I want to play the original Tomb Raider games

I want to play the original Tomb Raider games.

Should I play them on the PC, or get them on my old PSX? Are there any major differences between the versions?

I'm tolerant to old games, but these games really look dated.

PC, the graphics are better, and its easier, but if you have nostalgic rush , then on the PSX

Start whit 2 desu


well, if you really want to play the original first one then start whit it, but 7 is a remake of the first game and is whit better graphics (of course), gameplay, est

I fucking replied to myself


Playstation has low res pixelated graphics, PC is actually decent. Other then that there's no difference. Unless of course you plan on getting the gold releases which were never released for consoles.
Also I recommend playing the TRLE level games, they're basically like the original games but with more updated graphics. Some of them are actually more fun then the official games too.

I think I'll get the GOG editions.
Does anyone know if they have those extra levels, like Unfinished Business and such?

As far as I know, you'll need to find physical copies of those from Amazon or some other retailer if you want the expansion levels. GOG and Steam don't sell them for some reason.

Well that sucks. I guess I'll just pirate it, then.

you will play them in the correct order, right desu ?

Of course. Why would you think I wouldn't?

PC version runs better and lets you run in higher resolutions. The PC versions of TR1 and 3 also let you save anywhere, while in the PS1 version of 1 you have save points while 3 has limited saves.
Once you move to to TR 2-5 be sure to find the fan patch that lets you run them in widescreen resolutions without stretching. Also controller support is kinda fucky so if you wanna use a pad you may wanna just use Joy2Key or something.

>Pirating classic TR
On the one hand, that's pretty low class considering how much effort Core put into them, and they're definately worth the money. On the other Crystal owns the franchise now, and fuck them. I'm conflicted here.

>Crystal owns the franchise now
Exactly. I pirated VtM:B for the same reason.

Fuck outta my thread.





I want to impregnate New Lara while choking her out


A nightmare on consoles. The game itself is already the definition of artificial difficulty. On PSX you have limited save crystals, instead of saving anywhere.

Don't waste your time. Short, bland, developers didn't even want to make it.

evre tim

the new laura with horse episode is god like

its just a shame how its perfect in every way except he has to use that shitty model of laura. hopefully the next video will have a good looking character

Vote with your wallet. Buy classic TR and skip on modern TR, and maybe they'll get the message. Besides, isn't Squeenix the owner of TR?

i knew it

Why do old fans dislike Anniversary besides QTE and story?


Levels and puzzles are more straightforward. It's still good though. Its biggest sin was replacing most of the final level with a tower climb that's probably the worst part of both Anniversary and the game its based off.