Deus Ex Mankind Divided

it's almost here, you looking forward to it?

I was, but everything I saw got me less and less excited to the point that I cancelled my pre-order yesterday. I just wanted more HR but they decided to mess with gameplay and UI in a horrible way.

I haven't even played the orignal yet properly.
It's pretty boring

I am, but mainly because I've avoided pretty much any and all info. Really hoping it's another HR.

>Oh god this looks so shit
>Yeah it's fucking terrible
>Lol, the preview build leaked! Let's all download it and see how awful it is!
>... Fuck, it's actually pretty great

I'm being cautious. I want to play it since I enjoyed HR a lot, but I want to see what people have to say about it before I up and buy it.

>download deus ex human revolution
>play two misions

no, im not looking forward to it.

>two missions
You didn't play the game did you? That's like someone saying "yea i beat two levels in skyrim. i didn't like it"

Liked the old ones when I was younger

Liked HR because cyborgs are awesome and so are stealth games

Played MD demo at E3, felt like more of the same.

I'm excited, but I'm waiting, surely a GOTY edition or definitive edition will come out in a year or two.


>making your mind up over 16 minutes the majority of which consists of tinkering with menu options and the intro walk sequence

stick to overwatch

Don't fucking reply to me unless you're contributing to the thread


>aspergers alert

preordered today

>Don't reply to me or my threads son again.

I just preodered two copies after reading this.
Cancelled them all

Oh shit, I'm sorry.

>i-its okay user

i was
before i looked at the footage

kek its literally the same game with better textures. you fell for the memes friend

i was actually thinking or pre-ordering it for about 30€ but then I remembered that the PC version has denuvo, and it will probably be filled with performance issues.
So I don't know. I'm really on the edge here.

it has denuvo so piratecucks are assblasted

>takedowns are still in, no sign of a proper melee system
>can now use takedowns from cover, which autohides the bodies already
>look at cover and Press X to move there automatically
>too much focus on 3rd person cover shit, which is easy and boring
>some augs seem retardedly broken, such as the KO 4 targets from far one
not at all, they haven't learned a single thing from their last outing with HR

I'm looking forward to it, but nothing I've seen so far has been hugely exciting. Basically the only things I remember from the coverage are some OP-looking non-lethal abilities and lack of open areas in levels.

I loved HR, this looks like more of the same, and not better.

>>takedowns are still in, no sign of a proper melee system
>>can now use takedowns from cover, which autohides the bodies already
>>look at cover and Press X to move there automatically
>>too much focus on 3rd person cover shit, which is easy and boring
this is literally all an optional addition which doesnt even remove the original system. you can literally choose to either use it, or play the game exactly as it was in HR. its not a complaint, nothing was removed.

>it's not a complaint
>most of that shit were complaints lots of people had about HR which as user mentioned, the devs just ignored all the while claiming they learned from their mistakes

I definitely am. I loved HR, and have been avoiding any possible info I can about this.

Leaves thread

As originally bad in HR, sure

Still worse than allowing me to hit guards from behind to knock them out, instead of play a shitty animation to do it, as the original was.

>this game still does the shitty things HR does! Now it's even easier!
This isn't a positive thing, you fucking sperg.

>takedowns are still in, no sign of a proper melee system
It's a shame but not really that big of a deal 2bh. The melee wasn't compelling in 1 either.

>can now use takedowns from cover, which autohides the bodies already
Then don't use it? Giving options is not a bad thing.

>look at cover and Press X to move there automatically
Then don't use it? Giving options is not a bad thing.

>too much focus on 3rd person cover shit, which is easy and boring
Same as HR

>some augs seem retardedly broken, such as the KO 4 targets from far one
Then don't use them? Giving options is not a bad thing.

wew, really serious flaws for sure.

No Malik, no buy!

The melee in Deus Ex gives the player more control than HR. Press Q to KO/Kill isn't fun at all.

>shit is bad, just don't play it!
Yeah maybe I should just replay the original over playing this 3rd-person-handholding takedown fest turd.

Dishonored is a modern game and it didn't need this cinematic garbage.

So is it going to be waffles again?