The only cutie soldier with good stats I have is Flaming Buffalo and she's not cute at all.
How do I get lots of cuties with good stats really quickly?
The only cutie soldier with good stats I have is Flaming Buffalo and she's not cute at all.
How do I get lots of cuties with good stats really quickly?
You don't find huge mouths and asthma attractive?
Hey, I took a lot of outposts and fobs with her.
You need the Athlete trait to not have an asthma attack every time you run, right?
>not using anyone but venom
what are you, some kind of faggot?
The prisoner in the White Mamba mission is a qt.
Fuck stats, just pick the best qt.
...or the second best qt.
>Flaming Buffalo isn't cute
She may have asthma but she's adorable, get off my Sup Forums you literal faggot.
Do Prisoner Extraction 2 sideop.
Inspect the female prisoner. If you don't like the look, quit to the ACC and then redeploy to the sideop. She will have a different appearance.
Once you have the appearance you want, keep restarting from checkpoint (preferably after eliminating everyone in the base, leaving the base, and then re-entering the base to trigger a checkpoint) until you get the stats you want.
Got a top tier S rank combat qt with the sprinting skill from this.
>MGS PW and TPP come out
>people complain about grinding to get things
>people have literally no qualms with grinding for waifu material
Cancer, the fucking lot of you.
>playing as a girl
I accidentally dismissed my top 30 combat staff members the other night, including Buffalo. I was highlighting waiting room staff members and my friend asked how you can scroll and highlight them all, so I switched to the combat staff window and showed him. Then went back to the waiting room, finished, and dismissed them. I never de-selected my combat members.
It's entirely my fault and I'm a fucking moron but I had just beaten the game and all 157 side ops so I don't feel too bad, just really fucking stupid.
How the fuck do I have fun with FOBs? Every base is the exact same, you basically need to abuse camoflage on D rank guards and use the cheesiest tactics possible to get anywhere, and sniper bases are basically impossible, and I thought this was a huge waste of time but I see all these dudes having fun with hundreds of hours logged on FOBs and feel like I'm missing out on some cool shit.
I stopped caring about FOBs when cheaters would invade me and have super speed, infinite health and ammo, and could put all my soldiers to sleep with a press of a button
>he didnt get the blue eyed buffalo without asthma
Never would've made it to 100% without her desu.
that's the best
that's the second best you fag with shit taste
>playing multiplayer games on PC
You're asking for cheaters and hackers.
i can't fucking handle it,
why her stats are so shit, even when you have only S and S+ staff
i must be dreaming for fuck sake, maybe i should take hourse on this mission or something
even fucking medals can't do much for her
and this fucking fob missions, it's like hell when i pick her. i never finish even one with her, it's time for change to forget about shame
Playing with low ranks is fun to be honest. The game is too easy with Snake and S ranks.
That said if you really want a top tier cutie just use cheat engine. Trying to farm one isn't worth the time.
>why would you play the game when you can use cheat engine to get the perfect waifu?
PC gaming is literally cancer.
>spam the same same mission 100 times in the hopes that you might get a cute girl with good stats, though you probably wont
Keep having fun with that consolecuck.
mine is cuter
Post your snatchfu
just for fun :3
There is a mission you can extract high level female soldiers and their faces are random.
The screenshot you saved is mine and I was playing with A++ Pouncing Harrier
shark week eh?
You can edit the files to touch up the faces and change hair color.
Why haven't you literally created your waifu?
Im surprised no one has thrown out the whole "staring at girls ass vs guys ass" argument yet, i only ever play as female when in the game i know gear will look better.
this is my main
I like him!
the only reason i play as a girl in this game is because i dig chicks in uniforms and not many military games has the female option, it's literally the only kind of game where i'd love a female option
draw me like one of your French girls, Jack
Finally some taste. What's this soldier's name again?
don't know, these images are old and I haven't touched mgsv since I 100%, I think I found her on white mamba mission while I was farming women
Oh, I do have fun because I'm not a waifufaggot who grinds for hot girls. I play MGS to play a stealth action game, not to jerk off over waifus.
Seriously, that's all you got?
>h-have fun on console, I bet you won't even find any cute girls!!!
Yeah have fun with cheaters, hackers, and using the cheat engine to get a cute girl to fap to you fucking faggot. Meanwhile I'll actually be playing the game.
It's 2016. If faggots want to stare at guy's asses that's accepted now.
looks like a slutty grineer from warframe
>tfw first girl is best girl