
it was never funny

why do people waste their time making this shit

Because the guy that uploaded the video can't make a good compilation to save his life. He's the very definition of what is wrong with TiHYDP videos. They're usually around 2 or 3 hours long, he uses annoying counter accompanied by a loud ding sound whenever DSP does something, he plays shitty music during scenes like Yaketty Sax or Chacarron Macarron, he plays random TV or movie reaction clips, especially of niggers for some reason, and most of all he spams those TiHYDP video compilations like he has nothing else to do besides creating them which discourages other more talented people from doing a compilation like that for a particular video game.

ok kwo.

The only good one is Sebastopol and he deleted his channel.

>it was never funny
I nearly died laughing at his Demons Souls and Dark Souls gameplay footage.

It was surely funny as HELL

They've sucked ever since DSP's hatebase stopped seeing him as a retarded lol cow and started seeing him as one of the most evil men on the planet.

this man played through every souls game. still hasn't gotten decent at playing and still doesn't understand how 90% of the game works.

>still hasn't gotten decent at playing and still doesn't understand how 90% of the game works.

Good goy.

I wish dsp would go back to just doing lp's by recording his tv screen, at least then he wouldn't have the twitch chat to guide him through the games.

It was better when he was completely oblivious as to how much of an ass he was.

you know, if DSP were to embrace and even promote to a certain extent these videos he'd probably gain actual fans
like if he were to be a good sport about it hed come off as fun who doesnt take things so serious and people would like him more
he should tweet out being like hey this fan made a great compilation of me sucking at DS3 check it out

What's this guys obsession with ReviewTechUSA?

Whaaaaat? Are the videos up somewhere else?
Why did he do it?



You fucking take that back.


He did this when he got caught jacking off on stream. Was sharing some of the better edits.

The best are the MGS ones

It took him like 5 hours to realize what the item SP meant even though it straight up told him

Sok & kwo are the biggest losers on the Internet. Imagine how pathetic your life must be to make a tihydp.

What's that guy on the top left's name again?

TIHYDPs are fun if they don't spend their time nitpicking everything. I actually watch DSP's a Telltale playthroughs.

Pissed Off Pedro