Are they objectively the most Sup Forumsidya e-celebs?

Are they objectively the most Sup Forumsidya e-celebs?

Also am i alone in thinking that woolie is the worst friend and liam is a cute little shota that just wants to belong?

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Pat + Liam is best

Eaither one of those two males Woolie's presence tolerable on LPs he knows little about.

Matt has become inexcusable, he was ok with Pat on some horror related stuff in the past but has become a total debtrament in recent year a.

Does MatthewMatosis count? If he does he's the best E-celeb, though I guess he's more just an actual genuine game analyst.

Pat + Liam > Pat + Matt >Matt + Liam > Pat + Woolie > Woolie + Liam > Matt + Woolie

what are some good pat + liam videos? i haven't seen any.

Pat/Liam feels the most awkward to me. Pat/Woolie/Liam is godtier

I used to watch all of their videos but now I just see them in my subscription box and debate whether or not to unsubscribe.
They feel a lot less genuine than they used to be and all their repetitive in jokes replace any chance of something new.
The only one who kind of feels genuine anymore is Liam and maybe Pat.

Shut up and Jam Gaiden in its entirety

I don't know why but Woolie has gone really shit recently.

Pat > Liam > Paige > Woolie > Zach > Matt


I wish they would do some more mystery box


I'm just waiting on this year's shitstorm

Matt's the worst friend
Pat and Woolie are cringe but in the good way.

I wish they'd either put Matt on the controls or play a game he knows oodles about so he's not sitting in the back autistically trying to stay relevant and failing with bad unrelated jokes.

>People are realizing that they aren't real Jojo fans anymore

Yes, excellent. Excellent. Soon they shall only be revealed as the frauds they are

Some good vids came out of this. I also like one-offs instead of constant playthroughs I don't care about.

the most Sup Forums e-celeb is jeff gerstman:

- alone
- overweight
- hates most videogames
- hates wrestling but still watches it

Spoiler alert for tomorrow's 3:00pm video. Its Matt's Toybox with his Godzilla toys. Also its taking the place of a regular LP slot so enjoy that.

Liam tends to dip into being too contrarian sometimes, like saying "I thought the Anime fan on prom night thing was fine, I just didn't laugh"
Or saying that it doesn't make sense for Pat to feel emotionally connected to MN9's let down as a backer. While being part of the group that's backed The Baz into so many games and encourages people to support games they like.
Or saying that he didn't think Huey did anything wrong early on in MGSV despite the boatload of evidence against him in GZ. (It's fair to have doubt but to directly say "I don't think he did it" has no basis.)

jeff's married

Thanks Liam, when are you doing the W101 full playthrough that'll outdo Chip and Ironicus'?

Personally thought Mario RPG and currently Neir are good ones.

Matt only worked on so many games, and they've probably played them all at this point.

>so he's not sitting in the back autistically trying to stay relevant and failing with bad unrelated jokes.

It's all he can do anymore. The proper thing would just be to fade back into a managerial position except for big 4 player things so he can live a life of leisure with his wife, watching shitty horror movies without anyone having to actually hear about it.

>Liam's face when JordanKai is doing a full NieR Let's play that is both informative and less tedious

I hope you guys are ready for a week's worth of Matt and his Godzilla garbage

Disaster: Day of Crisis is one of my favorite playthroughs because of this. What a great LP that I never hear Sup Forums talking about.

>You don't know (insert autistic fact about series) so you don't actually like it!
Fucking kill yourself. There is no way you have friends if you are socially fucked to that level.

>Or saying that it doesn't make sense for Pat to feel emotionally connected to MN9's let down as a backer.

Jesus CHRIST that shit was annoying.

>"I feel bad that we recommended this thing to people, and I feel responsible."
>"That's insane. We dindunuffin."
>"No, we told people specifically if they didn't back MN9, they were idiots. I want to take responsibility for people wasting their money."
>"You crazy. We dindunuffin'"

Even if Pat was being hyperbolic, I appreciate the sentiment. Liam sounded like a fucking backtracking politician.

And the fact that he thinks MN9 is a more enjoyable game than Gunvolt is fucking insane, holy shit. Gunvolt is no prize but how in the fuck can he think MN9 is better?

They already had a week of godzilla.

RE2 playthrough is the best playthrough

It's not autistic facts. It's basic knowledge on the material you say you're a fan of and build your persona around.

Pat did the right thing and literally told people to call him out if he got Resident Evil information wrong and that he should know better.

The moral is all of them should tell everyone what series and stuff they know about and what they don't.

why don't they play shitty funny games anymore

such a shame that the popularity inflated all their egos, Matt's the worst. I know there's no way we'll ever get the feel of what they use to be like but man can Matt fuck off already. My kingdom for a Pat spin off channel where he meets a new friend you rekindles his passion for games. When he gives a shit we get great stuff like Residient Evil 2

pretty comfy to watch godzilla with them tho

You honestly think that's going to stop Matt?

>Liam steps up in the TP playthrough and adds all this actually good comedic editing in moderation
>we'll never get actual informative and cool editing like C&I do

Is Chip's W101 and Metal Gear series the best playthroughs on Youtube?

Can we all agree that Catherine is one of the worst LPs they've ever done
>Woolie is struggling with the most basic shit on Easy mode
>Matt isn't even paying attention to the game

After the DS3 playthrough, Pat has been oddly... Defeated, maybe? He doesnt care about his health, always sounds super tired or upset and starts to complain about the games they play really fast if it doesnt go in his way.

What the fuck happened?

i always assuyme they are surface level at everything they bring up
even if i don't know shit about it

>Two Best Friends Play with Matt(hewMatosis) and Pat


Liam is a smug asshole who only plays shitty vns

i'm about tho launch this
going to get some junk food to go with it

Sometimes it's just hard to see liam starting shit for any reason other than starting it.

Did you watch their prison break. Shit made me want to kill myself.

>the most Sup Forumsidya e-celebs?

No, that's AVGN.

>irish fuck


but prison break is among their best

as an irishman myself, can't stand the fuck

dis is teh turd in a series of tree reviews

>Two Best Friends Play with Matt and (Mat)Pat

How many seconds of that video would it take you to kill yourself?

How fucking long is it going to take Pat to finish Zeta Gundam?

I remember thinking prison break was pretty good but it's been a while. DS was more annoying because they just never bothered to play 1, so half of 3 is pat going "IT'S THAT THING FROM 1" and no one else reacts.

I'm watching it right now. It's fun as fuck, though Pat not knowing how to do combat is a bit annoying.

Pat and Draksydephil. An unstoppable force meeting an immovable object.

a fifth of one

The Machinima videos were god tier

i love me some video game discussion but do these fucks forget to have a personality

They would literally never finish any game they played if this happened

At least it wasn't Snailborn. That lp was painful. imagine how worst DS 3 would have been if woolie played it.

Which was more aggravating about that podcast, in your opinion? Liam trying to deflect responsibility for being a MN9 shitter, or Pat taking every opportunity possible to snark on MN9 or interrupt people talking about?

>Super Mario RPG

They fucking ruined it by getting the Lazy Shells, but at least they acknowledged that they were being shits.

I mean, it didn't un-ruin the LP, but they knew, at the very least.

say what you want about darksydephil but he finishes shit... eventually

Liam, obviously.

DSP would end up killing Pat

I don't really like pic related, but their format is pretty good. I think if Liam and Matt got their fucking shit together editing wise a versus style race between two of SBFP could be good.

Especially because Pat has been a guest in podcasts where they outright talked shit about DSP like DSP was Chris-chan.

Matt and Pat are the most comfortable to watch but maybe that's just for me since I've watched them since the 2BFP Machinima days. Liam and woolie will always seem like guests or sub-ins but Liam less so.

Also the way that woolie spergs out on fighting games is disgusting

Cow Chop is better.

Liam, 100%. I also hate MN9 so I didn't mind it, and it was just that episode of the podcast. I'm more prone to get pissed off at Liam's bullshit (time ethics), but he's also the only one of them who ever drops real gutbusters (that rapelay joke from way the fuck back).

If MN9 became to Pat what Age of Barbarian/Fartgas/Pun Pun Kill-chan/whatever joke of the week Matt spews on every video the week after he first hears it, I'd be a lot more upset about it.

What the fuck is that?

Pat: Mitochondria are surrounded by a double-membrane system, consisting of inner and outer mitochondrial membranes separated by an intermembrane space. The inner membrane forms numerous folds, which extend into the interior (or matrix) of the organelle. Each of these components plays distinct functional roles, with the matrix and inner membrane representing the major working compartments of mitochondria.

Phil: Woah. no way, what's the jump button again?

>watching that 4 player Mario 64 race
>watching NCS just fucking destroy everybody

The guy is autistic and weird and an actual wizard but he's fucking good at vidya


I'm just glad Eyes of Heaven's going up. I'm seriously falling off the train on watching these canucks. Last thing I gave half a shit about was Punisher and before that I just barely watched Naruto and Livin' Da Dream.

They still do occasionally, like Dogchild and ReBoot. I just wish they do it more often, that's when they really shine.

I wish there were more of these that had guests, such Jon and NCS who were in the Mario 64 Versus. Another one with Lucahjin could be interesting.

Used to be a big Zaibatsu fan, but can't help but feel they've been going downhill in the last year.

The vast majority of their content has become long full game let's plays. I far prefer their shorter form videos.

Their videos just don't seem as funny or entertaining to me anymore. Everything just feels a bit stale.

Quality > quantity.

Pretty much completely switched over to Jimquisition now.

Not sure how Jim Sterling goes down on Sup Forums, but he's a fucking clued up, funny chap.

Chip in general just does really good work.


Pat also made fun of DSP in the Rising playthrough. And Matt made a joke about the DSP getting caught masturbating on cam.

Has DSP ever responded to SBFP making fun of him? I don't follow his vlogs.

>liking an actual cuck

>Not sure how Jim Sterling goes down on Sup Forums, but he's a fucking clued up, funny chap.

Isn't he like the archetypal outspoken nerd manchild? Why the hell does everyone on Sup Forums, Twitter etc etc flock to the man when they decry outspoken nerd manchildren gamers all the time? Is it because he's part of the games journalism clique or some shit?

I sorta feel like part of it is due to not really having any heavy hitting videos lately. A lot of their stuff like Dark Souls and Jojo are in a spot where only one of them knows all that much about the series so it's hard to strike up a conversation that isn't just exposition.

A LOT could have come out of DS3 if they actually played DS1 first so woolie could join in on Pat's hype every time a callback came up.

Has anyone here just completely stopped watching TBFP? Like none of anything they do interests me anymore.
Im at least happy they introduced me to Plague though, he's fantastic.

I've been feeling about the same, the only thing going on right now that I want to watch is their Jojo play but since Pat doesn't know half the series it's not going to be as good as it could be.

I feel like something with a lot of inherent interplay like say, a Co-op playthrough of Donkey Kong Country Returns would be strong.

>Not sure how Jim Sterling goes down on Sup Forums, but he's a fucking clued up, funny chap.

I find myself agreeing with like 90% of what he says, but I fucking hate his persona.

Youre giving a guy who worked as a bagger at a grocery store before getting lucky with LPs a lot of leeway with how intelligent he is.

DS3 should have been pat + liam so liam could call pat a retard every time he thought something insignificant was a DS1 reference

Nah, Yahtzee and Gabe. All the social awkwardness and homoeroticism included.

Only LP I'm watching is Nier.

i know, just an over exaggeration of all the shit pat and woolie blathered about in their parasite eve playthrough

Their starting up NieR was the last push I needed to get it for myself.
Finished it today.

Automata now plz.

im sick of pat and his autistic games.
im so glad dark souls is over

Completely? No. But like I said above I've only watched like three things the entire year and one was really short.


did you """finish it""" or did you actually get all the endings

Who builds a persona around shit like that? Who sits down and actively builds a persona for themselves at all?

>Would pick SF5 over GG xrd Rev
>Literally can't even beat level 2 of Catherine without using undo constantly

No, they're the worst. Pat + Liam episodes are bearable because whoever is on the controls isn't shit at the current game usually, but this channel is still pleb tier like pewdiepie.