New patch today, AGAIN

new patch today, AGAIN

>Fixed issue involving Johnny and Plank's "Melonheads United" Ability, causing a bug to make players invisible
>Buffed Kevin after feedback from players saying he lost his usage from the loss of his "Bike on Dorks" ability
>>Buffed "Bike on Dorks" by 35%
>Nerfed Ed's health by 30% and buffed his damage absorption by 50%
>Buffed Jimmy's Stock damage input by 45%, aswell as his "Retainer of Destruction" ability.
>Removed Book of Secrets from the game due to balancing issues
>Kanker Sisters expansion #2 coming soon



it's coming soon you chucklefuck, calm down
anyway, who /kevin/ here?


ralph is now S tier

good thing I main him

Fucking Kanker Sisters are too OP

>tfw you get kanked by a team of sisters and get looted of your shit

Why the fuck do mods keep deleting threads?

Are they scared someone will post the download link?

>Kanker players being relevant

ayy lmao


>Sup Forums, where we can amicably discuss fictional video games but actual discussion is called shilling

This place is a shithole and I hope you all die.

and what are you doing to help it?

they announce this not even 4 weeks ago you dumb kanker. stfu and enjoy the pc version while we wait bitch

what is this? is just like smash bros with ed boys?

kankers were the best part of the show fuck you

Talking about games in other threads while being called a shill or a cuck because I'm daring to discuss the board topic on the board.

I thought it was a real game, what the fuck guys

Man they sure do patch this game enough.
Fucking unbalanced piece of shit MMO if you ask me.
I'll stick to the superior KOTHO.

typical cuck

How the fuck do people still not know what this game is?


The cover's been blown for at least 2 years to anyone with half a brain, stop this shit.

shut up you cuck

>EENEO still gets threads
>The superior SpongeBob online is never talked about

Trailer Raids are fucking annoying to handle.
>scam master eddy
>have a melonhead and a double d helping me
>hitting up the trailer park and invading a kanker home
>getting fucked by some cuck's "triple kiss and your out ed boy"
>mfw i lose the chance to get sockhead
>tfw you lose all your gear

Lee Kanker ultimate tier waifu

Looks like someone didn't get into the beta. Cry more, bitch nigga.

>Nerfed Ed's health by 30% and buffed his damage absorption by 50%
>Buffed Jimmy's Stock damage input by 45%,
What the fuck are with these huge changes

Are the devs just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks

Do you think this is a problem?

>Buffed Jimmy's Stock damage input by 45%, as well as his "Retainer of Destruction" ability.
Man it feels good to main Jimmy.

>not storing your items under Eddy's bed.
wew lad

Is- is this a real thing

I always assumed it was just a joke but now, I don't even know anymore.

I won't post the torrent link though fuck you

Ed main here, former Chameleon Man main, I'm thinking about switching to Ralph and giving him a whirl. Which classes do you guys like best, is Son of a Shepherd still any good?

When Fallout 4 gets mods.

Any advice for a brand new Kevin?

What are the best vantage points for calling out scams?

I don't get it guys, How can Jimmy fight with the Eds in this game when in the show he's a little bitch baby that can't do anything.
He's good at Scheming though, that episode where sets the Eds up was insane

The fuck is Ralph?

game balancing. its a pretty limted roster as it is gotta have some use for him somewhere. besides its not like his character doesnt have the motivation to do shit to them. just read his bio

>It's an actual goddamn game
>Am suddenly deeply saddened I never got to play it during Ed Edd & Edy's golden years.

Well fuck my life

>all these implications


>Jimmy gets buffed again

Tbh this is probably Sup Forums's best kept secret.

Even now it's fucking astonishing how few people post screencaps of the game. I only see the DL link like once every few months as well.

Know how I know you came here from reddit?
It's because you used an overused and dead joke, one that's been beated to death so many times that it isn't even funny anymore. Also, REEEEE. That isn't funny and you're just outing yourself as a redditor.

>they fixed the invisible glitch
>Kevin buffs
>Book of Secrets removed
Are you fucking shitting me? This is bullshit.

Why the hell are they worrying about Ed when Double D's turrets are still broken as fuck?

Please stop making threads like these.

It was funny at first, but now it's not. I'm tired.

y, hello thar reddit!

Why are you still here?

never understood the popularity of this cartoon, I watched it when I was younger but it didn't exactly stand out as exceptional from the rest.

>still have to buy jawbreakers 25 cents via microtransactions

Fucking dropped. Apparently there are rumors of the devs getting rid of this, but it's still fucking stupid.

>Beserker Build Ed
>Put a rock in my shoe and go balsistics on Jimmy + Sarah pairs
>Devs thinking a little 30% health nerf is going to fucking stop me
Keep crying, Jimmyfags

its the same fucking thread every time
how are you fucking dullards still entertained by this, year after year? its mind numbing. i really feel like i'm on reddit sometimes with the repeition of jokes the last 2 years

How do I beat this minigame? I need my fucking quarters

Guys I'm just starting and I don't know which class is for me. I really like being support and healing with some debuffing if possible.

>implying it will ever surpass what King of the Hill Online was at its peak

those were the best of times

are you fucking stupid? Ralph has always been S tier. Have you not seen a Ralph with a Wilfred and Victor build? What the fuck?

I'm not welcome anywhere else

King of the Hill Online has been dead for years.

Get over it.

Is there any truth that
Rusty Shackleford=Dale Gribbel


Nope, absolute bullshit. It's all made up.
Don't ever think about it ever again

just because your account got banned

This post is completely fucking wrong.

I'm not going to deny Sup Forums is shit, but Reddit is a fucking nightmare to use. You have to wait months before you can post more than 1 per 10 minutes, its filled with leftist nutjobs, you can't go against the hivemind at all, the formatting is absolute shit, and the only games you will get to discuss are whats popular and whats popular only.

I've had better game discussion on Sup Forums, better political debate on Sup Forums, and better video sharing on /wsg/ than any other subreddit. Its a horrible place

>butthurt KotH Online players

>You will never play base Ed Edd n Eddy Online ever again
Feels bad man


That shit was not base

is sarah still that underused? goddamn i remember back when people used her sibling advantage to topple ed players. what happened?

close enough to it

Put more points into shouting at dorks and it doesn't matter

Just went into the 5 star difficulty cul-de-sac raid on my own as Rolf, Sarah and 2 Sumo Jimmy's jumped out of nowhere but luckily my Hammerhead ability saved my jawbreakers from them.

>Playing EEEO with a controller

>bottom of Ed's feet were never modeled
>culling kept on so you can see through the bottom

Come on, guys.

>its another son of a shepard spammer.
this is why the after death perk was moved to critial hp so people like you wouldnt spam

What game even is this?

South Park Online

Ah okay

why do you have to use any? just discuss shit with ya mates
ive been trying to leave here for a while now, im slowly using Sup Forums less and less, soon i will be free

pls gib link

You have to buy it directly from Sup

enter your credit card number goy

5645 4271 7816 2038
Code is 439

gotchu famala

You can trust me, genti- i mean friend!



You can't be serious

You... actually put your credit card info on Sup Forums?


EEnE hasn't had a new episode in how long? and yet you cucks still play this shit?
>updates, patches, free content, new classes
Yeah, most of us moved to Warframe, same shit.
The only difference we aren't living in the past anymore.

he knows how to spoiler, chances are he is trolling you fagets