I'm looking for a good openworld RPG

I'm looking for a good openworld RPG.
Which one is the best Sup Forums?

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Fallout New Vegas

This. What's the point of le epic gun, R2 sim?


Might and Magic 6
Gothic 1 and 2
Fallout 2
Ultima 7


Let's get this started.


Witcher 3 for modern

Fallout 4.

F-Fable. . .

Do I need to play the others first to understand it?


Not really no, there's some callbacks but that's it

It's centered around characters who weren't in the previous games

Dragons dogma

dorf fort adventure mode

Nah, most of it gets explained anyway. Some characters won't seem as important but you don't miss much.

No if youre really worried about it you can read a quick summary of the previous games

It's pretty hard to call Fable open world when it's a sequence of zones meant to be explored more or less in the same linear fashion as you would go through a level based game.

Would you agree with what this guy says, or is he full of shit?

Gothic 2

I ain't watching 16 minutes of youtube mate

Read the RPS and Eurogamer reviews, they were good ones IIRC

No such thing, OP. It's like asking for some good dry water.