You need to pre-order Civ VI if you want access to the Aztec civilization

You need to pre-order Civ VI if you want access to the Aztec civilization.

If you get the deluxe edition you get access to 4 subsequent DLC packs.

Welcome to Pre-Order DLC Hell

Also: It's quite pricey.

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Why would you buy a game that's meant to be played in singleplayer. Civ games shouldn't have mulitplayer to begin with anyways

but Civ VI looks awful

I like supporting developers because that means they'll continue making games.

I think it looks okay. I like the new style.

The pre-order gets early access to Aztecs. They're unlocked for everyone after 3 months.

is this a fact ? or are you pulling that out of your ass ?

>pre-ordering a mobile port

It's a fact if you can read.

Pre-order-only material? Piracy it is!

I haven't supported any of these hackdevs for over a decade and they still keep making video games just fine.

Read the article instead of only the title.

>He's never had marathon CIV games with a bunch of friends
lol loser

Civ is dead and has been for ages. Why complain about what a dead game series is doing? Focus on indies and ignore the money grabs, you'll be much happier for it.

but indies are the biggest cynical money grabs of them all.

yeah thats because i'm paying so you can have free games

you're welcome

>buying a civ game before the expansion packs have been released

Aside from the occasional overhyped kikestarter driven faggotry festival that's incorrect. There are many legit passion projects to be found out there reminiscent of the times when game devs actually gave a fuck about what they were doing and weren't all just working for souless empty suits out to get dlcbux.

Such as? Last one I was hyped for ended up being shallow dogshit (Hyper Light Drifter).

Civ4 communities are still pretty alive and that's all I need.

EDF 4.1: Shadow of New Despair

Budget game that spent the budget in all the right places. A true indie from Asia - no hype bullshit, no microtransactions, no bullshit game mechanics, just pure fun. Essentially Goat Simulator - The 3rd person shooter.

If any game tries to raise hype, you should know it's gonna be utter shit. Game devs that just want to create good games don't spend half their already-tight budget on advertising.

Battle Brothers when it's finally done, Besiege,Dankest Dungeon,Divinity(though I'm no sure that's really indie), Don't Starve, Invisible Inc, Prison Architect,etc you get the point.
There's no reason to expect more of big name devs anymore. Occasionally a good game with a lot of money comes out but most of them are gutted zombies trying to tug at your nostalgia to survive. There's no need to be upset, just move on.

>Essentially Goat Simulator - The 3rd person shooter.

kill yourself user

I'll just pirate it and have ALL the DLC thanks

Looks like you never experienced getting launched 15 blocks away because a Hector decided to slightly move his hands while near your vehicle.