You guys are going to buy my new game right?

You guys are going to buy my new game right?

I already did. That's what the Kickstarter was about.

I want to buy a physical copy, and I'm not sure if I should get it for Wii U or Vita. Or both.


No way.
I heard it's gonna be a real stinker


Wii U also has digital Pirate's Curse, along with the two Mighty Switch Force games.

I'm not sure if Vita has any other Shantae games. It might have Mighty Flip Champs, though.

No. I've never played a Shantae game


Of course.

Might get the physical version of Pirate's Curse, too. Save some room on my 3DS.

No but I'm gonna masturbate to the porn

only if you kiss me, qt

yes desu, shantae is my queen

I had to GameFAQ's that shit. Because smacking a ham with your hair is TOTALLY how you ignite it, right?



Of course.

That's a nice quality picture you have there, op.



I have a PS4, Wii U, and Vita, never played a Shantae game before, which system should I get it for? even tho the art style is garbage compared to pirate's curse...


play video games


Bitch, I ain't even played your old ones.

I want to kiss her womb with my penis

Vita, just to play on the go. I bought a Vita specifically in anticipation of HGH.

You should still buy Pirate's Curse.

Day one my beautiful queen

kickstart a game

But I already backed it


"I know I've put on a few pounds, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to treat ourselves to some pizza, right user?"

The art style turned me off completely.
Pirate's Curse looked better and didn't have those ugly out of place 3D blocks.




That monkey is too damn cute.

Sure, why not? I love the platforming.

the games are crap but Shantae is one qtie
prolly one of my favorite girls to lewd up


the previous games are pretty meh, but this new one actually looks pretty good.

Damn, but Vita mulitplats usually have framerate issues, I might as well go with PS4

>that tweenimation


>games are crap
>previous games are meh
I will fight you to the death.



rr shantae was perfect
pc shantae was cute
hgh looks retarded


PC is cutest.


PC >>> HGH >>>>> RR >>>>>>> Orig

A flatbread is a much better option though.

i've played PC and RR and i got bored with both of them pretty quickly. everything just felt and looked so dull.

She's shrinking into a thick shortstack


>newfag pretending to be a Shantae fan despite not even being born from the original GBC game and only discovering her from Kickstarter/rise in porn because of KS
Fuck off

Thats not it?

she is just average in her world

But what if I was born in time to play the original GBC game but didn't enjoy it so the only thing I look forward to is the rise in porn because of KS?

I like the two on the right the most

eeeeeh I think they're pretty crap still
I gave them a chance, but the platforming just feels really stiff.

To be fair, HGH will have portrait art from the same guy that did it in PC. That promo art is just promo art for the Kickstarter.

only if that "shawntey" drawing actually got in. I need a good laugh.

Pirate's Curse had my favorite art style.

is that a pointy tit?

It's card work for some wapanese Tiered-Team Builder CCG

>Wait a minute...I DON'T HAVE A BATHTUB!


how does she bathe without a bathtub?


She gets showered by my semen

she's surrounded by the ocean

>that possible low self esteem when you talk about hotter girls
My dick augugug my diiiick

She finds a way.

>Those are the culinary buoys of flavortown

Frankly I'm more concerned with her lighthouse's lack of a toilet.


She gets a bunch of anons together and has them lick her clean.

Nah, there are better metroidvanias with qt'er grills

I might get it for X-Mas

Can you shut the fuck up already tripfag? Why do you even have a trip newfaggot? Fuck off.

>I want to buy a physical copy

literal hipster

boco is not new. he is a tripfag though, which is just as bad.

Is the physical version going to be a limited release?
Debating on whether I should grab it at release or wait a bit.


You know he's been here for years, right?

Newfag or not, he's still attention whoring cancer.

They haven't said anything about it being limited.

But its only for Vita, WiiU, and PS4. All the others are digital only.

I think I may get the physical copy for Wii U.


So when is Shantae getting a twintail power-up, which lets her whip in both directions at once?

gonna need sauce brah

Send a suggestion to Wayforward. Maybe they'll consider it.

Shantae and Rottytops

this guy is dumb
its called rave in the grave


and it takes ages to update

Why is she so lewd?



>When you're new and call other people new to try to fit in.

Gives me a kek every time.

Yes but I still need to beat the first one, and the other ones after that!

I'm terrible at open ended games like Shantae.

It is one of my most anticipated games in the last few years

It's time for you to go back.

Of course, small stuff. Would I lie to you?

Was this seriously the best you could come up with?