Aren't houses centipede carnivores? pretty sure they can kill you unlike millipedes

Highly. Not very deadly for a human. But think of a toned down brown recluse bite

poor buggos just want to creepily crawl in peace

Man the bug doesn't give a single shit about you, it hunts down other insects. Like with spiders, only thing that it does to you is being eaten by you when it crawls into your open mouth as you sleep. There was a statistic somewhere how many insects we "eat" while asleep.

> all this centipede shilling ITT

My father was strangled by a millipede.

They're nimble navigators

What's the wikihow for this? I need it.

I would want to smell it afterwards haha

Since you guys are all autistic enough to be triggered by phone screenshots I'll post another.

>blue Hawaiian centipede (scariest and most venomous) bite left untreated for quite some time.


Not really, house centipedes have the constitution of a wet tissue.

>Do you really think I'd save a webm that triggered the fuck out of me?

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Am I Scary To You Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

>There was a statistic somewhere how many insects we "eat" while asleep.
That's bullshit. Bugs know what mouths are.

Post some spooky Vidya stuff that you never see posted or discussed

>This whole level

I have some movie for you pal.

Millipedes and centipedes aren't insects retards.

They belong to a different class than insects and arachnids, they're Chilopoda.

So did you guys see the 3rd one yet? I found that shit hilarious.

>Do you really think I'd save a webm that triggered me?
It's more likely than you think.

>horror section in a non-horror game
>it's scarier than any horror game ever made

It makes sense really, in horror games, you're always prepared for horror stuff to happen. But in non-horror games, it catches you off guard.




haha what if it went like an arrow into you're knee xdD

>Stalker:Shadow of Chernobyl
>Not a horror game


Learn how to reply properly retard

at first glance it looks like some of beksinski's work


the setting is pretty dark, but the gaming experience itself wasn't very scary for me
up until that one underground lab i think

>the pit in Escape from Butcher Bay

Oh man those fuckers that creeped up behind you and it scares the shit out me.

And the noises they make. Ugh.

>WikiHow to not shitpost on www.Sup Forums.org

delightful ancient meme

Yeah :D haha just to see haha just for laughs haha...

>last time i chekced Sup Forums was a swf board

I thought that was /f/

Nothing to see here

We don't go to Ravenholm from Half Life 2, that's a mission you just can't forget the first time you play through.

>looks like your princess is gone.
>maybe I can be your princess...

Imagine what would happen if it started to think about how it moves all those leg in sync.

>a-user stop!



>that narrator

Someone post it already you fucking pussies.


Which is 2spoopiest though; centipedes or millipedes?

>spider BDSM

thats pretty lewd

I actually got scared, expected the normal spider.

Here's your (You)

Full version?
I'm curious as to how much webbing a Spider can produce before either its thorax gets torn off or it stops.
Please, Senpai, I need it.

>threadshot comparing UK and US animal channels


>Cheerful marshmellow happy fun times game

>American documentaries

Centipedes are predators so they're naturally spoopier
I think centipedes also get much larger and generally have creepier bodies, millipedes are just cylinders that wiggle along.

so kirby?

sorry user-kun i don't have the full version
but i know that this don't hurt the spider