Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics.
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
Another ASSFAGGOTS game among millions.
Graphics are the last thing you want for this genre if you actually want to cultivate a healthy community, you want billy bob to be able to play the game on his Pentium IV.
Finish Unreal Tournament 4 Epic you fucking cocksuckers.
because it's a moba that's buy to play, it's already dead and it's still in beta
No free demo
Its literally Smite with less characters and nothing interesting to make it stand out from Smite.
until that happens I'm just staying with my friends at dota2
are you fucking serious?
is it free yet?
im not spending money on a 'moba' after playing thousands of hours on free ones
i'm not gonna PAY MONEY to switch to a different addiction
Fuck them for what they did to Kallari
play ut3, it is the same shit faggot.
2004 and UT1 have more active communities than UT3.
We need 4 to come out so there's new blood. It's also the only legit Arena Shooter since it's competition is that abomination Quake Champions.
It's free for play station plus members.
...that's still buy to play
slower and less polished characters, itemization and gameplay aswell
Fuck off. Advertising is not allowed. See global rule #11.
Yeah would be great to play with the 7 other people online!
>we need another game that plays the same as a 20 year old game with only better graphics
>Wasting all of this time and talent to make a shitty MOBA when they could be putting it into Unreal Tournament instead.
I bet it would have actually entered alpha by now if they put a few more people on it.
>arena shooters aren't dead guiz, t-they just n-need to add more stuff and people will finally care! ;.;
But I am
And I'm pissed they nerfed life steal and Twinblast's entire kit
They only nerfed his escape and Nitro. He's still great and braindead easy to play.
He also had it coming since he's by far the most OP hero in the game.
>It sucks 'cause it's old
Doesn't this site warn minors that they're not supposed to browse Sup Forums?
I played 5 games, dominated every time
>pick random character
>go into the jungle for 10 minutes upon reaching lvl 2
>be 10 levels above everyone else
>have like 30 more card power than them too
>still fucking lose because team cant defend the base from minions while i 1v5
I was kidding there, I lost one out of 5 matches because my team was actually fucking retarded
If the people you play with are even borderline able to think you will not be able to lose
That being said the game has awful character designs, it feels really bad to play since there is basically no response you get from hitting enemies
Attacks where you jump and land somewhere, doing damage in the process feel completely terrible since you cannot aim for SHIT if the enemy moves even slightly
Also limiting the amount you can gain strength and power through the shitty card system or whatever is stupid and it's basically the one thing that makes me dislike mobas
Why can I not completely shit on people until the very end because of some artificial stopping point? stupid
tldr the game is vapid trash with barely anything to make it good
It's a PC / PS4 crossplay game. You can play with either controller or KBM on either system. I get matches almost instantaneously; much quicker than HotS or even Dota 2.
>i need the same game with literally zero differences again and again when I could just play the previous game
I have two copies of the game to give away (and so does literally everyone who plays it), but I'm just waiting for someone to post in these threads who is actually interested and deserving and not a loud faggot.
>gimping yourself with a controller
>play this shitty mmofps because GRAFIX
casuals please
Are they even capable of even rational thinking anymore? Just look at U, they consolised it for a quick cash in
>thinks this game requires precision
I've played 200 hours on PS4 before switching to PC and KBM. It plays perfectly fine with a controller. For melee characters it might even be better.
I'm very into ASSFAGGOTS and like to try out new ones when they come around, but haven't been able to play Paragon due to financial troubles.
Can I have a copy?
you could not be more misinformed
Also, is it possible to go from a 'free' extra copy to the $80 version once I get enough money on the same account?
What are your system specs, and do you have a mic?
Yes. Being gifted a Founder's Pack gives you a $20 discount on upgrading.
you do realize that the 80 dollar version thing does not give you anything but cosmetics?
>system specs
I'm not sure, but not very good. My computer is 3 years old and I'm going to build a new one within a month or two, but I can run Unreal Tournament with relative ease. Yes, I have a mic.
>expecting anyone to know what this shit game is
why don't you tell us
Doesn't smite work in 2D (no height)?
It does give you three Master Tributes per hero to grind for, which can get you more cards or rep to buy them with.
You're on a prebuilt and you don't even know what's in it? :/
Use Speccy.
Yes, Smite is completely flat. Paragon is the first MOBA to have actual 3D gameplay and map design, as well as the first MOBA to have actual graphics.
There's also no auto-attacking or auto-aiming. You must aim every shot and swipe.
Yeah I got it from a friend, most of the games I play are on Nintendo consoles/handhelds.
i dislike the card collecting aspect
it's really p2w and is completely unfair to newcomers and casuals
kind of like hearthstone in a way, only that you can't actually buy cards with money
It's not really p2w. Play for a hundred hours or two and you'll have all the cards you'll ever need. Right now I have 150,000 Rep saved up from just playing the game so I can buy 75 random cards whenever they come out with something I want.
It's "unfair" to newcomers, but they won't be competing against peeps who've already put in the hours anyway.