What's Sup Forums honest opinion about Love Live game?
Who is your favorite character?
What's Sup Forums honest opinion about Love Live game?
Not a fan of the anime idol theme in general. I cant stand it. For my cute girls I prefer Kunoichi and Knight themes but there are very few waifu games with these settings. It makes me sad that Idol and Magical girls are significantly more popular than my preferences.
>top tier
maki, eli, honoka
>high tier
umi, hanayo,
>low tier
nico, rin, kotori
>shit tier
Could you not? Like really just leave. Fucking leave.
Kill yourself Maki loving fuck
Let me fix that for you
>>shit tier
objectively bad opinion
Starlight Stage is better
I couldn't care less about the games, the yuri porn is top tier tho.
I don't know about the new girls, but for the old ones:
>god tier
Maki, Eli
>wondertits tier
>decent tier
Kotori, Umi, Rin
>mediocre tier
Hanayo, Honoka
>spite sex tier
Gameplay wise, sure
But imas songs just plainly bad
>Top/God tier
Christ, Sup Forums really does have shit tastes. You try pulling this on Sup Forums or /vg/ and they would laugh it off.
Since you're not discussing the games, why don't you take your weeb shit back to Sup Forums ? Surely they will be more interested than us to know which Idol is your favorite.
Only because of forced meme
I don'to go to Sup Forums much, what's this meme you guys speak of
A supposed meme about how Eli is the worst of the μ's cast because she was being a complete ass in the 1st season and then didn't really do much in the remaining 2nd season and movie aside being paired with Nozomi (and making her look better in comparison).
>What's Sup Forums honest opinion about Love Live game?
That I still enjoy the songs, and µ's remains a pretty decent set of characters, but that the game itself is now very very obviously aged and lazy. It's from a different era of mobege, these days something like Starlight Stage should be considered the standard for an idol rhythm game. LLSIF has zero animation, minimal characterization or story telling, zero flexibility, and they have done a lazy job of even doing much with the minimal mechanics they have (ie., they could do some much more interesting and challenging Titles, Goals and pvp/stat tracking even without actually doing any extra programming work).
End result is that if you've been playing it for a long time already and enjoy the songs then maybe you keep with it, but purely F2P, it's simply too lazy and primitive at this point to be worth money. And for someone thinking about starting fresh I'd strongly suggest picking a better, newer game. Even gatcha shit should have to justify itself.
I guess with µ's gone though and Aqours failing to have the same magic maybe they just figure they'll squeeze as much profit as possible out of it for minimal investment. Kind of a shame but hardly an uncommon stance.
Also /llsifg/ is even more horrendously cancerous then /vg/ is normally, it's bad, even for that shithole, except for very brief moments at the end of events when people who play the game manage to talk for a bit. Other then that the game never even comes up, it's just 100% continuous waifufaggotry and shitposting.
>Who is your favorite character?
Honk/Bird/Sea OTT.
Is that a legit collab? Didnt know Syl was that popular.
>top tier
>shit tier
>Fresh (TM) New (TM) PaperCutoutMuse
Fixed. Aqours was a mistake.
What's going on in this thread, zura?
Post your idols.
>boring garbage like kotori
>second place
At least wait until the end of the season before you try to write them off. It's only been four episodes so far.
It was a fake by the dev because he was playing a lot of idolm@star
or atleast that's what i remember
I like the fat one. She makes my dick hard.
>Kira Tsubasa
umi looks exactly like my waifu lucina so shes my favorite!
>Nico not god tier
Definitely a bit jelly of some of those. I've had the worst fucking luck with the RNG for the last 5 10+1s god damn it.
He means Nozomi
He meant rice-chan. Although the truth is they're all perfect.
shitty meme idols
I don't give a fuck about this series but I do have this picture of one of them drinking so I'll contribute
Nico haters are kimotaku who don't want to believe that their cute idols are all two-faced, discuss
Sorry user but I've seen enough. The fundamental mistake in my opinion was trying to effectively recreate µ's, right down to the same number of people, subgroupings, etc. There are clear attribute overlaps as well. No matter what they do with it from where they are, there is always going to, AT BEST, be that uncomfortable echo effect. The best way to save the LL franchise if they wanted it to live beyond µ's would have been to do something quite different that could really stand on its own. They went the super safe decision-by-committee route and it was a bad idea as that sort of thing usually is in creative works.
I gave it plenty of time even before the anime but it doesn't work. I do though admire them for at least ending things cleanly with µ's itself rather then running it into the ground. The original will thus live on.
If I had sit on a bed next to some sort of piggu whale creature I agree drinking would be helpful.
Is she with her mom?
>Although the truth is they're all fat.
fixed for you
>tfw no whitetrash weeb gf
I used to play this game religiously every single day
I was having fun despite not having a single UR (besides the free ones)
Then one day I did that 10+1 guaranteed SR thing and got a duplicate event SR
I felt so robbed I just stopped playing
Just level her skill up and get a free silver sticker out of it.
>Then one day I did that 10+1 guaranteed SR thing and got a duplicate event SR
What, isn't that good? It means an instant idolization or skill-up. It's not a UR but that's genuinely really good luck, event SRs have way reduced rate of appearance.
Compare and contrast with me. Actually it's even worse, I've done 2 more since then (now that they had out gems out free daily they accumulate much more quickly) and same thing, nothing but trash pulls. 250 gems for 5 basic SRs. T-thanks klab.
I do like how they're a lot more generous with star jewels than SiF is with love gems.
This. It doesn't help that they constantly remind you about the shit µ's did.
It's basically a copy and paste, because Sunrise is retarded and there's no way this will be as popular as the previous series.
>do a platinum edition
>all the idols I get are literally whos that weren't even in the anime
That's honestly the main reason why I still prefer SiF.
But some of the best weren't in the anime, and some unvoiced ones are cute too.
>doesn't know sylvie
>posts literally the worst girl and fake neet
I haven't played the game in over an year I think so I don't remember things well but
iirc the chance of getting a duplicate event SR is equal (or even lower idk) than getting a UR, that's why I felt robbed
I don't even know what's this silver sticker, not sure if a new thing or I just never payed attention. Also never thought about idolizing the SR, iirc it just raises the stats/skills, I'd rather have a UR (but again I might be remembering shit wrong)
>It's basically a copy and paste, because Sunrise is retarded and there's no way this will be as popular as the previous series.
It's a shame, not like there wasn't room for them to keep at it or enhance the franchise. Copy/paste, super risk-averse upper management decision making is one of the most destructive forces when it comes to franchise and creative works in general. And it's not even like this isn't a well known issue too! Fucking stupid.
But I didn't mention anything about Sylvie in my post.
>because Sunrise is retarded and there's no way this will be as popular as the previous series.
This, its Gundam Build Fighters all over again.
>First series given creative freedom and is beloved for being genuine and fun
>Second series mediocre cash-in
>playing shitty card idol games
>not playing glorious 2D Live idol games
What's your favorite 2D Live one? Although obviously people aren't playing sif for the gameplay, everyone non-retarded recognizes it's shit.
Ah yes, the EA model of development. No part of the world is safe.
Any other JPbros around?
>Key concepts behind Sunshine! according to Sunrise are "Fan participation", "seaside setting", and "inspired by muse"
Yeah if you couldn't tell from 10 miles away that this was just going to be a shameless clone to keep milking the franchise then you're dumb
>What's Sup Forums honest opinion about Love Live game?
>Who is your favorite character?
This semen demon
Honestly, the only thing I really want is more difficulty in the beatmaps. But whatever. I play it anyways, it's okay and my phone is so shit it'll only run this and P&D.
The new master difficulty isn't enough for you yet?
They added a new difficulty in the Aqours update IIRC.
I know they have Master now, but it's a recent thing and they don't have very many songs there yet.
>they're shit because they wasn't in the anime
it's a shame that you only focus on the anime to make a judgment, of course LL anime is miles above im@s CG anime but that doesn't mean those "whos" are shit, each one of them have a depth and personalities that maybe if you do some research you could have liked them, but as im@s CG anime it was just a shitty adaptation of the mobage you'll keep shitting on them
if only they hadn't make a CG anime
Rin is the best
I finally got a UR of her after almost 2 years of playing and now I'm losing interest with no goal
I can't play the game because they use 'eli' instead of 'eri' and it tickles my autism
I've seen the game and it looks fun, but I'm wary about the directional notes. Those things pissed me off in Theatrhythm, fucking pieces of shit missing my inputs even though I obviously moved the circle pad. Couldn't even be assed to give me a bad.
>directional notes
Definitely my worst enemy in this game and the only things that keeps me from getting most full combos in master.
The game is probably shit.
Honk and Umi.
Delet this
Heres 5 facts about maki:
1. Her name is maki
2. I love her!
3. She's a tomato.
4. Maki!
The game's alright, I'm not that much into rhythm games and phone games, so I didn't play it much.
>Top Tier
Honk, Chika, Hanamaru, Ruby
>High Tier
Maki, Burd, Riko, Umi
>Mememaster Tier
Nico, Mari, Yoshiko
>Meh Tier
Rin, Hanayo, Kanan, You
>Shit tier
Nozomi, Eli, Dia
Maki is God tier
I hate Score Matches with a passion.
>Get a full combo on Random Unbalanced Love
>Get beaten by someone who can't even break a combo of 150
It's actually harder to get full combo on the slower speeds if you get used to harder ones
And on the master everyone got around same amount of score anyway
>Top Tier
>Shit tier
>Nozomi, Dia
hang yourself
I need sauce if this is porn.
As someone who has spent about 50$ and probably about 60 hours playing, I think the game is really lacking. The game isn't about getting a full combo, but more about having a good team. I've full combo'd song and still got C ranks, and I've got 70 combos and got S ranks.
The rhythm is fun enough. Each girl has special move, but only SRs and URs are worth having on your team. Like I said before, the game is more about your team composition and less about getting a good combo.
If you want a rythm game for IOS, you can do a lot worst. Definitely worth a shot, and it's free to play so you might as well get it.
I think I'm in idol hell.
>Always get jack shit during scouts
>Really want newest UR Nico
>Actually get her
My life is now complete.
>I've full combo'd song and still got C ranks, and I've got 70 combos and got S ranks.
Once you have at least 6 SR or better for each color, it won't be a problem, especially with the new skill slots. Just get the score girl in each event twice if you don't want to spend 30+ loveca for tiering.
>shit tier
Never have I seen such shit taste in my ordinary life
It's not porn
God tier tastes
They should really match you up with players with similar team attributes.