Why does emulation take much more power from your system than the original system had?

years ago when i discovered that PS2 emulation was a thing and got excited because the PS2 was the greatest system ever i was saddened to find out that my integrated intel graphics card could barely run any PS2 game, at the time i figured that my computer was literally weaker than a PS2

but now i know that apparently emulating something requires much more power than the original had, which is likely one of the two reasons we don't have xbox 360 and PS3 emulators yet, so my question is, for those of you who know tech, why?

i figured it was something simple like, it's easier to be obama and run america than it would be to impersonate obama AND run america, what do you think Sup Forums?

(oh, and i have a gaming laptop with a 960m so i can emulate anything now, that story has a happy ending)

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cool story bro

Consoles are computers built for one purpose only – run games. There was little to no software at the beginning, and even with Xbox and PS3, there is still much less OS over there than a PC could have.

To make it simple, PS2's processor only thought about games, and RAM was almost exclusively dedicated to games. A PC needs to run the emulator, the game, the OS, and all the other programs that might be running.

Plus, the PS2 emulator was started by people who did not know EVERYTHING about the PS2 and how it works, so many patches made it a bit bloated.

So, you are running Windows/Leenoox, the amulator itself, the game, whatever programs also open, and there needs a little RAM to be left unless you want to turn your PC into a snail as it writes data to the HD after running out of RAM.

I think you answered your own question

I think it's because when you emulate a console you're not directly using your computer's hardware to run it, you're creating a virtual processor. So your computer is now in charge of running both the emulator and processing graphics.

This was always my understanding, but I could be very wrong, feel free to correct me

im disappointed that most people that emulate games now a days are like you, just because they don't know everything about technology; and think lel free games

Whippersnappers today, can't even code their own games!

See this? This is not the reason.

The real reason is that the GPU and CPU on consoles don't share the same architecture as their computer equivalents which means you have to translate console instructions into PC hardware equivalent and they don't always translate 1:1 so multiple instructions might be needed to accurately replicate one console instruction. Also GPU access on PC has to go through the graphics API (DX/OGL) which are very inflexible when it comes to emulation. Furthermore, there are system-wide architectural differences, for instance in many consoles both the CPU and GPU can access the same memory address space, whereas that's impossible on PC. Also, since sound cards on PC are as inflexible as they get, the task of emulating the console's sound chip falls directly on the CPU.

It's because console games are optimized to the hardware so well that it can outperform its paper specs.

Consoles can get many times more performance through optimization than PC's can ever dream to get. This is due to the nature of a fixed platform and access to hardware.

Console platform holders build all of their consoles to have special hardware features that PC's doesn't have.

This means that developers can do a lot of smart things with the console hardware to get extra graphical details to run through highly proprietary and customized gfx engine design.

This is the same reason that PS4 literally has the best real-time graphics of all time currently. Pic related.

>This is the same reason that PS4 literally has the best real-time graphics of all time currently.
Putting aside that game was announced for PC first, that's CGI you fucking moron.

Try making an emulator, ANY emulator and you'll see what's the problem.

idiot or bait.
basically what this guy said, op

Kojima literally said "this is running in real-time" before showing the teaser at the Playstation conference.

The game was supposedly looking at a PC release by information of a since then retracted Q&A.



thats because the people that programmed these emulators are fucking loser hacks (no optimization)

Both things you replied to are true.
It is a combination of both of those things.


>A concept trailer is running real time

Kojima lied. He said he doesn't even have any game developers and he has no idea what kind of game it is going to be.

Why do retards feel entitled to make threads like these?


>Kojima lied
oh okay..
>He said he doesn't even have any game developers and he has no idea what kind of game it is going to be.
This he said over half a year ago. He has since then said differently.
The teaser was produced by Kojima Productions... He has some employees and they made the teaser using one of two real-time engines they are looking at. (they might have chosen an engine at this point)
He has since then said that the video represents the fidelity of the final game. He has said this several time since the trailer was showed. Don't you watch YongYea at all?

Wrong. Console optimization plays a very minor role in it. Going by that logic a PS2 should be able to provide kind of modern graphics since you need a modern rig to run the emulation. It's worth noting how every emulator puts great strain on your CPU while leaving GPU relatively without much workload even if you upscale the game to 4k and add some stupid post processing.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was indeed real time. Real-time cinematics has been Kojima's staple ever since MGS1.

It's amazing that delusional kojima drones still exist after the blunder that was MGSV.

You're more retarded than ND apologists then.


Literally who.

>Represents the fidelity of the final game

Moved those goalposts fast, I see. Representing the fidelity of a final game means nothing when he has no engine, no studio, and no game yet.

Probably because they lost IQ after fighting your mom with their dicks.

I know this is b8 but please do tell me where I'm wrong.

The trailer wasn't very graphically impressive anyway.

Console optimization magic is the biggest snake oil ever. Lower level hardware access and a single target spec do help, but they only go so far. A lot of the so called console optimizations just means cutting corners where they're least likely to be noticed.

R6 Siege for example runs at some tiny ass resolution on consoles and renders alternating pixels in a checkerboard pattern per frame then uses an algorithm to piece that into a high res-ish looking image. The new Killzone is now infamous for using some sort of vertical interlacing to hit it's promised 1080p60fps target. Some Halo game (5 I think?) renders the gun model and the world scenery at different resolutions. Plenty of console games across the ages have used dynamic resolution where the rendering resolution goes up and down depending on the amount of detail on screen. And the list goes on.

Bottom line is, "console optimizations" don't mean performance for free. And it's irrelevant to emulation either way since the games would use the exact same performance-enhancing tricks on an emulator as they would on the real thing.

Actually, all three of

Nope this is a fallacious arguement.
Just because a console can derive more optimization doesn't mean that it should be able to get modern day graphics rendering running.
>P.T. get cancelled
>MGSV immediatley gets a release date
>"Hurr durr it wasn't rushed Kojimbo is just a hack"
>Literally who.
Stop pretending.
>Moved those goalposts fast, I see. Representing the fidelity of a final game means nothing when he has no engine, no studio, and no game yet.
But he has all of those things. I don't remember the exact wording if he actually said represent, but he said it was running in real time which is illegal to say at a Sony stage if not true. Not even Naughty dog said it was running in real time.
>snake oil
Pic related.

Actually it's only the second guy with any idea of what he is talking about.

Because you're replicating hardware with software

>Stop pretending

How can I pretend when I have no fucking clue who you are speaking of? Note that I haven't bothered to google whoever YongYea is either because I don't give a shit. I'm guessing they're some Chinese youtuber based on the Yong name.

>But he has all of those things

No, he has Sony. That's it. Just fucking stop posting at this point.

Nope it literally is a combination of all three. I have worked at dice since PS2 days until 2 years ago.

What's a good short PS2 game?

Never owned a PS2 before.

This guy might be more retarded than FFXV-kun. The levels of apology are off the charts.

Do people unironically think The Order looks good? Why do people shill so hard for PS4 graphics here when console games typically cut a lot of corners? Hell The Order isn't even real 1080p, they had to slap "cinematic" black bars on the screen to run the damn thing.

Jak and Daxter

>Just because a console can derive more optimization doesn't mean that it should be able to get modern day graphics rendering running.
It does mean exactly that. You should note how every emulator is bottlenecked by CPU, while actual games like ports from consoles of the same or more demanding games rarely ever put much workload on the CPU. Consoles generally first suffer from GPU underperforming which is seen by for example poor resolution which depends exclusively upon GPU.

Emulators meanwhile barely put any strain on modern GPUs having apparently lost magic console optimization while murdering the CPU that has to emulate console specific instructions.
Yeah and then we get to know it was actually your dad working as the janitor there.

Ignore this retard

jesus chrst you are literally 14. Why do you talk about shit you have no idea about.

Believe what ever you want.

Each console is like a language. Emulation is like your computer reading a book in German, and telling you what it says in English, without having ever read that particular book before. It takes a lot of power.

Will check it out.

katamari damacy

>Running in real time
>Represents REPRESENTS
You're one those kids that always falls for the hype aren't you?

I actually played this on a psp emulator for my phone. Pretty fun, will check out.

You could try looking at the wikipedia article for emulator...

Nope you are literally equating "I will be able to get some more use out of this if i am smart" into "I have infinite power, only my wits limit me"
Take off your fuckin fedora you cunt.
Looks better than most games.
>FFXV-kun meme
Delete your OS.
Nope he has a studio up an running already. They are still hiring but Kojima has been sending a stready stream of pictures from their studios showing that they were doing motion capture and a ton of other stuff.
Again i don't remember the exact wording but you can go and watch the interviews for youreselves. Or you can just rewatch the fucking kojima announcement at the Sony E3 stage where he says it is running in real time.

Obviously, this retard is completely insane for believing anything Kojima has said.

the psp one is actually pretty shitty iirc, even more so if you emulated it on your phone. just grab the original ps2 game and have fun

>Want to emulate rare ps2 games that are really expensive
>Can't emulate them well

>tfw want to play Metroid Prime 2 Echoes
>tfw it stutters a lot due to shaders

Man, I figured since the first Metroid Prime ran so well that Echoes would be fine, unfortunately that's not the case. I don't know if the trilogy version runs better, I highly doubt it.

Sly Cooper 1.

the trilogy also has some shader stutter. it also has this green dot in the middle of the screen if you play at higher res and it bother my autism so much

Yeah I forgot to mention that dot, I could live with the dot if that was the only issue, but the stuttering is a bit too much.

The retard that is myself, or the retard I was replying to?

>tfw cant get this to run well

because sometimes it's hard to understand a wikipedia article unless you understand everything it links to.

"Cherenkov radiation, also known as Vavilov–Cherenkov radiation,[a] is electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle (such as an electron) passes through a dielectric medium at a speed greater than the phase velocity of light in that medium. The characteristic blue glow of an underwater nuclear reactor is due to Cherenkov radiation."

if you don't know what a dialectric medium or phase velocity is, then that sentence did nothing for you

Because it's not native your faggot. It's simulating the console and computing into x86 instruction sets. Consoles have proprietary code and hardware. The speed of emulation is heavily dependent on the documentation, and reverse engineering of the said console.

Emulators are not communicability layers like Wine or Linux inside Win10.

>communicability layers like Wine or Linux inside Win10.

....um... what does that even mean.(I know what wine, linux and windows 10 are, not really sure what a communicability layer is and google tells me nothing)

Sly cooper 2 and Sly cooper 3.

user asked for short.