Hearthstone New Card Revealed: Raving Grimoire

1 mana 1/1 add a random mage spell to your hand


Personally I think it's terrible.

Also revealed today,

1/1/3 Malchezaar's Imp: "Whenever you discard a card, draw a card."

Also terrible.

why do they keep trying to make discard warlock a thing
demonlock was really good before the game mode split, why can't we just have decent demons for standard

Also they made this card which is kinda meh but could work out pretty well in reno decks.

They said there were going to be more demons in this expansion.

there had better be some good ones. I see that imp is obviously a demon but has discard mechanics

It'll probably be good due to large number of mage cards that do something when you cast a spell. Also yogg decks will probably use it.

raving grimoire sounds like it could be pretty good in arena at least since mage spells are usually good and arena is value driven.

It still baffels me why Warlock doesn't have astral communion. Discarding is like almost warlock exclusive shit.
>astral communion + tap

Because ramp is a druid mechanic

that might be a good idea, with 10 mana you could play all the good high cost warlock cards like uh


fabled decks were my thing in yugioh
kinda excited to see discard cards

I think this card is pretty good sometimes.

Wow op do you have your own opinions? Your literally just spouting vg hearthstone thread shit. Even the curator comment makes me think you would have never thought about that if no one said it before hand.

>Calling cards shit when you don't even know how they will synergize with the rest of the adventure

The book is objectively good Jesus Christ.

>mage and rogue best classes in arena
>hey let's give mage an amazing card as a common
pic related is a common class card from the latest expansion and the expansion is an adventure, meaning it has the most frequency modifiers, making it the card a player is most likely to draft and virtually every single mage in arena will have at least one

OPs card is amazing in arena as well, cant fucking wait to continue to get stomped by mages

who seriously gives a fuck about Hearthstone anymore? Unless you've been playing regularly since the beginning you will never have a decent deck other than like, face hunter or some other cheap shit 9/10 players use.

Only in a deathrattle deck

It will be a must-have in malygos decks for sure, and in wild if you can get thaurissan out of it.


Wow, MORE cards with the 'random' keyword, just what we need for this wacky, casual-friendly game! :3

Could a Barnes summon a Barnes?

It is sort of terrible when mages have one of the best one drops in the game. And theres a late game card that does what Grimoir does better, which is Ethereal Conjurer

I guess, I do like some cards like this one though.

>4/5 for 4 with big potential upside
yeah nah

Lmao literally everyone gives a fuck about hearthstone

Name 5 people who don't give a fuck. I dare you.

You can only have one Barnes in your deck
Summoning another Barnes with the battlecry will not trigger the battlecry anyways

No. He's not in your deck if you can play him, unless you have two because of tavern brawl or something.

>1 mana 1/1 RARE
>good in arena

Youre dumb as shit m8.

Totally agree on Firelands Portal though.

>1/1 token equals +1/+1

>Basically better ancient of lore

yea, it's even better than +1/+1

Yes that is literally how the whole competitive community views it

You are the retard. It's a 1 drop that replaces itself. It's basically a jeweled scarab, already a good card in arena, and is better by virtue of being a 1 drop, a turn you skip more often than not.

You know thaurissan is standard, right? It is the key of 1turnkill warrior.

Why people stopped using thaurisan since the standard update? Is everyone dumb?

If you get this card off it, it'll be pretty ok.

>still conversing about this non-game cardgame for pleabe children

If you play something like gang up, sure, but it is an effectless 1/1 in the board.

It's a better scarab in every way

Anybody who thinks its bad is retarded

This is an okish card.

Jewelled scarab is a common, so it's much more likely to up against garbage. Plus you get some choice what you replace the scarab with, so it's 100 times better because you can pick depending on the board state.

You'd have to pull some pretty garbage rares alongside Grimoire to pick a card that is a 1 mana 1/1 and gives you zero choice with what you pull out of it.

You cant compare a common to a rare, the card quality in the rare slot is so much higher.

>Return of the Haunted Creeper

Your mom
The 3 bulls I invited over

its only a good card in combo decks
it's not an auto include at all in any other archetype
its not even good in miracle rogue

So imp master, dragon egg and wobbling runts must all be pretty broken

>play card
>Get ice shatter

nah man its op

>1 mana 1/1
>Get bullshit like mirror entity or counterspell

There are still plenty of shit cards in the rare slot. And this one is at least a 7/10, there aren't too many rares off the top of my head I'd pick over this one.
And scarab gives you a choice out of 3 random cards, better than completely random, but still a huge random element. Mage spells on the other hand are a much smaller pool, outside of maybe shatter, you're gonna pull a good card and more often not than you'll get a great one.
And unlike scarab it doesnt sacrifice tempo cuz it's a turn 1 play.

Imp master was damn good for a long time.
Dragon egg has other requirements for the token, and has 0 attack naturally, making it shit
Runts are too slow.

What the anons meant was, an IMMEDIATE 1/1 token is basically 1/1+

>Get bullshit like mirror entity or counterspell

You could have at least said spell bender and shatter, but those 2 cards you said are pretty good for tempo mage, at least if you save them to play then late (turn 6+)

Too bad this isn't a neutral 2/2. I bet merps is super happy this thing exists, he always wanted there to be a "true" one drop

it's a shit one drop
2/2 on 1 does nothing

>Azure Drake, Coldlight, and a Savage Combatant
And that's assuming RNG was kind and you didn't lose them already to draw.
Also, drawing three specific minions that don't help much in late-game, since you can't play this before turn-fucking-4 in a Druid deck and probably more like turn 7, cause Innvervating this isn't good, is not a good thing.
>Putting yourself 3 cards closer to fatigue just to have a slightly better chance next time you draw of getting a useful card

He's adventure, once this goes live he will be wild, retard

I only play arena so it's good.

it beats 1/2's without dying, trades with 2/2, 3/2, 1/3, and 1/4's evenly, and is a beast. not saying it's great, just saying it's not shit.

If you compare yeti to a dragonling mechanic, which have the same stats but the other one has some of it divided on a mech 2/1 token, you can kinda get the idea why tokens are not the same as having raw stats on minions.
When dragonling mechanic is traded to a 4/4 minion you need to sacrifice both the token and mechanic, while with yeti you still have 4/1 after attacking a 4/4 minion.
It is also how windfury isn't always exactly double damage, because when using both attacks on minions it also doubles the damage it takes from that said minion.
Also Razorfen hunter is so much worse than 3/4 minions, even though it is 3 mana 3/4 if you consider the boar as +1/+1

It is a decent body that might trade with some 2 drops, specially hunter ones (well, at elast against current meta. hunter just got a fucking overpowered 2 mana card)

But still worse than living roots for most cases unless it is trading with 1/2s, which is very uncommon.

Any 1 drop ran by a zoo lock is stricly better, and so are mana wyrm and trogg.

Gang Up, Arena, or Entomb, yes.
That said, it won't trigger his battlecry again.
The question I have is, will Barned summon a 1/1 Shadow of Nothing if your deck has no minions?

So why not just put better dragons and beasts in your deck?

and who plays those?
>trades with 2/2, 3/2, 1/3, and 1/4's evenly
and what deck wants to do that?

naked stats minions like this one are played by aggro for which 2/2 isn't good enough or are something like zombie chow to counter aggro, for which this isnt good enough

hurts druid to add this to his deck of cheap cantrips, fat creatures, or token producers. It only helps beast druid which never made it into the meta

Who plays 1/2

>2/2 and 3/2
Living roots is strictly better as it doesn't let the minion survive one whole turn for you to attack it.

Yeah feed warrior those extra card draws

Once again, feed warrior free armor.

Me because I play different card games. As for the other 4 insert generic me fucking your mom and other female relatives joke here.

>Have to Burgle/Nef before using this or Gang Up another class's minion AND get it in hand
Mediocre and inconsistent.

>all these people that play constructed and not arena

I guess numbers are hard

arena meta has been shit since old gods m8

It's actually broken. You'll see.It'll be just as annoying as Shredder, even though you can only play one.

>gets fireballs, ice blocks, polymorphs, and whatever new mage meta breaking spell

I hate this game

Someone at Hearthstones dev team has a real boner for RNG.

Why don't they just add a card that reads "Battlecry: Flip a coin, if heads then you win the game"?

you dont like tempofest featuring mage & rogue and games being decided by turn 3?

its not about release dates its about release year.
in 2017 blackrock will be wild

>if you have a _____ minion, gain ____

laziest tribal design ever. why do I play this game?

Yeah but 5/6 for 5 is very good stats

decent stats + ok effect = good card

Probably something like "Shitty puppet" 1/1

>better Dragons and Beasts
Because druid is already choked for space for "good" cards.
There's basically 0 good Beasts one would want to draw over another minion.
There's (1) Murloc anyone wants to draw for MORE draw, but drawing into it is never good, even Murloc Paladin/Shaman wouldn't play it Curator, cause it's shit.
Better Dragons are doable, but generally, the only class that could potentially "benefit" from Curator is Druid, which runs at most, 1 Ysera and 2 Azure Drakes, nothing else Dragon-wise. The rest of their slots are filled with better minions that don't have those Tribal tags.

>I have no idea what i am talking about, but must call other people retarded.

Both the oldest adventure and expansion go wild together in the start of a new standard year. Thaurisan wont go wild before may 2017

fun/interactive. Of all the things they can do on a electronic card game, they chose 'reveal a card, get X' without the reveal.

If they spoil 1 more decent beast card I think beast druid could be a thing, the 2/2 is going to be a staple in druid and following it up with a mark of y'shaarj on turn 2 is going to be nuts

try saying that about turn 4 shaopan rider

Better than constructed m8

3/7 for 5 isn't good stats though, that and it doesn't fit into any Rogue archetypes. A lot of Rogue decks are already maindecking burgle effects so I wouldn't be surprised to see this guy getting a place in a few decks

shaopan is one of those cards that are not to great in constructed but virtually broken in arena

I remember this boss.
What does his effect have to do with him at all?

i only have 2 wings of loe. should i save up gold for the next expansion or just buy the rest of loe right now

He's the curator of the menagerie

Nah, LOE is cycling out in only 6 months

oh yeah, of course but arena's all topsy turvy anyway. Ethereal Peddler will be super playable in arena as well, even without any burgle effects

course it will its a 5/6 for 5, all yeti-tier cards are useful in arena

Loe is cicling out in 18 months, not 6.

It also have some pretty good cards. Go for it.

It could be Ok-ish in arena, but it's terrible for constructed

Both rags, ysera, malygos, ...

>there are people itt thinking reno won't be introduced into the classic set

the card enables too many deck archetypes to get cycled out
I expect similar things to happen with at least cthun if not most old gods

The portal is op, the 1/1 is Ok-ish

>mfw Shaman is gonna die along with The Grand Tournament
So many good shaman cards came from that expansion, and all of them are gonna be gone soon.
Hopefully they bring in some great cards for him in this next expansion.

If Blizzard announce that they're going to put extra cards into classic then sure

I don't see it happening for C'Thun since they want tribal decks to cycle in and out to avoid getting stale

Shaman needs basically all TGT to be introduced into standard because otherwise they'll have to introduce broken shaman cards with every single expansion as their basic cards are so shit.

>more fucking RNG into a game that's already 99% RNG

fair enough
still, nzoth and yogg are super popular and especially the later is generating too much excitement to go away

Blizz already said they will be adding cards to the classic set/make them available for all seasons.