I'm new to dnd. Is it viable to start as a sorcerer and then take some rogue and fighter levels? I'm doing it for roleplaying purposes but I want to be able to stay alive too.
I'm new to dnd. Is it viable to start as a sorcerer and then take some rogue and fighter levels...
Taking 3 base classes will possibly give you an exp penalty even if you're human. I've forgotten how that works exactly though.
As for those classes, you want to decide if you want your character to be a caster or a melee type. If you want to be a caster, it's fine to take a FEW non-sorc levels if you just want them for flavor. If you go half sorc half fighter/rogue you won't be good at anything.
I want him to be a caster who can also handle lockpicking/traps and diplomacy and not die instantly in melee if cornered. Not sure if it's possible. Maybe I should drop the fighter levels and take one level in Shadow Dancer when I can.
You want to maximize feats and BAB
>I want him to be a caster who can also handle lockpicking/traps and diplomacy and not die instantly in melee if cornered. Not sure if it's possible. Maybe I should drop the fighter levels and take one level in Shadow Dancer when I can.
As a sorcerer your main stat is Charisma, no need to worry about that.
That said, it's a party RPG, there is literally no reason to have your character try to do everything. Rogues are generally useless, especially since you can just bash open locks and doors with little consequence.
By little, I mean very rarely a cheap item will break.
In terms of melee, you have other characters for that too, position your characters in chokepoints so that they can't get to your casters, and have your casters nuke the ever living shit out of them.
One more thing to add to this. Even if you were to multiclass for those purposes. There is a thing in DnD called DC. By splitting your levels so much, you won't be able to meet the DC of anything serious, in addition your spells will be a lot easier to resist.
If you MUST dualclass, go Wizard/fighter. But even then you're gonna be hamstrung by the fact you can't wear armor really.
Still though, if you want to do both. Go Cleric. They can wear the heaviest armor without consequence cast offensive and defensive spells, and can handle themselves in melee.
One thing you could do is take your first level in rogue, which will give you a lot of skill points you can put in those things. Then take the rest in sorc and then periodically take another rogue level (maybe at level 7, then 12) to put more skill points in. Keep in mind though that every non-sorc level cuts into your casting ability. A fairy familiar can also handle locks and traps well.
As a sorc you should never be in melee. If you do get in a bad spot you'll have invisibility and defensive spells like stoneskin. Efficient sorc/wizard gameplay is to have a summon or henchman in front of you that's buffed by your spells. If they can't handle what you're fighting alone then you can bring out offensive spells.
What if I want to go sneak route with sorcerer spells as a supplemental, main stat charisma. Will that work?
>Is it viable to start as a sorcerer and then take some rogue and fighter levels?
No. If you want your character to do everything, it will be shit at everything and good at nothing.
If you want to play a stealthy mage, just use invisibility and lockpicking spells.
If you want to play a melee mage, play a cleric or druid.
However, if you want to be a stealthy, diplomatic fighter with some magic capabilities, go bard. It's a very powerful class, stronger in melee than pure fighter, but might not be the best for beginners. Keep in mind it's more of a fighter/rogue than a sorcerer. I can give you some tips if you are interested and still here.
You keep wanting to be good at more things with your main character, than the system supports. DnD is at its core a party game. Every member of your party should have a function no other member does. No character can do it all.
That said, you can absolutely solo the game as a monk, Buff-based combat Cleric, control wizard, or fighter/rogue or fighter/mage. This will not get you access to everything, but you can beat the game as one of those. If you want to experience most of the game's content in one run though, use a balanced party.
What module?
If you want to be a magic melee guy thing, pick either bard or cleric, then champion for "fighter-like" levels without EXP penalties.
With bard or sorcerer levels, you also can become a red dragon discipline (some melee potential for your magicfag).
Never take more than one base class unless you know what you are doing. You should pick human as your race if you want to do it, though it is possible to do it with other races.
Just take a bard or something. The issue with taking so many classes in DnD is that you'll have such a massive xp penalty that your character progression will become a snoozefest.
Going Fighter/Mage/Thief was more viable in BG2 as a powergaming build, but it was boring as fuck to play.
if you're just playing the base campaign it's piss easy
crank up con, max out charisma as sorc. leave fighting to panther.
t. NwN oldfag
You're not supposed to be viable in many areas like in The Elder Scrolls. If you try to go down this path in DnD, you'll end up gimped because it was not built that way.
If you want to fight and use spells, you'll either be pathetic at both. Or having magic so shit you would be wasting time while you could be swinging your weapon, or being so weak that you won't be good at hacking stuff anyway.
You need to pick a class, and work with its strengths. They have viable builds with other classes, but it doesn't mean all of them work. Some classes are built around broader playstyles.
The cleric can use heavy armor and tank well, also has good buffs. The paladin can do most of those things too to an extent, but is stronger.
Bards can cast buffs and fight, and they can use magic through items.
Now, on Nwn2 your desired playstyle is more viable, because there are some classes like spellsword. But even then, they have their own strengths and weaknesses.
However, Nwn1 has a level limit of 40, compared with 30 in Nwn3.
>implying Abjurant Champion and Duskblade don't exist
>implying Fighter makes you good at fighting
>implying Paladin is stronger than a Cleric
>implying Abjurant Champion and Duskblade don't exist
Not in Nw1.
Po What's the best D&D game?
In my opinion it's BG2 since it's such a solid game but NWN online play was superb as well.
Too bad I never knew anyone personally for tabletop so I've yet to experience that, however it might seem weird for me to play that now that I'm quite old.
Are we talking about NWN campaign?
It's pretty easy, you can play however you want. I finished all of them a a fucking ranger crossbowman, even though both rangers and crossbows are severly underpowered.
play the second addon and whatever you do, make sure you play as a shifter
most unique class I've ever played in an rpg
NWN, lots of replay value and character customization.
>That said, it's a party RPG, there is literally no reason to have your character try to do everything. Rogues are generally useless, especially since you can just bash open locks and doors with little consequence.
I know what you meant, but the neckbeard in me wants to correct you slightly and say that there is a huge consequence and that is "noise" and "the inability to do anything covert," but its a video game and that doesn't really exist.
Without mods - bg2, with mods - nwn1.
if you want to be a sorcerer get one level of paladin, this gives you access to heavy armor/weapons but also gives you divine grace feat which will give you a massive boost to all saves due to your massive cha stat.
>thinking you need rogue levels in wizards & clerics
magic can detect traps, open locks, and make you invisible
Or just pick Pixie familiar.
nwn and nwn2 are the only dnd games as far as i'm concerned. the persistent servers came as close as we'll ever get to virtual pnp
Did anyone finish Tales of Arterra? Is the second module worth it?
I'm on the first one, stuck at the werewolf. I've got the three party members, but I still can't beat it. Is there something I'm missing? Apparently it's weak against eletricity, but I haven't found an item like that, besides a 50.000 gold weapon in a shop.
Vanilla NWN1 campaign is kind of a shitty way to get introduced to D&D, honestly.
depends what you want out of your game. temple of elemental evil is the shit for system, but it's a mediocre game in pretty much every other aspect because a) troika and b) it stuck to the original module way too much.
I started tortured hearts 2, but its beginning is somewhat slow and confusing. Will it get better?
>I want him to be a caster who can also handle lockpicking/traps and diplomacy and not die instantly in melee if cornered. Not sure if it's possible.
No. Being Jack of all Trades, and not playing a Bard, will just make a really inefficient character in D&D.
I tried getting into it but just couldn't. Every dialogue is really painful due to bad writing
>No. Being Jack of all Trades, and not playing a Bard, will just make a really inefficient character in D&D.
That statement implies somehow playing a bard is not terribly inefficient.
Every player at least once in their career wants to play their favorite song and buff the party with it.
>implying Bards are bad
Bards in NwN2 are awesome. True jack of all trades.
My favorite time with NWN was playing through Hordes of the underdark as a monk. At high levels I attacked and moved at the speed of light punching holes through angels and demons of the planes like they were trash. It felt really overpowered the entire game except the last boss fight was pretty hard.
just play a dance with rogues its the only good thing about nwn
now just imagine if you were playing as an actually powerful class instead of a shitty monk
>tfw you go into an alley and get gang raped
>tfw they leave you with naked and steal all your items
>tfw I try to report it to guards but they arrest me for being nude in public, tie me to a pole and give me 10 lashes
A dance with rogues is my favorite H game
Might as well ask here:
Any way/any mods that focus on attaining or enables your player character to attain lichdom for NWN1 or BG?
Why sorcerer? Wizard works so much better with rogue levels.
>start as rogue with high int
>all these fucking skills
>take a wizard level periodically
>use spells like invisibility, flame weapon and magic weapon to supplement your sneaking and combat
this is perfectly viable, sorcerer will only gimp you in the long run.
But monks are the coolest
>Immune to poison/disease
>immune to mind attacks
>Immortal (Doesnt age)
>Can shrug off spell attack like their nothing
>Doesnt need weapons to get shit done
>super fast
Maybe there are stronger classes, but roleplaying a monk is my power fantasy
NWN1 PRC Pack.
That pack is so unstable.
>Hasn't played the BARDBARIAN
Not really.
You can handle lockpicking and traps with a pixie familiar. Diplomacy will be good, because it'll get a boost from your Charisma, which you should raise at every opportunity. You'll want a a few extra points in Intelligence to get more skill points, since the Persuade skill will cost you two skill points to increase. I find that having 14 Intelligence on a sorcerer lets me increase Persuade whenever I can while also letting me level up Spellcraft, Lore, and Concentration all the time.
To not instantly die if you get cornered, you'll want Stoneskin, but you won't get that for a while. Even with that as a defense, you still won't be hitting much in melee.
>In terms of melee, you have other characters for that too, position your characters in chokepoints so that they can't get to your casters, and have your casters nuke the ever living shit out of them.
Unfortunately, you can't really do that in NWN1, because you don't control companions directly. I love NWN1 and I vastly prefer it over NWN2, but that was a huge design mistake on Bioware's part.
Guess I'll just start modding BG2.
>Did anyone finish Tales of Arterra? Is the second module worth it?
Yes, it's very much worth it. It's my favorite module series. Unfortunately, it's been a while since I played it, so I don't remember that werewolf fight well enough to be of any help.
>As a sorc, you should never be in melee
Bullshit. All you need are some well placed buffs and you can out-melee all but the most min maxed melee build. My go to was haste>mage armor>stoneskin>flame weapon>bull's strength>acid sheath
Add some dragon disciple levels if you want to take it to the next level
There's also invisibility and lockpicking spells for sneaky things if op doesn't mind using magic instead of skill
I'm surprised there isn't an option to let all the guards fuck you in exchange for letting you go.
any good modules you guys play?
I've played ADWR and Kosigan and that's it
5E's archetypes > 2E's kits >>> 3E's prestige classes
god, 3/3.5E was the worst for pointless complexity
Multiclassing a spellcaster is a terrible fucking idea.
I know there are some broken ass lvl30+ multiclassing builds, but when playing campaigns that start at level one, you should stick with one class and possibly pick up a prestige class later.
Tales of Arterra is excellent. Aielund Saga is fun, too. Darkness over Daggerford is also pretty good.
Prophet gets recommended a lot, but its entire plot is just repeating the same thing over and over again. Not interesting, and depressing as fuck.
It's more like a spooky, low-key adventure game, but it's a really good spooky adventure game
for NWN2 literally any arcane spellcaster should pick up arcane scholar asap
the only thing you're sacrificing is your familiar, which is completely useless in NWN2 and a couple bonus feats if you're a wizard
what you get is improved metamagic which is powerful as a wizard and downright broken as a sorcerer and access to the diplomacy skill which is incredibly useful to have throughout the entire game, especially for wizards who don't normally get a social skill. Sorcerers do lose out on bluff but thanks to their high CHA if they've been maxxing bluff before taking the class and maybe weave one sorcerer level in along the way they can keep passing all bluff AND persuasion checks throughout the entire course of the game
on a similar note: if you're playing a fighter for more than 2 levels start preparing for weapon master
Is arcane scholar the class that counts towards your spellcaster level in other classes?
If you can tolerate spells requiring material components, that is.
Honor Among Thieves is pretty good. Does anyone know more rogue oriented modules aside from this and adwr?
arcane scholar gives 100% spellcasting progression in your chosen arcane caster class (sorc/wiz/bard) so you don't lose out on any spells, which is the most important part of sorc and wiz
bards do lose out on their bardic music which is why for them its a bit of an iffy choice but its a no-brainer on the other ones
also in terms of no-brainers: in 2 all warlocks take hellfire warlock when they can, if you don't you're an idiot. The class is bugged and the amulet of health equivalents (which the warlock can actually craft) prevent the con drain which means for no cost you get a 6d6 boost to your eldritch blast damage
NWN2 modules also? In that case Path of Evil is actually surprisingly high quality.
I loved that.
It's not like you're going to be slinging spells at trash mobs every half hour.
Plus if you really want to play without having to buy components, you can pick up offensive spells from HotU. Since it came out after Almraiven, the material component mechanic wasn't applied to them.
Fair enough, but I personally can't stand it. Vancian magic already bothers me enough without adding material components on top of that.
What does Vancian magic mean?
spell levels instead of exhaustion / mana points?
not being able to modify / create spells on the fly?
I don't like any of that, but that's d&d for you.
Material components would suck balls in a module where you're expected to cast spells in combat, but in Almraiven it added to the mystical tone for me.
Do you know any other good nwn2 modules? My nwn2 itch needs scratching.
>spell levels instead of exhaustion / mana points?
Those two are what Vancian means.
Yes, but if you want to wield UNLIMITED POWER you should stick mostly to one class.
As for RP purposes, go for it if it'll make the character what you want. NWN is based on tabletop after all, sky's the limit there.
>I want him to be a caster who can also handle lockpicking/traps and diplomacy and not die instantly in melee if cornered. Not sure if it's possible. Maybe I should drop the fighter levels and take one level in Shadow Dancer when I can.
Literally just described bard, just play a melee bard and your set
Can I ask a BG2 question? What's the best ending to Keldorn's quest?
>just bought all the NWN games on GoG
>NWN thread pops up
let his wife cuck him because he is actually completely in to that
look up that claudius33 guy's shit
it wavers in quality and it's all translated from french, but it's over-the-top fun
try Asphyxia. also "live forever", which does atmosphere better than most actual games.
i really like corruption of kaihoro and it's sequel, even if they're not particularly complex.
I think it's a good representative of the average DND story desu. Not great, not terrible, just pretty mediocre, like most actual Forgotten Realm inspired books.
This is the list of mods I'd reccomend.
And this is where you can get them
There's so many fucking good modules for NWN.
Should I play the base NWN games before jumping into A Dance with Rogues?
Honor among thieves is a godtier rogue module.
hex coda is incomplete but the modules released already are extremely good. The series was cancelled though so if that bothers you, you might not want to try it. Its one of my favorite modules though
All of those look pretty good.
Are there any class/gear restrictions in any of those? I feel like playing a crossbow ranger with Kaedrin pack, as long as they have basic crossbows and/or crafting it would be perfect.
If you have never played NWN you might want to play the tutorial (Literally the first 10 minutes) just to learn the rogue/game mechanics. Then you can jump into the module.
The base game is really bad, it will likely turn you off from playing again.
>The base game is really bad
This is an exaggeration. It's not that horrible desu.
Is it really? I heard the expansions are okay? Are none of them really worth checking out at all?
Should I bet spending more time looking for modules to play instead?
Base game is pretty bad overall but it's not terrible or anything.
Both expansions are very good.
Oh yeah, the expansions are good especially Hordes of The underdark. I thought you just meant the OC
The base game is 6/10. SoU is 8/10. HotU is 9/10.
Should the base be played before the expansions?
Just play it you cuck. Not like you'll spend that time doing anything better. You might enjoy it.
No, they are not related. A few NPCs from the base game appear in HotA but that's it.
Expanions are related though, play SoU first.
NWN-1 OC is about a 5/10
SoU is 6-7/10
HotU is 7-8/10
(or at least they were in their day. I guess the graphics haven't aged that well)
The SoU campaign links into the HotU campaign, intended to be played by the same character, while the OC takes place somewhere else and is intended for a different character
doesn't need to be. like user said earlier, do the tutorial at least.
the base game is absolutely standard bioware stuff, all of their usual storytelling gimmicks and twists. it's very long and in some places annoying, but I'm probably doing it a disservice here because really it's good for 1 playthrough if you like the mechanics of the game
Here's a tool that makes installing NWN mods easier:
Shadows of undrentide and Hordes of the underdark are expansions for the original NWN.
Hordes of the underdark is a sequal to shadows of undrentide.
So I would play
>Shadows of Undrentide
>Hordes of the Underdark
You can play the original game if you want its just very stale and not that good.
Asphyxia should be fine, but it's been a while. live forever is kind of gear-lite, it's unlikely you'll find a magic crossbow.
I found that the remaining two definitely favour a warrior class, so you'll be fine there. Just make sure you've got solid melee as well.
Holy shit looking at that mod I would not recommend it at all. It makes installing mods look complicated as fuck.
Installing mods is as simple as downloading the mod and
>hak files in hak folder
>mod files in modules folder
>most mods dont have a tlk file but if there is a tlk file it goes into the tlk folder
It's actually very easy to use, and it makes uninstalling much easier as well.