So... I fucking loved this game on PS2 when I was a kid...

So... I fucking loved this game on PS2 when I was a kid. I loved it so much that I'm thinking about emulating it on PC for a long time already and I decided to do it, however I never emulated PS2 before (only GBA) and I kinda don't know how to do it. Anyone willing to help me?

Other urls found in this thread:

learn how to google

tech illiterate retard

gamecube emulating is better so better emulate it on dolphin

did you try using google?

it's ok if you don't know a lot about tech

gamecube emulating is better so better emulate it on dolphin

I know how to google. I'm not asking you to give me a step by step walkthrough, I want to know what I should think about, how strong my pc needs to be for it, or if actually PS2 emulation on PC works good now.

Last time I tried it was buggy and shitty as hell.

Also kinda hoped that someone besides me remembers this game and wants to discuss it.

Also what about a gamecube? Wasnt Time Splitters 2 an exclusive for PS2?

I see what you did there
T: upvoted

Also will keyboard and mouse work, or I need a gamepad?

Playing emulated fps on pc and using gamepad not kb+mouse would be shitty.

you download PCSX2 latest version
download the bios
and download the game from somewhere like isozone or emuparadise.
set up a controller and run the emulator.
and toggle between directX9 hardware and software modes on video setting and see which one runs the game better and your done.

of course not, silly goose. That's why we're recommending you use dolphin to emulate it because GC emulation is near perfect now.

Also the neo tokyo level was a bitch and a half. Actually so were a lot of the later ones. Fucking robot factory.

>Last time I tried it was buggy and shitty as hell.

I fucking told you to use gamecube emilation

>not playing future perfect instead

it's time to SPLIT


That was like 10 years ago when PS2, Xbox and GC were "current-gen" so there was no good gc emulator either. Also my pc then was not strong enough to carry that on his back.

Worse in every way

Also, yeah. I started the thread because I wanted to discuss the game and emulation, not because I wanted someone to do my dirty work.


Do I need a gamepad or there is possibility of working kb+m?

>Worse in every way

anyway it would be better if you had a gamepad. Just buy one of those rock candy 360 controllers or something



>install dolphin
>get TS2 from emuparadise under gamecube isos
>go into config and set your shit up

I've played both and I remember future perfect being way better overall.
Care to elaborate?

better in which way? I mean, it's an fps. I understand need for a gamepad if I would want to play Devil May Cry (which was rad game too), but for first person shooter?

Also, If I have to buy a gamepad, I will go for something like Dual Shock. Best pad I ever had, my hands are kinda too big for Xbox controller, however I'm not saying it's not comfortable, just less than DS.


Actually I never played Future Perfect. My PS2 choked mortally on a Red Faction DVD before I had a chance.

It's the third one, right? I remember reading a review in a console magazine I collected and they wrote it's a lot worse than second one.

So yeah, no my own opinion in the matter, just being a drone.

emulation means your computer is pretending to be either a gamecube (dolphin) or ps2 (pcsx2)

they don't automatically turn your keyboard and mouse into a functioning alternative for fps console games, they rely on you having a controller

if your going to want to use a dualshock then you'll need to install a third party program for that, google if your friend

just grab a 360 controller because it works automatically with either emulator

The story and shooting mechanics were better. Don't get me wrong I liked the flingy perfect-dark way of nevery being able to hit shit unless you pray for autoaim, but at a certain point nostalgia wears off.

And I think you can buy a dual shock-to-pc adapter if you have one lying around, but I don't know how well it would work. You'd be emulating a gamecube controller, which is why, so I think it would be weird to play it with m+kb. I don't even remember if you can use the mouse

dunno man, I think future perfect was better, but that was a long ass time ago that I played ts2.
Just bought future perfect again a few months ago and finished main story together with a friend. We had a great time.
You should certainly try it out though.
And yes it's the third.

not same user but i personally dislike the 3rd game as it got hella cheesy, character designs weren't as cool. You only played as cortez for every mission and the ending was some "and everyone lived happily ever after time bullshit" I did like they brought in character intros for vs but they weren't as interesting as TS1 intros and most were pretty cringy.

I remember having more fun with TS2's multiplayer but future perfect had better single player. I feel like this is the general consensus

nigger the whole point of these games are cheesy arcade fun. If they had turned the 3rd one into some grimdark bullshit it would have killed the spirit of it. Be happy they kept it light hearted and cheesy

Maybe it's because I started with future perfect and played ts2 after that, so I expected more future perfect and not the other way around.
But even after what, 10 years I still like the jokes in future perfect.
Yes they are cheesy, but both the train scene and the elevator scene make me at the very least chuckle every time.

I still think the harry tipper plot arc is the funniest shit. And that dapper gentleman who helps cortex assault that island

Gamecube is easier to emulate, you dont have to worry about dicking with Firmware if you go with Dolphin.

I'm hoping for mouse because you know, first person shooter. Also I would have to buy a gamepad, I don't have one now. Also my hope comes from that PS2 for sure had an usb mouse and keyboard as perypherial equipment, and at least some games had compability with it. Dunno how with gamecube however, I never had any Nintendo console.

Damn, maybe it's good idea to try the dolphin, there's also Resident Evil 0 and The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker, always wanted those two.

Fucking fantastic
>"that wasn't even close"
holy shit it's still just as great
So many memorable scenes anyway.
The zombie moose in the wall for example.
That shit had a ton of hp. Had to cheese it to kill it.

I think *maybe* if you got the ps2 emulator, you could...I guess emulate the ps2's mouse and keyboard peripheral with your own *real* mouse+keyboard (since it wouldn't be native). But that's a stretch.

>anno domini 2016
>not using a search engine

iirc you could just circle strafe around it because it's turning speed wasn't all that good? The Deerhaunter, right? I made so many fucking custom single player maps that had the deerhaunter as a final boss. It was too cool not to

I don't want the series to be grimdark, I just don't want super shit puns, I like characters like robofish and duckman drakeI pick him in multiplayer

Watching back some of the clips now, I have a lot of nostalgia bias for ts1 as it was the first ps2 game I played

You could actually go into the little room he came out of and he couldn't hit you.

I thought the shitty puns were really endearing, and since I'm pretty sure it was only cortex that did it (since it was a running joke in the game) I thought it gave him some much needed character development. There weren't (and still aren't) a lot of games that have the same kind of light-hearted humor, and I think 3 was the logical conclusion of that. I can get the nostalgia bias though.

2 and FP are about as good in my opinion, just for different reasons, I replay them all every year and I think they're all some of the best games ever made, even 1 is great with it's fast paced arcade-y story mode that focuses on speed.
2 has the best arcade and challenge modes, the story mode has the most variety but the story is kind of an afterthought, not that it needs to be that important but FP's story makes it generally more enjoyable and engaging.
In terms of difficulty i'd say 2 is more difficult with levels like Atom Smasher and Neotokyo, 1 can be a little challenging due to the fact that you take so much damage and the lack of checkpoints.
FP has maybe one challenging part with Harry Tipper, otherwise it's fairly easy compared to the others.
As much as I would like another one I don't really trust any company to not fuck it up these days.

cortez* excuse me

>FP has maybe one challenging part with Harry Tipper
those fucking bombs

What's happening with that fangame? Is that still a thing?

That zombie mansion level is fucked up in ts1, I could complete every level on hard within the unlock time except for that level, too stressful

It's still a thing yes, but it is slowly progressing.

Emulated it recently. Gamecupe version even tho I never had one and only played the PS2 version.

Emulation works great but the game is just much worse than I remember ;_;

It just updates VERY slowly but their still working on it.

holy fuck, user. I love you. You know I do, right?
no homo