Kinda boring

kinda boring
nms thread

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Can't wait for me and my buddies to conquer the galaxy togheter! Hopefully we will find each other tho.

What's season 2 going to introduce after Engineers?


I'm heading to Whataburger if you guys want anything

looks boring as fuck, it would be fun for like 2 days then
I would realize how stupid it is

E:D sucks mate. When they have atmospheric flight, I will reinstall.
Exploring the same barren rocks gets boring.

this is the guy who got the game early


more like no man's buy, amiright guys?

>$60 for a game that should be $30 tops

after watching the leaked video I'm still on the fence. I'll probably buy it after some reviews come out but not going to pre-order.

Fuck you, Sup Forums. I just wanted a comfy game where you can explore and mindlessly waste time without having to worry about difficulty or whatever.

I'm pretty sure i'm gonna enjoy it.

For god's sake I literally just drive around GTA5 doing nothing but pretending i'm in that world. I've driven down every street probably 100 times at least and I still love it. Now imagine billions of planets to explore.

No, fuck you.

>I literally just drive around GTA5 doing nothing but pretending i'm in that world
nigga are you me
i just play the taxicab missions and earn a living

I do the same thing. Exploring in itself is rewarding for me. The only thing I worry about is whether the planets are going to be varied enough to keep it interesting. Apparently things get more 'alien' towards the center so we may not have seen it yet.

Smoke a bowl of some dank kush and then hop into your cruiser and gently explore the cosmic abyss that awaits us. You'll gaze up at the night sky and see the universe for what it truly is. Do not go gentle into that good night.

Daily reminder that you can do stuff in NMS

Underrated post.

Then don't play it. :)

Don't even need to watch the video guys I'll put it right here.

>shoot rocks
>give your ship upgrades
>shoot blue dogs and purple rhinos
>feed resources to blue dogs or purple rhinos
>fly in space

This is going to be the best game ever made. I want Sean Murray to fuck my ass.

holy shit how did they fuck that up so completely?

People like you are the types who say
>"Why should we go to Mars? seems pointless when we have problems down here on Earth".

I'm the same way man. I don't play games just for MP or for campaign stuff. Loved GTA5 just cause I could drive around listening to music. NMS might not be deep or anything but the thought of flying around space mindlessly mining and occasionally walk around weird planets/animals seems made for me.

Do I hope they add more to the game later on? Ofcourse, but even as is I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy playing it.

I've never lived or been near a Whataburger. Are they better than the big 3 burger chains?

>literally everything in this game is procedural
>the planets
>the ships
>the animals
>the weapons
>except the clouds

No ones making you come to this thread or buy the game.

If you're not interested in the game, leave and spare us your memer opinions.



See the reason why Sup Forums attacks this game is because this is a Dark Souls autistic community that can't stand the thought of exploring rather than a fucking graph sheet of RPG stats. They're mad at this game because they don't understand it, their left brain mentalities cannot grasp a right brain game. It conflicts with their logic and thus they bitch about it constantly.

Hurr durr I'm a 13 year old that lives with his mom and doesn't have a job/money to buy games.

Games are 60 bucks unless you have a PC then you can just steal. Poor fags really need to fuck off. TRUMP

Since every planet is unique it should be pretty easy to find each other. Just tell them you're next to the greenish planet with swirly mountains and blue grass.

>literally made up periodic table
>brain game

That is so beautiful :'^)

that's funny since dark souls has actual exploration

what the fuck he's not lying the clouds are the same

That would shut up so many fags.

Traditional multiplayer people can keep playing after they get to the center. Explore fags get to the center then just fuck off and basically play offline.

Please let this be true.

Has there been more leaked video yet?
I want to see more of the game before I buy it.

Still a little unsure about the game. I guess I'll wait a few days after release to see the reception first (while being cautious of the mindless hype that usually follows new games).

do no planets have actual continents?? it all seems to just be this ugly perlin noise of land and water

Stop false flagging you faggot

No that's alll we have.

I like exploration if there's actually some kind of reward to be found. I get bored of universe sandbox pretty quickly.

I need something to get me engaged in the game. I'm also worried that the procedural generation is either not going to be varied enough or, if it is, that it's going to generate wonky suspension-of-disbelief shattering worlds.

Sean Murray will either get praised as the next grand developer... or he'll be assassinated because he left out one of the greatest potential features in a game of this scale.

are land vehicles/water vehicles confirmed? would be kinda stupid for the game to be so huge without them

Why isn't the leaker leaking?

He's been doing tonnes of screenshots
warning: actual spoiler, i'm not memeing around here

he hanged himself after realizing he spent over a thousand bucks on NMS

some BS about how he respects Sean too much and Sean said to quit spoiling.

Perhaps Hello Games contacted him personally and told him to please stop for the greater good of gaming.

Definitely better than McDonalds or BK. Not sure what your third one is though.

I would literally reverse my opinion about the game and instantly buy it

all I wanted was to be able to get a small freighter sized ship and explore the galaxy with friends, millennium falcon style


we death stranding now



mind = blown

>starting up your starship and flying out of a hanger into space with Kavinsky blasting

If NMS were to blow everyone minds away this would be it, Sean you have 1 opportunity to make this the game of the decade.


Only thing that really bums me out is no multiplayer. I know the universe is huge but they could have had hubs where you could gather teams together. The game is going to feel really lonely otherwise.

It's impossible to actually make it to the center in our life time though.

wtf i hate clouds now

maybe in yours fuckboy, im a 20 year old neet

That's what ship upgrades are for to speed up that process.

I dont get how this is a spoiler

Original user.

I agree with you man. People on Sup Forums are into games with alot of variables, customization and multiplayer. Most /vg/ threads I've read were just discussion of what the most meta shit to use in a game.

NMS is kind of the opposite of that. Maybe it is kind of surface level but flying around space and landing on a planet now and then without sitting in a lobby or worrying about leveling some stat is kind of refreshing.

I do hope that the devs at more to the game after launch but it looks fun which is half of why I buy games anyway.

being able to warp to a friends coords would be an easy fix for multiplayer. Should be able to craft a super warp drive in game or something(I wish).

Bravo Kojima

Wendy's, which would be my favorite of the 3.

i don't know, some people consider the splash screen a spoiler

Stop complaining that a new video game costs $60 dollars.


>not every planet has one cloud pattern each and they dont move
>every planet has the exact same cloud pattern
Holy shit that's worse than i thought


When did SpaceEngine get trees?

I will cheat engine my way to the center in less than a day faget then I'll be the god in molyneux's next game AHAHA

An indie game shouldn't be selling at Triple A prices.

So it's Minecraft without building?


I don't think they've confirmed land or sea vehicles though it would make alot of sense. Even a dune buggy or duckboat type thing would be appreciated if you spend any time on a planet.

maybe 4 u, grandpa

i'm 12 years old and what is dis

What if Kojima is actually involved?
What if Chapter 3 is the thing hidden at the center of the galaxy?


fix your shit senpai

In space.

These past 5 years has been the biggest interest in space entertainment since the 1960s & 1970s.

I think this is a sign that we as a species are about to embark on a grand journey to colonize other worlds, we're so close to landing on Mars its insane.

So like real life with Earth floating in space?

nigga we already landed on mars with robots

Fuck I want no mans sky to have these graphics
well maybe in a 100 years we will in no mans sky 25

>exploration game
>theres nothing out there except minerals and plants

sounds about right

Honestly I've heard that rumor several times and I hope it's true. It would kind of restore faith in the game for me. It looks cool to an extent but it's missing a huge part of why I like games ie to play online with friends. If at the center you simply unlock the traditional multiplayer mode or whatever I would be forever grateful and probably buy the fuck out of/play the fuck out of this game.

The world is flat, there is no space.

>they're mad at this game because they don't understand it
Holy shit he said it.

You guys actually aren't shills, you're just retards who will defend any indie game to your death. Kill yourself retard there is nothing to not understand about this game. Go play the witness.

>get overrun by muslims and niggers before getting to space

Yes you mother fucker. Yes. How many times does this have to be said?

>moon landing was 47 years ago

That's pretty slow progress honestly.

Are you me?

This is all I want to do.

>new nms every 4 years
i dont know i feel like there should be more of a delay

What if the first person to reach the centre of the galaxy gets a redeemable code for MGS:V Chapter 3

Highly doubt it.

Those visuals will be possible by 2025, give or take a few years. Star Citizen is currently working on a procedural generated universe similar to NMS, except with damn near photo realistic visuals from certain angles.