DOOMSLAYER and his demon horde come to invade the world of the last game you played...

DOOMSLAYER and his demon horde come to invade the world of the last game you played, how much RIPPING AND TEARING would there be?

>the last of us

Doomslayer's would destroy.

Also, what scene is this image from? I don't recall seeing the knights of doom in full model.

During the credits.

It also had a picture of one of the collectibles with a shotgun pointing at a Pinky. It is cute.

>Warhammer 40K DoW II
not much of a difference in the ripping and tearing department

Would Doomguy be Chaos' worst nightmare?

>Age of Empires II
I mean maybe Spanish farmers stand a chance

We'll be fine

Doubt it. There's already a Doom Guy stand-in for the universe named Kaldor Draigo.

>Kaldor Draigo
>Khal Drago

well then

Metro 2033, Redux

If they side with the Slavs, mutants and ayylmaos are fucked

Just enough ripping and tearing to eliminate the 50 or so mutants in the game

like dis?

Kek, demons in Doom are fucking pussified starving somalians in comparison.

Doomslayer would get wrecked by some random Ultrasmurf.

>I just started Doom 2016 for the first time

Have fun with it friendo.

>Darkest Dungeon

Cathulu gonna get his asshole shredded

that actually would be a pretty seamless crossover

>Tree of Savior
Things somehow get both worse and better at the same time, assuming you're saying Doomslayer and those knights from Argent D'Nur are still on humanity's side but the legions of Doom/Hell show up as well?

I mean most of the enemies in ToS are already demons or monsters but there's canonically a fuckton of Revelators who can go toe to toe with them. I guess it'd just be a question of how much of a force multiplier shit like Mancubi/Cyber-Mancubi and other highly weaponized demons would be.

The amount of RIPPING AND TEARING stays the same considering enemies explode into gibblets on death anyways, regardless of what they are. Just a lot more hands-on methods to do it.

>Witcher 3

All monsters are exterminated in about a day or so, Geralt retires with Yen


Good luck, I'm behind 7000 skeletons

>rocket league



Um the universe is fucked

Don't turn it off until the credits roll.

>animal crossing

Thank you for the good post


What the deal with vulkan? Does it make the game look any diffrent or does it just run better

>Implying Doomguy doesn't deal with skeletons every day
>implying his Skeletons don't have Rocket Jetpacks and scream at him

Doom guy has his own army of demons? Wtf since when? I thought he killed demons.

Just runs better. Most noticeable on AMD.

I worded it wrong. I meant that the horde of demons from his realm come as well.

Looks the same but runs better.

AFAIK the vsync doesn't work/works differently on Vulkan but since you should have vsync off anyway it doesn't really matter.

Neptunia. How would this work?

WoD powerlevels are so high even Doomslayer will get fucked.

>last game I played is DOOM

>have vsync off

Do you enjoy screen tearing?

Abyss Watchers and Night Sentinels go on to destroy the Abyss and Hell

>Monster Hunter

A lot.

>Doom RLA
The usual amount.

tearing is the entire point of the game



Medieval 2 Total War

Can the medieval pos-reconquista spanish army defeat the DOOMSLAYERS ?


Much better.

Now that would be a sight to behold. Doomslayer vs Ludwig

>They try to invade Paradisio from Bayonetta 1
They'd all die pretty fast

Cool spartans. Which gaylo is this?

Halo: Actually good edition.

>EDF 4.1

The EDF deploy


They'll be spawn camping for days yo

I'm playing dwarf fortress with a shitton of added races.
>The world im playing in has Succubi and the Monsters from Undertale fighting Koopas/
>Doom guy rips and tears his way to my fortress.
>The Herald of Doom has come. A medium sized humanoid prone to RIPPING AND TEARING.
>I seal up my town leaving the peasants to die.