ITT : Unappealing character design

ITT : Unappealing character design


The whole fucking characters in this game


He's some sort of chipmunk?

They are ok.


They are the main characters.

the guy on the left looks like chinese tried to copy nathan drake



>tfw it looks better than the new mega man design

I heard that they wanted the game's style to be Pixar mixed with anime, which is why it looks awful.

Every NEO NINTENDO game is lackluster in character designs

Looks a bit like 2D


Shit 2d king 2d was nes and snes

this nose remind me of pic real

Don't even start sjw was created by Darpa and it is meant to divide and conquer two separate types of people

>neo nintendo
what did he mean by this?

Character design : level "why do you even bother?"

Western shit in general.



The entire series

Aesthetic > Realism

Look at Bloodborne, now that game has amazing character designs.


>look at me I'm a Jellybaby looking vandal nigger who is totally street, man. but my artwork makes me look cute and cuddly but in real life I smoke meth and PCP and I rape old women after taggin up da turf yo hol up muhgugeffen bix nood!

go kill yourself


Robo-butler sniper guys is pretty okay with me, everyone else is complete garbage

say,how long until we get a subway surfers movie?
i mean angry birds got one,so why shouldn't this
i wanted to see this one as a movie for curiosity's sake

lol mad witchercuck

Don't be mad cuz Witcher 3 turned out to be shit.
I'll stick with Bloodborne and the amazing Old Hunters DLC.

The entierety of the new watch dogs

I like some of them.
I think there's just one too many layers of "SO BADASS" though. Like, Phoebe would be drastically improved by getting rid of the red eyes and edgy makeup.


this entire game


He has games, so does this count?

Really makes you think...

At least it's not Eastern shit

Looks like she would be in a forced video game section of a law and order

westshit getting btfo itt

Does she remind you of that actress in LAO SVU?

pokemon fisher price style

Yeah that game has alot of characters they could work with

>feat. Buff McLargeHuge and his tiny head

Who thought this would be a good idea?


none because it's literally just a temple run knock off

i wish they wore some shirt or something. something to stop making yooka look like my mom's lizard

Very few characters are passable, like robo-guy and bird guy.
Why the fuck did they put that fuck ugly character at the center.

fucking hell canada ruins another thing
>canadians have to pay to money to fund shit like this, ubisoft, and bioware

something something druids

Not exactly what I meant, doesn't help that I worded my post badly. Sorry about that.
I meant as a generic game character in a show on tv at all I guess, not even just law and order.
maybe more specifically Babe Raider

These arent bad, just generic

She is forgettable, which is why the only people who remember her call her "female Kratos"

How is she unappealing?
>inb4 waifu bullshit

A half-assed hero for a half-assed serious sam clone.

>shitting on based Steven
I bet you cry about sjws and tumblr in your sleep

Explain why they are unappealing?

Also I wouldn't call Bloodborne realistic by any means

I didn't imply Bloodblorne was realistic.
I meant that it's not realistic but the style was amazing.

generic badass white male with brown hair and beard on a quest for vengeance and/or redemption are safe character design because the average video game consumer or at least what the industry think it is finds it easier to self insert into these stereotypes.
Did I do good ?


I can't self insert to that! Try a fat ginger with a beer gut.

Not really, westacuck

They made the godawful mistake of adding lines for "definition" that make her look like she's a 40-year-old malnourished dwarf.

He looks like the fucking Hatred guy 10 years younger holy shit.

No wonder the Hatred guy does what he does, I'd go postal if I was in a shitty Serious Sam clone too


yeah of course the russians would make a wallpaper out of random stubbled idiot #10304

wtf i hate white males now

>She looks like a meth whore

Angry Birds is just a Crush the Castle knockoff

What game?

I don't think she's meant to be appealing

just tried to improve a little her face, to make her look like a children

Literally who cares




What's wrong with Franklin? He's just a dude, that's supposed to be just a dude.


I want lolicons to leave my Sup Forums

Who actually likes this little shit?



His skin color is weird.


>Frank West

you know your chara design is shitty when even fucking shadbase improves it

I hope whoever made this realizes that all those characters actually look fairly different to each other.


>ughh... like... seriously?

>The original gas mask
>Wizard robes
>Explosive shit on him to go full kebab
>Well animated
I fucking wonder.

well you know, they all have white skin, 2 eyes and 1 mouth, what were these character designers thinking?

>no "gay sex with HATS ON" tab

7/10, good enough.


Then whats bad about The Witchers aesthetic? If this is just a personal opinion then fine, but the thread is about unappealing designs.

He's got sexy feet though.

Thank you

Exactly. The only good thing is the animation.
>muh edgy gas mask
>muh LOL EXPLOSIONS character
That whole fucking story mode was a disaster.

shad just colored that

Maybe if you grew up with generic weebshit since you were six and this is your first exposure to the gothic aesthetic.