World is procedurally generated

>World is procedurally generated

But think of the literally limitless gameplay!

Why don't they just make games that design themselves.

Only minecraft did this well


That's what procedural generation is. The issue is that someone still has to write the algorithm that the computer uses to generate stuff and as of right now it's pretty difficult (or impossible) to procedurally generate something that is on par with something hand designed.



>protagonist is actually the villain

>Rain goes through ceilings

Ultimate comfy killer

What do you even do in this game?

>5 years from now
>new Zelda game is procedural generated
Will you be okay with it then?

You need to be 18 to post on this website.

>main character does something in a cutscene that you would NEVER do

I don't mind a combination of hand made stuff and procedurally generated stuff.
Like a big open world that has pre-designed areas in between.

But in this procedurally generated world, what can we do?

>everyone is making these physics and voxel based mining survival "games"
>noone will make a good straightforward action game out of them


>female protagonist
>she's a "sexy strong empowered womyn who don't need no man"
>proceed to toss the game into the trash

Bonus points if it's supposed to be "ironic" or "empowering" as if it isn't equally obnoxious.

>procedurally generated
>open world
>transgender friendly
>strong woman components
>module-style gameplay
>community supported DLC

There is nothing wrong with procedural generation.

It can only be used badly.

>dwarf fortress

If you are talking about bayo that game was fun as fuck.

>randomly generated minigame level
>impossible to win

>it's a pop in simulator

About as fun as TLOU, with a similar focus on being "cinematic".

Agreed. DF is shit

>protagonist is constantly told they're the villain, regardless of what they do
>leads to crisis of faith partway through, followed by suicide of the protagonist
>who was actually the hero, and the story then picks up with the main, true villain, and the player sees the difference in harm and focus
>villain wins in the end

>Map can be crossed in less than an hour on foot
>Map is so clustered with towns and roads that it's actually impossible to get lost because you're never more than a few minutes from the nearest road or town

It can be good if done by competent devs

So your gripe is the hair weeve parts? The fast pace fighting i felt was nice having not played gow or dmc in a while.

>MC mows down dozens of mooks while being shot at from all sides in gameplay
>gets easily captured or defeated in a cutscene

Only Space Engine did this well

End result.

Quote from the devs "This is just a simple example of a very basic room. After some room features are generated, their location in the room is determined by their relationship to other features and their impact on gameplay. For example, jumping platforms need to be a certain distance from each other, and important focal points need to feel like a central focus of the room. Catwalks should flow into other pathways, and hallway exits should be aligned to their most prominent axis. We built a physical solver to ensure all these constraints are met, all while adding a bit of chaos to the system."

>Beat the boss easily
>cutscene shows you getting your ass kicked and the boss taunts you

Post you shitty chart already faggot so the thread can be ruined and you'll have the (you) as ylu always do.
Kill yourself.

That and the quick time events, excessive cinematics, the voice acting, and the casualized gameplay (why does everyone imply that Infinite Climax was hard? If you've ever played a twitch shooter like quake it's like child's play).

Overall the game put too much emphasis on its story and the gameplay felt unfinished. But nobody cared because le boobs and tits and strong feminist woman who don't need no man. Blegh, disgusting.

Is this the AC guy?

Assassin's Creed? What does that even have to do with this?

>survives direct rocket hits
>gets knocked out by a punch

>every .hack gu fight ever

>Can die in gameplay
>Is invincible during cutscenes

thats cool as fuck's infinite gameplay...One planet will have a blue rock while the other has a green one.

Yes, alwats comparing bayonetta and TLOU and how they are both cinematic, then he post his shitty chart and the thread goes to sht.

Assassin's Creed?
Animal Crossing?
Ace Combat?
Armored Core?
Air Conditioning?
Armor Class?

>can fall from space in a cutscene
>dies from a 10 foot fall ingame

What are you implying user?

>mario maker stage in smash
One of the best stages in the series imo

>enemies still pick a fight with the MC
>already killed off several armies

didn't somebody make something that does that? like down to textures and other things? I could've sword someone posted a video of a game made by an AI that pulled random images and shit off of the internet to use for textures.

> Your dead father was the villain the whole time
> The two rebel leaders you were helping where the villains the whole time
> The main villain is kinda cool but is still a villain after the whole time
> You were the villain the whole time

What kind of fucking writers does Ubisoft hire?

I hate SJW's forcing their morals onto media as much as the next Sup Forumsirgin, but dismissing a game not on it's overall quality is equally as shit.

If 90% of the game is just the character flaunting their in the camera, the gameplay just isn't fun.

It's like asking me to play an RPG where half the game is deciding on what gender your character is, or discussing politics. I'm like "dude, I don't want that".

>I could've sword someone

Go find therapy.

Elements, yes. Say the overworld at large is procedural, but dungeons are handcrafted.

That could be cool.

What game?

>Early access open world survival game

It was zombie games a few years ago
Whats it in the future? Space sims?

Basically Rust

>I could've sword someone
nigga what are you doing

>If 90% of the game is just the character flaunting their in the camera, the gameplay just isn't fun.

the keyword there is "If", you won't get to know that unless you play the game. If you're afraid you'll support trash coming onto the market, try pirating b4 you buy or watching letsplays.

That's what redbox is for, and piracy.