Your favorite games came out when this man was President.
Your favorite games came out when this man was President
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Lemme think..yeah. yeah it did.
can we just write in Bill in the ballot?
Will a new Clinton presidency resurrect video games?
And he was president when it was made, so it's almost like he made it himself.
Based Billy
Didn't he get sniped?
There weren't even videogames then
>Implying he'd make it to mid-term elections let alone 2020 if he was allotted a third term.
I wonder how does it feel if he'll be the First Lady if Hilary wins.
Fucking kill yourself.
All my favorite games will come out when this man is president.
Dubya's first term + Bubba'as last term
not an argument.
Literally ruined vidya gaems.
No, he was shot in a theater.
Actually George W Bush was president.
I was born when this man was still president
And now the worst "games" in history will come out when his wife becomes president.
>falling for the golden age maymay
Why would you vote for Hillary when this happened Sup Forums?
And thank god we have George Wood to talk about them!
underage detected.
bush years > clinton years > obama years
>that flag falling in the back
>nobody goes to pick it up
>Implying I'm not wearing my MAGA hat right now
Do the shillary bots ever stop?
not an argument
this is an american president
what a bunch of cucks
you just know...
That's not Hillary. Also all the games you like are bad. It doesn't matter anyway since we are all gonna live like underground mole people when she becomes president.
He was the best for the gaming industry.
Is this one of those autism exercises they have you do so you know how conversations work out? I don't think you're supposed to type that. You're welcome, buddy.
President can't serve more than two terms.
How can one person support so many idiotic things.
I'm just amused he keeps tanking his wife.
The "first black president" is such a misogynist, he can't handle the idea of her following him. The next three months of Bill will be hilarious, assuming Hillary doesn't just flat have him killed.
You're wrong
Best game in this time frame is Persona 4 or 3 Fes desu.
not an argument
>muh autism
Sure trumpeter.
RDR came out 2010
I'm man enough for Her, are you, drumpf supporters?
Make gaming great again.
WTF Trump
that's it im a #cruzmissile now
>not picking one of the greatest games of all time
Bill cucked Hillary god knows how many times. It makes sense she cucks him back. Can men even cuck women?
I'm not.
You're right. Based Obama.
>entertainment will be based as fuck like it was during the Reagan years
wtf i hate trump now
clinton's husband was president ?
I see Trump is here.
The Delegates, Donald.
Give them to me.
He was such a bad president but I just can't dislike W.
How anti Shillary was the High Sparrow before he got off her kill list?
No, my favorite game came out when this Bush was President. Pic related
>President can't serve more than two terms
Fucking newfag here wasn't around for the great deppression.
Go back to crying in your cheetos with beck. Wipe that lady clown shit off your face while you're at it.
>plane flying into the towers
Wrong Roosevelt friend
Okay, how did we go from this
There is an amendment prohibiting it. Learn before posting.
He's a big guy.
>tfw all the Trumpcucks kill themselves in November after Based Hillary BTFO's them
>tfw vidya in the Clinton days comes back
Can't fucking wait.
>mgs4 was 2008
I thought 2007 for some reason
Limewire users will remember this. I don't, cause i never used it, but i find it funny.
You are messing with the wrong man, user.
Go tell Donald to give them to me.
>assuming Hillary doesn't just flat have him killed.
If I were a betting, tin foil hat wearing, Alex Jones pisswater drinking type of man, I'd straight up say there will be no assumptions whatsoever. Trump somehow makes a fool of her in the initial debates and poor 'ol Bill won't live to see November. Not like that will save Hillary if shit like the DNC leaks come out periodically in the next three months. Regardless, it's nice to see Bill back in the limelight for a while.
Hahaha holy shit, that must be an edit it can't be real.
i cant imagine what this board is going to be like once they announce the next president
Get back in your coffin gramps.
Did Cruz actually ask Trump to give him delegates or is just some dank Sup Forums maymay
We all die anyway no matter who becomes president. No matter who wins we lose.
-Quote from Aliens vs. Predator
reminder that if you use the world "shillary" you will never, ever have sex
What's she playing?
I'm living proof you're wrong user.
12 shots
more than enough to get the delegates
>-Quote from Aliens vs. Predator
You are probably the only person to remember lines from that shitty movie.
What if i've already had sex though?
You already know the answer to that, user.
I refuse to believe that's real.
Same if you say "Drumpf"
Hillshill > Shillary
Pay attention to the news.
If you want that to happen, it's not the clintons you're looking for. It's newt gingrich.
Let that sink in for a moment. The man you want to see back in office for your vidya of those days, is newt fucking gingrich.
Have fun with that nightmare fuel.
You retroactively regain your virginity.
>mfw she's going to plunge the world back into the cold war
Gaming in the Clinton Years
I'm incredibly upset that I don't have any crying American Spurdos.