You're going to buy my next game in September, right user?

You're going to buy my next game in September, right user?

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Lady, I don't even know you.

Laura is cuter.


I'm buying Towa's game instead.

what weeb game is this

Trails of Cold Steel 2

oh, doesn't seem worth buying a playstation for it

No, I'm buying Emma's game next September.

Lady, I don't even know who you are.

I'm buying Crow-Senpai's gaimu!

Akimbo Crow is best Crow!

day 1 pre-order babe, both Alisa's games

>anime trash

>anime on Sup Forums wooooo


Not buying it for you slut. Fi and Laura make it worth buying. So take your mommy issues and fuck off.

Remains to be seen.

I'm out of the loop, dafuq is this and why should i care other than the OP chick is highly fuckable?

then get a vita

>Not buying a PSTV for 40 bucks

Just bought the first game

Trails of Cold Steel is not just an "anime game." It's a serious story-driven RPG with fun combat. Surely you've heard of the Trails series before..

Lady, I don't even know you.

>why wont you sympathize with me user?, im rich and have everything anyone could want, my life is hell


>It's a serious story-driven

if you can call harem cliches "serious"

>>why wont you sympathize with me user?, im rich and have everything anyone could want, my life is hell
reminds me of Zelos Wilder. He's a spoiled, rich asshole and yet the game expects me to feel sorry for him at points. Even after killing him when he goes traitor on your ass

>JRPG's turned based right?

I'm like 20 hours into Trails of Cold Steel, and I'm having a hard time staying motivated to beat it. I'm not fully spoiled, but I know that not much happens at the end of this besides just setting things up for the second one. Is the second game at least going to be worth it?

>Harm cliches
Found the guy who never even played the game. The game has nothing to do with a harem, you stupid retard. In fact there's only one love interest, and it's dictated by the plot of the game.

>it's turned based right?
Of course it is.

>Alisa is the main girl when she's the worst

It's not fucking fair

Why would you even play a JRPG if the story of a game doesn't keep you interested. This isn't fucking Mario. You play this game for the story because it's a JRPG.

Wonder who the MC will be for Cold Steel III. It won't be Rean that much is for sure.

>>Alisa is the main girl when she's the worst
> It's not fucking fair

welcome to every harem anime out there

>Still Turn Based
And this is why I hate Japan.


Nah gonna get hallow realization and not your persona 4 knock off lets not explore anything game.

>Still Turn Based
Day one preorder.

You're a total faggot. Turn based is the only good combat you piece of shit. Kill yourself.

Except it's not.

>persona 4 knock off lets not explore anything game
You don't know the first thing about the game. The vast majority of the game is spent outside the academy traveling across the empire as part of the main plot.

Yes, I need to be with Saraand Claire

It's a hell of a lot better than your shit-tier action-RPG button mashing combat.

Ah i see the used goods fetishist has arrived.

Towa > Sara > Laura >>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alisa

Can't fucking wait for CS 2

Also I bet it gets pushed back. September is actually just a placeholder date.

Dat battle theme

That's a lot of better than the glint of cold steel

After seeing Claire in that dress on Chapter 6 my dick hasn't stopped being erect yet.

Im seeing a doctor tomorrow

Your to old for her my friend she goes for Shota cock.

Rean is not a shota

If I could get an ARPG with the writing quality of CRPGs I'd be in heaven. Unfortunately, no one ever does it. It's like everyone's decided your game either has to be well written, or have exciting action, and can't have both.

TACTICAL turn-based
that's why I actually enjoy trails over classic JRPG stand-still-and-don't-consider-positioning combat

>tfw on the final chapter
>don't feel like beating it until the next game comes out so i can just go through game to game


CRPGs tend to have shitty writing too lately

Did i say he was?

So, like XCOM?

Towa > Elise > Alfin > Fie > Laura > Sara > Emma > Claire = Sharon > Alisa > Millium > Angelica

MUH DICK rankings
Altina > Claire > Alfin > Elise > Fie > Emma > Sharon > Towa > everyone else

Beat it and get on the hype train with the rest of us. At least you won't have to wait years like people did for Sky SC

>Elise and Alfin above anyone

I've never played an ARPG that didn't eventually or completely front start be a button mash shit fest.

>implying a three way with Elise and Alfin wouldn't be awesome

I'd prefer it if ARPGs were more tactical and less about stomping hordes of trashmobs.

But I like the basic idea.

I'd prefer Fie and Millium.

I haven't even finished the first ep of Trails, and that was supposed to be the good one.

>The game has nothing to do with a harem

all the screenshots and waifu wars I see prove otherwise

Wait why am I even arguing about this? This is playstation only anyway right? I don't own one.

Fucking Japan and their console peasantry.

I read this as 'the game has nothing to do with haram'.

Rean is gay

The question is, did Alfin get the semen demon powers from her brother? Or did he get it from her?

Just who is the original semen demon?

It's a game that's basically 70 hours of world building and character development. With a cast thats roughly half women, people are going to get attached to some. The only "dating" element even in the game is a scene at the end of the game if you dance with someone.

I dare you to say that again kiddo...

Is this really coming out in September because XSeed would have to gold this game in the next 2 weeks to meet their placeholder date. This is looking more like an October or November release

You're a homosexual.

September was always just a placeholder date. Fall is their window

>It's a game that's basically 70 hours of world building and character development.

sounds like a damn waste of time



How can your waifu be Towa if my waifu is Towa?

CS2 gets the falcom super arrange version of the 1st game's boss theme too.

Please tell me that will play again in CS2 fampaitachitbh

Only if Best girl comes back and fucks my boy Olivier

Olivert doesn't have time to fuck around with some Liberl commoner

This. He has muller and they are OTP.

>This is looking more like an October or November release
Based on what? You don't know how far into QA they are. They could very well almost be done.

Isn't that Edward Elric and Rose?

So is there no one that likes Misty?

If it weren't for Alisa being so prominently featured in the game's promo art, I would have said that Emma is the main girl.

When do you guys think we'll get Altina and Dubarry doujins from Shikei

I was disappointed with how little screentime Laura got. I was smitten with her the moment I saw her. Her sword autism only made her better for me.

Fie also grew on me. Didn't care for her at first.

>liking ouroboros

Never stick it in crazy

Laura got a lot of attention in the Heimdallr and Legram chapters

Her voice though

I've already bought Rean's second game. Don't recall you ever having one, though.

Hoping for a more generous spread of voiced lines in the sequel.

Blame Falcom for buying expensive VA's they cant pay the full price for.

I hope Alisa becomes the MC of CS 3.

Don't count on it. The dialogue in Cold Steel 1 was compiled into an 800 page book in Japan, XSEED and Falcom aren't shelling out for that shit.

Alisa or Olivert.

I might prefer Olivert.

This, holy shit it was weird as fuck having everyone else talking while Rean stayed silent really annoyed me

What's the point? Cold Steel 2 ends with many sequel hooks and open threads and the sequel is already confirmed for being a PS4 exclusive.

Why would I buy/play a game if I won't be able to play its sequel? Much less a plot focused game. Kondo can go choke on a bag of dicks

My ideal CS3 would have Olivert as protagonist and Estelle+Joshua as playable characters.

>and the sequel is already confirmed for being a PS4 exclusive
That is not even fucking true. "Confirmed" my ass. It's literally just an internet rumor.

CS3 is gonna be on PS4?

>CS3 confirmed PS4

No it's not. Kondo only said he's thinking about it. Considering the Vita is more popular than the PS4 in Japan I doubt it's going to be exclusive.

It just said that Kondo "want to give think about it".
They have tons of vita fans.

Kondom is seriously considering it given how they had to cut shit from CS2 because of the Vita. PS3 is not even mentioned. Pretty much confirmed.

Kondom apologists will tell you he's just "thinking about it" but they're wrong