How do we make The Elder Scrolls series great again?
How do we make The Elder Scrolls series great again?
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Put Kirkbride in charge of everything.
you dont
Bethesda stops developing it
let it die, it can never recapture the simple, grand adventure and traditional rpg feel that Morrowind had.
Todd won't allow it
It was never great to begin with.
>stop BS repeatable fetch quest over use
>hand placed items and person-made dungeons
>unique item skins like in morrowind
>more spell effects
>more armor segments
>enchant skill
This, except maybe not everything.
Also bring back depth and complexity to the stats and combat. Also little to no hand holding.
This is going to sound crazy but give Todd more control. He hasn't been involved with Oblivion and Skyrim in comparison to Morrowind where he pretty much led the project. Hiring on Kirkbride to just sit in a room and drink whiskey and write lore couldn't hurt either.
Put Todd in charge of everything.
6 player coop hosted by one person and not a central server.
better AI
less crafting bullshit
people give you shit you need since you are saving the fucking planet
more ambushes from groups trying to stop your quest
i could continue for days
There is no saving it. FO4 is a good indicator of what the next ES game will be like. Skyrim but even more dumbed down. And no matter where its set, they'll just rewrite the lore as usual so it fits the generic medevil urop setting they want it to be.
I don't know guys, these ideas sound pretty terrible
>keep the spellcasting system from Skyrim but expand on it with spellcrafting and spell combos
>bring back awesome quests, seriously Oblivion was fucking great in this department
>keep the settlement building from Fallout 4 but expand on it and don't make it fucking mandatory for fucks sake
>attributes can stay gone for all I care, fuck min/maxing your skills so you get that sweet +5
>expand on perks with interesting effects instead of +10% more dmg
Pretty much the basic stuff.
Still, it's a long ass time before we see TES6. They got 2 other projects and they're both supposed to come out before it. Makes me hopeful that maybe, just maybe they spend some more time on it to make it good. At least they're working on a current gen base, for current gen instead of having to port everything over like in Fallout 4.
Release HD Oblivion and Morrowind
This definitely he is a lying sack of shit but if he had more money, resources, time, less constraints, and less over sight TES could probably better then it was but for my opinions.
> better combat like a faster mount and blade or dark messiah
> more weapon types that can do different things ie you wouldn't want to use a sword or a short bow against someone in full plate
> the modular armor system from fallout 4 and morrowind is reintroduced with a less rigid armor tier system so some light armors will fatigue you more then others and the same for heavy armors
>less robotic animations
>stealth like in the older splinter cell games with sound and lighting being important to complement your sneak skill
>magic should feel powerful from the beginning even though beginner spells wouldn't do that much it should reinforce the fantasy of spell weaving and the brain over brawn trope.
>cities should feel big and organic even though it would probably be at best 20 houses and 4 shops better placement and spacing when it comes to cities and towns is a must.
Sadly this.
New generation must be accountable for the Downfall of content in vidya.
Old generation must be accountable for stay silent.
The series never was great. Morrowind is the only stand out game. The rest are just generic fantasy.
It's always been shit
Stop talking shit, it was, once upon a time, an amazing series. The best elder scroll of all time was morrowind. And it was so fun.
>mfw i loved skyrim and can't wait for tes 6
Same. I don't even care, I love Bethesda games. I will admit though, the quality has been in constant, slow decline.
I liked the world and that's where it ends. They seriously need to replace the rest of the team
The other day I was watching some top 10 best open world games video and Oblivion was the elder scrolls game they chose.
And in the youtube comments everyone was expressing nostalgia for oblivion and how much better it was than skyrim.
Morrowind is "too old" now. People will feel nostalgia for skyrim within your lifetime.
At release a lot of people hated Oblivion because of how many things we lost from Morrowind. Moving from Oblivion to Skyrim, you lose even more things. Its not surprising people are nostalgic for it now.
The biggest bummer for me when I first played Oblivion and even Skyrim is I loved how bizarre and foreign Vvardenfell felt. Cyrodill and Skyrim are nice but it's more in line with traditional fantasy settings so I missed the off the wall feel of Morrowind where everything was bizarre.
I suppose OP's question "How do we make The Elder Scrolls series great again?" is super relevant then.
Are these games really getting worse every time? They certainly get more popular every time, I think it's the "dumbing down to appeal to a wider audience" factor.
Skyrim had an amazing map, art design and exploration, but that's pretty much it
Playing Morrowind right now
what the fuck is with the walking/running speed. i got the Boots of Blinding Speed which just seem like a cruel joke cause even then i can't move all that quickly and now i can't see shit either
get resist magicka spell 100% for 1-2 seconds. cast. go to inventory (game pauses), put on boots. all speed, no blind.
speed is tied to athletics though. you start out like a snail but will be running/jumping over mountain ranges eventually.
Why do you think it's called Boots of Blinding Speed?
Ayy, same here user!
Put MrBtongue in charge of everything
spells are for the weak, you must be stronk to survive in the harsh fields of Vvardenfell
then get some uniques for reflect/absorb
>but will be running/jumping over mountain ranges eventually.
how soon are we talking here, cause i've actually gotten stuck in pits in dungeons that i literally couldn't get out of
>tfw you discover constant slow fall 1pt means you never take fall damage again
Keep the Skyrim spellcasting? That shit that didn't had free spellmaking, and you could'nt mix then, expand area of atack, control the power/mp use freely?
No, just no.
After playing The Witcher 3 and Dragons Dogma, I can't play Skyrim anymore.
-loading screens after you enter/leave a house
-the same dungeon design
-a "strange" combat
-I don't like mods, because some mods aren't compatible with others (even if they are doing completely different things) and bugs in free mods are breaking my immersion more than playing without them
-the whole game play feels strange after playing The Witcher 3 and Dragons Dogma
-a boring "story" (the idea of a fight between the Nordic king and the imperials sounds great, but is the opposite)
I loved Skyrim, but in the current year there are better games
depends on your character and play style i guess. i think by level 15 it shouldn't be too bad. jumping everywhere you go for the first few levels just to get acrobatics up is pretty common.
Is there anywhere to talk about elder scrolls legends that isn't Beth forums or reddit yet?
Pls Sup Forums, /hsg/ is mad at me and /tesg/ doesn't care
the mw subreddit at least is a nice place, havent checked oblivion or skyrim.
tesg is only for posting shitty skyrim futa mods with 100x depth of field.
Make it exotic and alien yet still homely, just like Morrowind