Kyle Bosmann is the only video game "journalist" who matters.
Kyle Bosmann is the only video game "journalist" who matters
You're right.
>THIS media jew is different
Literally perfect.
But what about you?
Kyle's opinions matter, not mine.
does he have a gf
Bosman and Hinck are both literally autistic
>he says he's "introverted" and incredibly uncomfortable talking to people in public
Ian does have that whole beta orbiter thing down.
Fuck him
He's also a SJW cuck
But "legitimate journalists" are themselves a joke
Its just as easy to get a Journalism degree as it is a Sociology or African-American Studies degree.
I love his video on Miyamoto
He's a pretty good singer though.
Do you think he listens at the door while that Rooster Teeth guy plows her and makes her scream "O DADDY"?
He's a qt
How does Brian Williams still have a job?
>Latest episode is about why Capcom is good
Shit Bosman, what are you doing?-...
>Pretty much agrees Capcom is a fucking awful company but they at least make games fans want, rather than do nothing like Konami or pander to wider markets like everyone else
>MN9 is also a positive for Capcom kek
I mean, he's right I guess.
Bosman at home is so comfy.
>Project Palm announced a day later
No, fuck Capcom
>Do you think he listens at the door while that Rooster Teeth guy plows her and makes her scream "O DADDY"?
James is a cuck?
Kyle Bosman understands satire, and that's ok.
I'm sure he doesn't know about it.
as long as you talk about console games, maybe
I can't forgive them for what they did to Breath of Fire. I hope AA6 turns out good.
>Project Palm
How do you know
I said the Rooster Teeth guy doesn't know that Ian listens to him making love to his wife.
I'm not sure what he's trying to say here. Nintendo is acing tests but he wants Nintendo to what? Pay more attention in class or do her homework? If she's acing the tests she doesn't need to.
I REALLY wanted him to play A Link to the Past so I could understand why he hates it besides "HERE'S YOUR GAME LEVELS, GAMERS".
If he isn't gonna explain, I'm just gonna assume he's just being a contrarian.
He hates it because it's 2D and it harms his big 3D brain
He's big on context. There isn't enough context in Link to the Past. He digs Uncharted 4.
EZA tier list
>God tier
>Good tier
Brandon Jones
Brad Ellis
>Okay tier
Ben Moore
>Meh tier
Ian Hinck
To become a game journalist, that individual should need to professionally play video games on the highest levels, compete in speed run races in any number of games and categories as well as having beaten at least one cuhrazy action game at the highest difficulty level
This is pretty good. Brandon's voice is so comfy I'd bump him up. And I'd switch Brad and Ben. I'd also make a lower tier just for Ian.
He's saying that when Nintendo really listens and focuses on what people are telling them, they can actually create something good, but instead they'd rather just do their own thing 90% of the time resulting in a lot of mediocre work.
>not putting damiani in an even worse tier
Ben should be good tier.
H-her hand is so detailed
Wrong. Bosman and Brandon Jones are the god tier ones, the rest are okay while the shit tier belongs to Damiani, Huber and Hinck
He doesnt really hate it, he just thinks is overrated.
LttP is overrated as fuck
He couldn't or he would break his kayfabe heel persona when it comes to bets.
>not god tier
get out
swap brad for damiani and huber for ben
He has shit taste in games and an annoying voice. The only difference between him and Damiani is that he isn't dead inside.
No, Zelda is overrated as fuck
EZA REAL tier list
>God tier
>Good tier
Brandon Jones
Brad Ellis
Ben Moore
>Okay tier
Ben Moore
>Meh tier
Ian Hinck
You have to get used to him being a child mentally, but I like him.
Kyle's a good boy he dindu nuffin
I don't get why so few people can understand this and think they're being dead serious about bets and shit. Same thing when I see people complaining about them being spiteful to Huber in Tabletop or something, it's like they don't realize they're playing characters.
>Ben not in good tier
He's the only one with good taste out of the group
Is this a Youtube eceleb thread? I thought Sup Forums hated ecelebs?
Well he isn't a jew to start with and isn't marry to one either since the guy is basically a virgin.
RIP Law.
He just wanted to talk with the baron.
Bossman is hype user. He literally makes me excited for videogames again
They've all said Huber is really like this and isn't playing a character.
Kyle isn't a character either. He stands on his chair and does really bizarre things when he gets into something.
Found the weeb.
Who isn't wrong.
He's saying they arent oushing themselves enough and are just doing enough tk be the best. Best grades of the class could only be a B+ for all you know. The teacher sees potentual for more
We hate most e-celebs, but these guys are alright.
How can a human make you excited for video games? He isn't in the game
Real talk. Why do most people who are in the games journalists/media don't have kids?
No one is FunHaus has kids. Very little in RTT/AH have kids.
No one in EZA has kids.
No one (?) in kindafunny has kids.
Even more popular youtubers are kidfree. Gamegrumps, TRG, etc.
Is it just coincidence. Or is there more too it?
>Kyle isn't a character either. He stands on his chair and does really bizarre things when he gets into something.
Ask why Millennials don't have kids. "We" have no desire for anything but our own self-indulgence.
>literally anything Ian does in tabletop escapades
Fucking hell, if it weren't for Bosman and LAW this would be unbearable. At least he seems to have mellowed out in the later episodes.
I actually agree with that. Nintendo is so weird I keep buying their stuff but among the diamonds there are also a lot of crap that is unwanted or clearly is just garbage thanks to the use of retarded gimmicks.
I hope the software in the NX doesn't ended up suffering the same fate of the Wii U library.
not what I meant m8
when they're doing betting specials they get far more antagonistic towards each other because it makes it more interesting. When they play tabletop they're, you know, playing DND characters.
This is exactly what I mean.
He stands in his seat like L when he starts getting into things in podcast things.
It's really odd.
It's has to do with the culture. A lot of people are "waiting" to settle down and have kids. They have to "live their lives" first. Also, their jobs are playing video games. You want to marry someone like that?
I can't talk to girls user, so it's not like I choose not to have kids.
>god tier
I started watching their D&D show. Shit is hilarious, though I think Ian is an edgy faggot the group dynamic doesn't really suffer from him being a fag or a borderline SJW tumblerina.
he will never defeat woz
They aren't Millennials though?
A lot of them are actually married/in relationships but have no kids.
Brandon is married right? (Although I don't think they share the same last name?)
Arin is married with Suxy and no kids.
James and Elise have mentioned they don't want kids I think.
>Recommends Apocalypse Now
Good movie. In one episode he tells people to watch Barry Lyndon, the patrician's favorite Kubrick film. He's alright.
Talking about normal Millennials.
PS: I am also socially retarded
He likes movies, I agree on that one.
If only he liked games..
Ben is too skewed towards Japanese games
Brandon is married, I don't know about not sharing the last name. He's pretty cucked if he let her get away with that.
Half my friends don't want to get married/have kids.
It will be real interesting in 30 years to see if less people are being born and how many people get married.
>Nintendo is so weird
So this is what video games have come to. Where NINTENDO is "weird"
Ben Moore is at least Good tier.
Agree with everything else though.
Bosman > Ben > Jones > Brad > Huber > Don > Blood > Damiani > Ian
I generally like Huber but his tastes can be really off sometimes, like he defended DmC with the "people don't like it because they changed Dante's hair" BS last frametrap which left a bad taste
It takes time and practice user. I started to play tetris on an emulator and I barely can reach 50K while starting on level 9. I need to get good but then again I can't be bother to hook up a joystick and ended up playing tetris with the keyboard.
Hello, Bobby Kotick. I will now subscribe to Ben's channel and like every video he has put out just because you said that.
>Brandon is married, I don't know about not sharing the last name. He's pretty cucked if he let her get away with that.
"Amanda Troop"
Unless that is her stage name.
You can expect conservatism to make a comeback because it's mostly conservatives who have kids these days.
Not to the point of talking other games down. He doesn't talk down God of war as a bad game because it isn't persona.
Sure he loves Persona the most but he can still enjoy and praise a lot of others.
Ideology is not passed from parent to child. Sometimes a parents' fanaticism actually repels the child from adhering to that ideology
>"My perfect Nintendo stage event would be Miyamoto coming out, brandishing his zelda shirt and sword and shield again after all these years. He then puts his sword and shield down, tells the audience 'I'm retiring', and walks off the stage and takes a seat in the front row."
I'm paraphrasing and I'm forgetting which Easy Allies podcast it is, but this is my favorite thing Bosman has said so far.
Huber is wrong a lot but his enthusiasm for gaming is absoloutely electric.
I love that guy even if he says wrong things a bunch.
Also he doesn't seem delusional when it comes to an opposing view. If someone gives him a good reason to not like DmC i am 100% he would be like "yeah i think you have a point man"
I mean in the sense this is the same company that bankrolls DKCTF and then does Metroid Federation Force, it bankrolls Bayonetta 2 but also bankrolls SF 0 (fuck you, this game suck ass, fuck Miyamoto and his crazy ideas), This is a company that makes MK8 but doesn't bother to release an F Zero.
And so on and on, I love Nintendo and will most likely keep buying their consoles and games but sometimes they are infuriating to say the least.
pic related
>Posting an anchorman.
>Brad Ellis
Not great
>Ben Moore
>Ian Hinck
It's not self-indulgence. It's antinatalism based on the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer.
The guilt and taboo associated with sex is caused by the instinctual antinatalism we all feel. Sex revolution happened because of contraception, which took out the guilt of bringing burden of mortal life on another human out of sex. When people can enjoy sex without the moral burden of making new life they gradually stop having kids.
He really dislikes Miyamoto.
>mfw ben is trying to beat the tunnel in battletoads
>on an emulator
>while using the 360 D-pad