Quick question for people who play rhythm games:

Quick question for people who play rhythm games:
Do you practice specific songs over and over to get better at them or do you jump from one song to another?

Also rhythm game thread, I guess.

Other urls found in this thread:


Really depends on how far I get into a song
I if I can get into like halfway through a song, I just do it over and over until I pass

But if it kicks my ass from the get go I ignore it from that point on until I get better through other songs

I suck ass at most rhythm games, so I do practice a lot.

I play because I enjoy the music and because I want high combos. Also, it's fun.

I skip songs I hate, keep playing those that I tolerate, and change songs every time.

That game is cute like fuck it it's cute.

What game, I want for the cute

I usually never play a song more than once in a row, even if I like it. I'll come back to it after a while, but not in the same "session".

Just wondering how far I can take this and when I need to actually practice songs and shit.

i change songs each time
playing the same song repeatedly would make me get sick of hearing it

also: max combos >score

Unless you get a full combo, your combo doesn't really matter.

I don't get a lot of FCs, because I move on to harder songs before I can FC anything.

sorry i guess full combo was what i meant
i do the same

I usually play osu, because it has good music. Weird that i havent seen it in conventions even though its a very otaku game

Course it's cute.

Project Mirai DX

If I like a song, I'll replay it a bunch of times. Other songs, not so much.

>It's called garbage can no garbage cannot

Holy shit!!! this is bouth hilarious and Insightful

I can't stand osu!mania.
It just doesn't feel quite right and I'm not interested in clicking circles.

I don't really see much point in grinding a song 100 times to get it perfect.

I replay songs if I like them (so most of them in Miku games), or if they unlock cool stuff for playing them however many times.

Someone post the webm. I don't have it.

>Do you practice specific songs over and over to get better at them or do you jump from one song to another?

The nice things about these games is that you can do either. If you want a nice way to wrap up the day, then just play through your favorite song and don't worry about how you do. If I want to just play something I can select random. If I want to focus on mastering a particular song, I can play it repeatedly as long as I'd like. You can play the game however you'd like, from occasionally picking it up to just relaxing with random songs to mastering each one.

It's why I like rhythm games.

It depends on what I'm trying to do. If I'm trying to clear a song for the first time or get a better score I'll play the song over and over again but if I'm playing for fun I'll keep switching between the songs I like.


Sorry user. I don't have it.

Combo based scoring is fucking shit

Who gives a fuck about score?

Wait, I lied, I had it buried somewhere.

Too late.

If you're going for a perfect anyways, does it matter?

Saved. Thanks user.

No problem.

I just play whatever songs I wanna play whenever I feel like playing them. Though naturally that means I'll play some songs more than others because I like them more.

Guess the party is over.

Yeah, sorry. Not much to talk about. Heck, Mirai is currently packed away so I can't even pull it out to give it a quick playthough.

1/6 Out of the Gravity is still a favorite of mine from the game.

That's not my favorite but that's ok

I prefer:
Ageage Again
Clover Club
Amatsu Kitsune
The World is Mine
Doremifa Rondo
Reverse Rainbow


Then do something about it.

I'm still upset melancholy wasn't that difficult, sweet magic was already an easy track

I know that I got better by watching a YouTube video on my phone while pretending to play that song on my vita. If i felt like i didn't get it right then I'd rewind and try again. I actually managed to learn a few parts doing that.

Some tracks on Marai are way too easy. However, there are a few tracks on there that throw a lot of shit at you.

yeah, skeleton orchestra and matryoshka were pleasant surprises, was the difficulty lowered to not turn off new players or something?

Difficulty was probably lowered since DS/3DS didn't get previous Miku games. That, and the touchpad controls were a lot more generous in the timing and just easier in general (unless you are trying to perfect), so you could easily get through most songs without too much difficulty.

One of the main reasons why I prefer to play IIDX simulator at home instead of AC data is because I can have a vast library of songs to play. At the arcade, I rarely play any song more than once in a given day, and at home I tend to skip playing the same song more than once a week or longer if possible.

Grinding the same songs over and trying to get better scores each replay is what would make me hate playing IIDX, and I don't want to do that to myself.

Of course, I rarely AAA anything so it's likely that I'm only hampering my progress by not grinding out replays. Oh well.

Prioritizing combo over score does not properly give precision the priority it deserves.

It would make no sense in IIDX for a FC A to be considered better than a non-FC AA. I've managed to get a full combo C grade in IIDX a few times. This indicates that it was an imprecise play and that a 1-miss B clear would be more accurate to the music, which therefore means the latter should be considered "better".

Being able to slop through charts without a miss should be considered as less skillful than having overall greater precision despite breaking combo.

Makes sense, although I don't know why they couldn't just add an extreme mode.
I will say it's still my favorite in design, the colors of the on screen buttons look great. Pressing dual commands like left+b or down+x and being able to hear other vocaloids besides the default sing was a nice touch.


As long as I can get a decent score on the songs I like that's fine enough for me


I found the ultra lewd ones

I like to mostly hop from song to song unless I really want to learn a chart, and there are some songs that you NEED to grind to figure out what the hell is going on (ie. anything with lots of BPM changes/stops, early IIDX doubles charts because most of them are fucking retarded, etc.)


You want to get the thread deleted?
well not that I give a shit

holy fuck my dick is about to explode


Usually jump from song to song cause most of them are absolute trash.

It's pretty kosher, I mean youtube hasnt taken it down so it must be okay right?

When I started with project diva f on vita I brute forced my way through an 8 star song on extreme when I could barely beat a hard song. Took me 3 days to actually beat it, but it was good training and I could easily beat easier extreme songs after that.

>melody on one hand
>counter melody on the other

Dammit, IIDX needs more charts like Earth Light H14, not less.

Switch songs. The only reason I would repeat the same song is if it's one I'm trying to beat and I think I can do it with one more try.

>making miku into a whore
God fucking damn it. IS SACRED IN JAPAN

I dont get the anime. It seems like miku has a childhood crush she dates a lot, but then there's all these random photoshoots of her being very lewd as if she were some gravure model or something. It could've been a nice anime, but of course it's done by one artist and animator and he probably just did a lot of random shit for his own fetishes

>sacred in Japan

Where do you think all the porn comes from?

>File name incorrect
>Not the Remastered version
C'mon now.

remastered how?

Fucking watermark I swear. I can't make my shots into proper wallpapers.

little jaggies.

yeah but how? emulator?

Yep. An user a few weeks ago made these at my request since I can't into Citra.

This also happened this week.

>not in FT

Who /Rin/ here?
Best girl

Thanks fags now I've got Clover Club stuck in my head

dude sex lmao

She makes me feel a little pedo.

Best girl is actually Luka

Once I'm on the final difficulty, I work to clear every song once.

Then I just play whatever I want and eventually I get better.

I don't think this will have the same impact with the Arcade modules.

The arcade models kind of grew on me honestly.

You mean best woman?

don't be that guy

10 hours in paint

Thanks bud. That one's easy with clone tool, but I don't wanna have to fix all my screenshots.

Still iffy about it, some songs have bad lighting giving off that plastic feel. At least pantie shots are doable.

Vocaloid is uncanny valley garbage
Songs always sound better when covered by actual humans

Then how do you explain autotune's rise in usage within the past decade

>all this project diva
I was expecting something else coming in

This song was pretty good desu

I play till S Rank then new song

Vocaloids are literally a series of language sounds recorded by a real human bean

From an audio perspective, Vocaloid is just as real as a human.

It's like the only popular rhythm game right now.

I love Amplitude though
Excited for DJMAX Respect next year

Except when most people can't sing for shit and have to rely on autotuning their shit singing.

The thread results rely on OP's pic.

Well the thread encouraged me to play some Project Mirai.
Then I played some Theatrhythm Final Fantasy.

have you tried elite beat agent and osu tatakae ouendan?

I tend to find one song I like and play it over and over. You'd think that would mean that I would git gud at it but nope

Not him, those were fun times.
>tfw those games are/will be a decade old

>eventually they'll be a century old
>eventually vocaloid will die out
>eventually nobody will remember miku

Taiko is pretty popular.

in japan

Dedicate your life to Miku and preserve your brain before it starts to rot and she will never be forgotten user. We have the technology.

In Japan

in Japan

>[diva]'s like the only popular rhythm game right now.
uh user

>>now let's move the goalposts on what "popular" means

I like to try to do a different song if I can, even if they are a little too hard I try to pass, so that when I redo older songs they feel much easier.
Else I'll go do something else for a while and come back to the song I'm stuck on.

We sure do have a lot of Beatmania threads

Miku's most delicious part of the body is her back

>a game's popularity is determined by how many threads it has on Sup Forums
>let's ignore all the posting about IIDX in /jp/
>let's ignore which series has been alive longer
>threads main only live on Sup Forums on the basis of it being flavor of the month or its waifus

Goalposts: Moved.

this isnt 1600

Goalpost moved indeed.