okay Sup Forums what fighter do I buy?
Okay Sup Forums what fighter do I buy?
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I'm not sure what the game on the left is but there hasn't been a good MK game since UMK3.
optimally neither, but when in doubt always go with the one with anime on the cover
Both are trash. Save up instead and get KoF 14 or Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator.
Nitro+ doesn't have a lot of depth. I do like that Saya is in it and is a zoner but she doesn't redeem the entire game.
Nitro Busterz. Just wait until they release Mortal Kombat XXXL: Hyper Edition Turbo Remix with Kombat Packs 4, 5 and 666 for only $200.
Go away /fgg/ your game only has a presence due to SF's long legacy. Unless something changes radically it will go down as not only the worst SF but one of the most disappointing fighting games of all time.
Tokyo Necro any good?
guilty gear
>playing non-japanese fightan games
I seriously hope nobody here does this.
I would personally choose Nitroplus, but you're better off with Guilty Gear Xrd.
Nitroplus feels much faster, with air dashes and assists. It has crazy, imbalanced, off the wall moves and is really fun, so I'll play it with my bros every now and then. If you actually care about going to competitions and being part of a fairly big scene, though, you're better off with the aforementioned Xrd Revelator, as this game is kind of dead online.
Regardless, it's an alright masher, though it is a little difficult to find info on.
I've heard it's good but I don't know enough moon to read it raw yet. The TL seems to be finally getting off the ground though so there's hope yet.
I don't like anime but I'll still recommend Nitro. MK is just boring now. At least you can fly off the walls and do crazy shit in the other game.
Mortal Kombat does not have Saber or the option to rushdown your opponent while you're covered by 2 long range assists, forcing them to disconnect in anger.
In all seriousness, though, why is it that only Japanese make fighting games that go at the speed of "anime" games? I want to introduce some normal people to the incredibly fast style of fighting game that Japanese guys make, and I know Skullgirls exists, but most guys I know are too insecure to even give a game a chance unless it has angry bald men on the cover.
Give them mahvel then. I'm pretty sure there's at least 3 characters they like in there.
Theres Mahvel
Also MKX is a pretty rushdown oriented game
>playing Japanese "smash a for occasional pantyshot" games
Surprised I never thought of that, even though I own that game.
More rushdown than crazy mashing anime games?
Well since you seem to be looking for a dead game, why not try Blade Arcus?
This is somehow worse than smashing for an occasional gratuitous death animation?
does GG do well with as a pad player I wont be getting any of these until Wednesday.
It doesn't have the aerial mobility but its pretty out there.
Just watch SonicFox playing.
There are some moments where he hangs back doing some zoning but 90% of the time Sonic is just pressing you down with frametraps, unblockables and corner carries with almost no room to breathe
The one with Al and Saya.
>le funny super long fighting game name joke xDDDD
also does anyone play BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma EXTEND? this was another game I was considering.
GG actually works very well on pad. You should ask how some pad players have theirs setup before sticking to a layout though. Macros and OSing shit is completely different on pad and pretty important in GG.
I think GG is kind of difficult on pad, but I say this about most 2d fighting games, really. If your execution is not so good, you're better off getting a 3d fighting game or the afformentioned Nitroplus, as it's easy to play
If you solely base your game around these pantyshots, then yes. MK at least tries to put in some gameplay that's not just an excuse to make teenage virgins horny
There's a lot more to Nitroplus than pantyshots. In fact, I only recall there being one pantyshot in the entire game. This game has plenty of mechanics that make it a real fighting game.
Street Fighter 5 ofcourse
I mean you do want your game to be alive?
Theres an indie game that has some KoF-esque mobility
Stick and hitbox don't magically make you play better or improve your execution. You're fine if you're good and comfortable with pad. There are some benefits to each, but comfort is most important.
So now there's a Chinese ripoff and a Brazilian ripoff of KoF. When will Mexicans step up and make their KoF ripoff?
new version comes out in 2 months
It's called Rage of Dragons
>the game has anime girls so it's all panties and no gameplay
This is not a jrpg. Confirmed for never playing it and talking out of your ass.
I want to buy Nitroplus to main Saya and Saya only. Is she viable?
>MK at least tries to put in some gameplay
And does a piss poor job at it too. As far as I'm concerned the franchise died after UMK3.
>not just an excuse to make teenage virgins horny
MK's gory fanservice was literally pandering to the underage demographic that frequented arcades at the time.
The game is so broken, every character is viable. You can just choose your assists and get into a combo easy. Some will count that against it, but this is actually why I like it.
With ArcSys games there's always a new version coming out in 2 months.
Well my favorite fighter is Digimon Rumble Arena so I think I'm fine.
Unless you're a retarded weeaboo, get Nitroplus. Yes, you read that right. Mortal Kombat is a weeaboo game. In the literal sense, not the new sense of the word that actually means nothing but hurr durr, it's Japanese. I mean, it's trying really hard to be Japanese
despite knowing very little of asian culture. Not just in terms of the mechanics being follow the leader shit lifted from whatever game was popular at the time (all
of the 3d fighters when Soul Calibur was popular) but in terms of the story being about Japanese gods trying to save the universe from Chinese demons or some shit and
most characters using asian martial arts. You know for a fact that if it were a new franchise and you just saw the trailer for it today, you would be calling it edgy
wannabe anime garbage, but you're too blinded by nostalgia to know better. Anyway, why play the American imitation instead of just getting the real thing? This isn't
even logic that exclusively applies to the emulation of Japanese culture. Would you rather buy Italian food from an Italian guy or from some dude from Texas that has
never been trained in cooking that kind of food?
CPE came out april 2015 on consoles
When the fuck is Xuandou Zhiwang going on Open Beta
Wow you could have at least told me you're trying your hardest to bait, I wouldn't have wasted my time on you then. Please don't be to desperate defending your weeaboo fanservice simulators next time.
>if I don't like facts, they are bait
>a game isn't weeaboo if I like it, even if half the characters are ninjas.
>If you solely base your game around these pantyshots
What fighting game does this? I can't think of any.
>This is not a jrpg
No JRPGs do this either. Even the awful Neptunia games have more to them than just fan service. Fuck you guys for perpetuating a terrible meme.
You're as delusional as the anons from /fgg/ that constantly shill SFV.
Battle Raper. Kind of.
Mortal Kombat really is a weeb game thematically
It even comes complete with badly pronounced Japanese.
Dead or Alive.
Well not pantyshots, but the sex appeal of the characters is a major selling point.
The sex appeal may be there, but it's still Virtua Fighter lite when you get down to it. The game actually has pretty long combos and DoA5 actually put some effort towards being balanced. Granted, I like Virtua Fighter more, but it's still pretty fun and feels much faster.
Lol what. Mk9 and MkX are fucking great.
is there ANY chance Blade Arcus will have ANY people playing it next month, or should I just save this $20 in my wallet.
Don't you have friends to play with?
My suggestion is to check out the dustloop forums.
MKXL since non of the characters in the game's respective animes on the left interest me.
Optimally neither
I don't even know what the game on the left is but it looks like shit
MKX is fucking garbage and is one of the worst fighters available right now
>I don't even know what the game on the left is but it looks like shit
You can tell all of that just from the cover?
Don't support MK. Fucking Ed Boon dropped all support for the PC version unceremoniously. Enjoy paying for P2P!
Do people still play that one other anime fighting game that came out a couple of months ago?
>I only recall there being one pantyshot in the entire game
You might be thinking of Aquapazza or something- that game only had one pantyshot.
N+ has a lot. Ignis has several as does Al and Ruili. I'm sure there are plenty more since they certainly didn't seem like they were shying away from them this time.
She's basically top tier, last I remember.
Why do you fags play any fighting game that isn't Tekken? It has enough edgy white faggots and angry demons for you westaboo faggots and enough kawaii anime shoujos for you weeaboo faggots as well.
Blade Arcus is one of the worst fighting games released in the past years. Save your money.
For the volleyball spinoff, sure. Not for the main fighting series. Sex appeal us part of it sure but no more than in something like Soul Calibur.
because I don't live in korea or japan
Fucking terrible
MKX isn't great but it's nowhere near the worst. Hell, NRS's previous games was much worse.
I play them, but they're lower-tier IMO. Too slow and clunky. Still fun though.
MK9 is way better
How is nitro slow and clunky? If anything, it's way too fast and manic.
Why even play netherealms games if the furry will always dominate.
It's also out in the Philippines.
>have to spend 5 minutes looking for a nitroplus match
Well at least my brother will play with me...
Seriously though, do any of you play online at all?
SFV or Melee don't waste your time with that shit
>fighting game
I love both games but Nitro is a lot more accessible and fun to sit down and fuck around with than MKX, especially since MK has dial-a-combo stuff making it harder to just pick a character at random to screw with than Nitro where you can just mash stuff out with anyone
Rarely. I mostly just play fighters to play with my friends.
GG Xrd
Yes but NPB fucking sucks so I don't play it.
You could buy a used Wii hack it and download the rom for $40. Or get the Wii and hardcopy for around $60-80. It is the best fightan there is so whatever dude. I'm not in charge of your fun but I feel bad for ya.
I specifically meant this game. I know Sup Forums plays other games online at varying levels.
What do you not like about it, out of curiosity? I mean, sure, it's no Guilty Gear by far, but I think it's an alright masher.
Of course not. Every time I try I get nothing.
>tfw beat a few people at xseed at nitroplus on stream
still my happiest moment of the year
Do you have a link?
just out of curiosity, what's wrong with it? overly busted system or characters/infinites/ or what?
no i dont not sure if they uploaded it anywhere or if it's still on twitch but i was the first person to win a match with homura
The meter system(you can't do a god damn thing if you win neutral before you assists activate), the super flashes every 3 seconds and the shield system. A low risk shield that negates literally everything but throws and gives you frame advantage or a straight punish even in blockstun is shit. I love Examu but they fucked up with NPB.
On the right
>shit with man jaw "women"
One the left
>shit with pretty waifus
Seems pretty easy to me OP
I see you fags calling both games shit but giving no reasons why. Is it just because the first one is an anime masher and the second one has dlc, or are you guys going to give actual reasons related to the combat system in detail? For example, one of the things I dislike about Skullgirls is the combos are way too long and you can get trapped in resets that turn the game into Simon says with no bursts outside of Infinite Prevention.
There, was that so hard?
MK has always been more into Chinese shit than Japanese shit.
are you referring to NPB or Blade Arcus here?
If you don't know, it isn't worth explaining to you.
>getting insecure over lady parts
Tell them to grow the fuck up
>I see you fags calling both games shit but giving no reasons why
Holy shit all these autistic weaboos convinced themselves a shovelware moneygrab weebshit is actually better then MKX
Sounds like just N+ to me. Not sure why he included the Blade Arcus quote. BA doesn't have any of the mechanics he's referring to.
You're right about pretty much everything, but
>you can't do a god damn thing if you win neutral before you assists activate
I think that depends on the character. I do find in neutral with Ruili even without meter.
If you get the first hit before the assists activate you get like 4000 damage. If you win neutral after they activate you get 16k.