Have video games become the supreme storytelling medium?
Have video games become the supreme storytelling medium?
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No, they've become a legitimate storytelling medium.
>have video games become the supreme storytelling medium?
Not at all, but they are a great medium if you want interactivity.
viable but cumbersome
Everything beats movies at telling a story these days. Movies are short and people don't want to be bored, so everything is ACTION EXPLOSION OMG. See: ST TNG movies vs the show.
Its why a shit load of big name actors have been doing TV instead for the last decade. You get to flesh out a lot more and tell it better without rushing.
Vidya can be a good medium to tell a story too. But in cases like LIS, there is almost 0 gameplay. It hardly qualifies as a game at all.
I love Kate Marsh
Not yet, but they could be. The potential is there, but they haven't really used it yet.
Asuras Wrath had a great story fucking dlc ending though
Its up to you whether or not you like the "gameplay" though
>i only watch shit summer movies
educate yourself
You can't really have branched storylines in a movie, TV series or book.
Welcome to 2001, OP.
delete this she was drugged
It could be.
If writers would stop sucking all the time.
She was drugged and had no control over herself; she doesn't even have any memory of what she did!
I played this for the first time today
Quite enjoyable, not sure why its hated
Go to bed Nathan.
ummmmmm, no. As much as I enjoyed myself playing this game, the dialogue, writing, and most aspects about it are poor, or abysmal if you compare it to Tarkovsky or something.
it's fine for what it is once you become desensitised to the corny dialogue and overall nature of the game.
>become the supreme storytelling medium
Videogames always were that, right from the start. They're on a complete different level due to interactivity, nonlinearity, etc. making things possible that can't be done anywhere else. Only edge trash like movies or books has is the fact that they've been around longer, so people know how to use them better. I don't think anybody has used even 1% of the story potential of the videogames yet.
They've been better than movies and books for a long time user.
I don't feel anything when reading a book or watching a movie but video games have made me feel like things are happening to me directly if only in a dull and unreal way.
It's stronger at the beginning than the end. By the end, the concept doesn't amaze you as much. Story gets a little convoluted.
One of the best episodic games, and a fantastic game in it's own right. Just ended on a bit of a meh note.
Metaru Gia Sorrido.
Only for uncultured neckbeards who've never actually experienced high art
>interactivity, nonlinearity, etc
Nothing to do with good storytelling
I don't know about art but you just experienced quads.
Also art's only value is subjective and based entirely on the prestige of who would endorse it. IE if enough classy people say something is art, it's art. Beyond that nothing else matters.
>Also art's only value is subjective
Piss off marxist scum
>I don't think anybody has used even 1% of the story potential of the videogames yet.
This is the main problem. The time and money required to make a video game as vibrant and detailed as a book but with the "nonlinearity" & "interactivity" aspects added would be insane unless you want a shitty-looking and shitty-playing rpgmaker game
You'd probably save a lot of that time and money just by not having voice acting.
>I don't think anybody has used even 1% of the story potential of the videogames yet.
Not even Kojima-san?
You can tell a story with zero words or cutscenes with level and art design alone, so even though it has nothing to do with the craft of storytelling itself, being able to tell a story through first-hand experience is a unique and powerful tool exclusive to video games.
david hayter is a screenwriter for movies, a legitimate storytelling medium. kojima is just some hack that sucks up to celebs hoping they'll read his script.
>Its why a shit load of big name actors have been doing TV instead for the last decade. You get to flesh out a lot more and tell it better without rushing.
Person working in the actual entertainment industry here. While this is somewhat true, it has more to do with the the fact that big-budget movies prefer hiring unknown/cheap actors instead of movie stars which generally cost millions and millions of dollars. They want to save up their money on the big CGI explosions.
It's only when those said unknowns become big through such movies, that they need to start coughing up dough for actors in the sequels.
Only for mysteries, son.
Only for mysteries.
>You can't really have branched storylines in a movie, TV series or book.
You literally can have branching storylines in a book.
Theoretically, the same could be done with movies or TV shows, but making something like that requires more work than anyone wants to do.
>Have video games become the supreme storytelling medium?
No. Video games are special because they're more easily interactive, but the formula for making a good game is so heavily tilted toward good gameplay rather than good story that no one bothers to write a great story for a video game. Video games have garbage storylines and garbage writing. You just don't know it because you don't read books.
In theory, a video game could have a story which is just as good as any other story that exists in any other medium. But it doesn't happen. Even the best story-driven games have mediocre stories. This applies even to the games which are entirely story-based to the detriment of game mechanics and fun in general. In fact, it applies especially to those games. These writers who want to make video games into an art form don't actually care about video games, which is why they fail to turn video games into an art form. The reason they write for video games is because they're not good enough to write for anything else. They're not talented enough to write books and get published.
dwarf fortress is an example of good storytelling in video games.
>track vampire to a city
>call him out
>he's a noble beloved by the rest
>kill him anyway
>nobles get assmad that their meal ticket is dead and send their bitch boys after me
>waste all of them and leave
>this will have effects on future events in the game because these people all had relationships and stations in the game world
>this was just one city in an entire world that is constantly changing
the story is made as a result of the game. then look at a big story driven game like the walking dead which has next to no meaningful gameplay and railroads you down very specific paths while giving you the illusion of choice with dialogue.
>Theoretically, the same could be done with movies or TV shows, but making something like that requires more work than anyone wants to do.
Yes and no. You can make branching storylines in ways that are completely unfeasible in other mediums. I don't see how it's feasible to make branching storylines without conscious choices in movies/books, unlike games where they can occur organically. Of course, this is hardly realized in any game whatsoever, so the point is a bit moot.
>These writers who want to make video games into an art form don't actually care about video games, which is why they fail to turn video games into an art form.
While I agree with your main point, video games are already an art form. Besides, they are not the sole reason why it wouldn't be one anyways. If you want to pin the blame on anything, look no further than the gaming press. If there is anything that destroys the artistic integrity of games it's those guys.
I think to understand why a video game story truly is mediocre/bad is to look at how it employs the medium. Most don't, which in turn leads them to be worse. There's also some (or most) stories that wouldn't fit the format, so a lot of games focus too much on the uniqueness of the player character. It gets bothersome after a while.
Television has become the supreme storytelling medium. I honestly don't think very many people saw that coming 20-30 years ago when it was being characterized as an "idiot box".
Video games are merely a legitimate storytelling medium as the first poster replying stated. They have a long way to go before they catch TV or movies.
Every time i see a film being super praised for being avant garde and shit normally 200 years before there has been a book that covered that same issue or philosophy better and more deeply, when a game tries to tell a story its either an extremely simple story, or it is absolutely shoehorned in or its an interactive movie with gameplay segments in between, games just arent a good medium to tell a story, they just require much less effort than any other medium
How does playing a game, an act that requires participation and responses manage to require less effort than TV or movies where the audience merely has to watch the story unfold? You don't have to turn pages for fucks sake.
I think there's "Best Storytelling Medium" and "Supreme Storytelling Medium" and they're not necessarily the same thing.
not physical participation, mental, games always end up being you having to do some menial task depending on the genre, the task in itself isnt related to the story at all, its just a generic mission reskined to fit the part of the story you're on
>Television has become the supreme storytelling medium.
When will this meme end? The only legit great TV show is the Sopranos, and after that comes like a handful good ones, the rest are mediocre as fuck. Meanwhile a fuckton of great movies are released each year.
kate is a junkie slut senpai
Shut your fucking mouth, cunt.
No. Only professional delusionists can think something so stupid.
Quiet. Kate is love.