The only heros that need slight nerfs are genji, mcree, and zenyatta
Overwatch balance
I swear this fanbase is getting worse than League's
How can people be so fucking stupid and ignorant about a game they play.
>lets implement a patch after 1 tournament and not let the meta naturally evolve and sustain itself.
fuck scrubs. fuck overpatching. ya gotta let shit breathe for a minute. remember when the game dropped and everyone screamed for bastion to be nerfed?
Lets go over Sup Forums's complaints on balance, shall we?
>McCree too strong
>Widow too strong
>Zenyatta too weak
>McCree too weak
>Widow too weak
> too weak
>Reaper too strong
>Zarya too strong
>McCree too strong
> too strong
>Zenyatta too strong
>Ana too weak
>Mercy too weak
and now
>Genji too strong
make up your damn minds. Genji has been the same since launch AFAIK.
Stop screaming "NERF" because you are no good at the game.
people don't understand that meta changes naturally over time. even with no patches, whats strong today might not be strong tomorrow. if lets say genji is that overpowered, every team will have one. once that happens, other teams will play to counter that. this is how meta evolves..
1 tournament is too small a sample size to justify nerfs/buffs after a change that was implemented a week ago.
i fucking hate you shitters truly.
you are obviously in low rating
I am top 1500 atm
If you can aim, Genji isn't an issue.
>tfw still no bros adventure comic
t. console player
mercy needs something done to her, she went from 2nd best support to last (not counting symmetra as shes clearly a defence hero).
t.zenyatta shitter
him and mecree need a nerf fucking badly.
I would say lower the speed of his orbs and lower his shields a bit then he will be perfect.
Roadhog has a pig face, this is not canon
Never understood why people like lean. Codeine is the weakest opiate and among the weakest opioids, and they pay 5x the price of a hit of heroin for it
Zenyatta is only good in the hands of a good player. Otherwise he's shit.
Genji is fine as well. If people stopped running in terror when he ults and, I dunno, actually SHOOT him, he's not much of an issue at all.
Nigga, unless you're good with him Genji is easy as fuck to kill
Three star characters SHOULD be the best.
Should Mei be buffed?
I don't know what Sup Forums thinks of her
Am I bad for sticking to her?
>genji nerfs
*angrily throws shuriken*
>Lower his shields
You mean like when he was literally unplayable about a month ago?
Holy fuck end yourself
I disagree. She's always been "meh." Her ult is game changing, but it's very difficult for her to justify not being able to fight well otherwise.
>I don't know what Sup Forums thinks of her
Depending on the player, she's either completely worthless or a game saver. Regardless of the player, she's still 100% anti-fun.
>picture straight from Facebook unrelated to videogames with a zany black "culture" joke
>it's an OW thread
Color me surprised
she should at least have highest single healing, she is outclassed in everything by the other support heroes.
>like when he was literally unplayable
oh, so you are one of those people. do the world a favor and stop voicing your opinions.
Go play League, Riot will be happy to nerf everything you cry about.
Yea, I'm qued right now. Your hat is stupid also
I like her for that reason
Forcing everyone I see into helpless statues is amazing
But is she a character that's in need of being buffed seriously?
Everyone so far says the entire defense roster is bad
>Smug anime response
Opinion discarded.
As for op, you are a literal double nigger if you think "le nigger meymeys xD we got big weenies N rap amirite guise!!1!" Shit on facebook is even remotely funny.
>omg nerf waaaaaaaaaaaaaah
how about buff the weak heroes instead
you fucking LeL kids always cry about nerfs as if it's the only way to fix a balance issue
So will be blizzard
>plays a game made for otakool shitters
>flips his shit at a smug anime face
Again, not surprised by OW faggottry
Does anyone honestly believe that Junkrat is bad?
nope pc
he is only op in high rating and his maco is busted
Genji's problem is that he basically has no counters right now
his small size, speed, jumps, dashes, damage, and reflect means that the second he uses dragon blade he becomes incredibly hard to hit and/or kill, even with a discord orb on him if the Genji player is good.
It isn't that Genji's too good but that the people that were good at stopping him aren't good at the moment.
He's not inherently bad. It's just that other heroes have a bigger impact in comp. So there's basically no room for him on a 6 man team. The comp meta has never favored any Defense heroes, unfortunately.
The meta is generally 2 DPS, 2 Tank, 2 Support on both Attack and Defense. He is outclassed by the core DPS'ers and he doesn't fit the other roles.
I guess until they figure out how to make Defense heroes useful, this will always be an issue. There feels like there needs to be additional game modes to let these types of heroes shine. Or introduce new characters that can combo with them.
Mei needs something.
She can't kill any flanker.
3/4 supports can either escape or kill her.
She can't kill tanks.
Her ult is korean future vacuum food.
Wall is useful but it's nowhere near enough.
She just does not work and needs either significant buffs or a total rework, I'd go for the latter.
Defense heroes obviously seem to have been made with 2cp in mind, but CP's are not really possible to defend and you give up too much power on your team by having a defense hero that makes the grounds you fight on slightly better (maybe) than having a teammate that can really work well with your teammates better.
Also the fact that some of them don't start shining until after the first fight is over (torb doesn't get to be armor extraordinaire until after the first fight, tele doesn't come up til after the first fight)
When he's not ulting, mei, zarya, winston and symmetra fuck his shit. When he does ult a zen or Lucio ult can completely negate it, while most other ults like reins will just fuck him up.
Even the only thing he's good at countering, bastion, relies entirely on the bastion being a fucking idiot that doesn't know what genji's abilities are.
>Another overly defensive cock weasel who takes any balance discussion as a personal attack
you realize that genji is the #2 offense hero right now in high level play
Before fucking with heroes they should fix the matchmaking and remove """team average""" ratings and make it so that you are paired with people +-2 of your rank only.
A maximum of +-5 at most
I felt bad for the rank 1 guy being put with 11 people who were all at least 20 levels above him
+-5 is a bit too much, since a rank 70 can get placed with a rank 60 (the way it is now basically)
Right, and that's what I mean by they need to add new game modes to cater to those heroes.
>The only heros that need slight nerfs are genji, mcree, and zenyatta
Genji is the same as he was since launch, still gets fucked over by Mei, Mcree, Zarya, and Winston
Mcree's patch hit a nice balance, I think he'll fall off after a while once people figure out a hard counter
Zenyatta will still get destroyed by snipers and most offense characters
Pick one
>HP buff to 300
>Increase ROF on right click
>Increase freeze rate on left click
I don't know what they would do to the ult aside from have it just instant freeze once it hits, which i think would be fine since Zarya's ult is pretty devastating once it makes contact. The flip side is it also doesn't do shit unless you have a teammate helping you out. You can't have Mei be to just freeze up like 4 people and solo them all with her icicles.
Cryo freeze needs to be reworked entirely because it doesn't really do shit except let you escape from ults. Mei needs something else that can let her control shit. Maybe something that let's her freeze the ground and skate around like in the victory post or some shit.
You have never fought a good Genji have you?
He will poke and harass from range only coming in for a quick kill and then cheesing it immediately afterwards until dragon blade is up.
You are not going to catch a good genji with any of those chars. They're all too slow and close range.
When he ults you do not have enough time from hearing EUGENE OKAY OKAY if you're lucio to press Q and have it take effect in time to survive if you've taken basically any damage.
As he will be flying at you at extremely high speeds to do 120 dragon blade into 50 dmg instant CD reset dash.
So if you are not above 170 (so if you got tagged by anything or if he threw a shuriken right beforehand) you die in the middle of casting sound barrier.
Zen ult can negate it, but you know that the same thing basically applies there, that he's gonna kill the zen before he can get the ult off.
Genji gets in the back line and kills all the squishies because he's basically unstoppable due to insane speed. Remember he's still got access to deflect during this.
The only time GOOD genjis are stopped once they dragon blade and before he rapes your backline is if the team knows where the genji is beforehand.
Or you have a counter dragon blade ninja duel
Otherwise he just fucks you.
lol it was something random I had saved chill
The thing is that 2cp doesn't even work right now. It's a complete steamroll for the attacking team no matter the skill level difference between the two teams.
If they fixed it up so defending actually worked and maybe changed shit around so the optimal strat couldn't be 'everyone rushes in for big team fight' then the defense heroes could work there.
The HP buff wouldn't help at all, she'd just be bulkier but just as ineffective.
The ROF increase would just make her a shittier mccree due to projectile.
The freeze rate wouldn't help because the issue is that the second a flanker or support someone gets hit by a mei they just use their escape and get the fuck out, and mei can't do shit due to lolnorange nor mobility.
She could freeze faster and thus be more irritating, but no more effective.
Faster freeze isn't gonna stop a lucio from m2+speeding out, or a reaper, tracer, or mercy from pressing shift the second it starts
>Mcree's patch hit a nice balance, I think he'll fall off after a while once people figure out a hard counter
Before people get up my ass I don't think Mcree is gonna fall off of being top tier, because his design is pretty fucked from the core. I still think he won't stay at a 95% usage rate or whatever crazy shit it is now.
dont try to argue with these guys they are obviously pre 50 trash cans who have only faced trash genji. Genji played by shitty player makes him seem like he isnt strong. They have never faced top 500 players who main genji and destroy way to hard. Same with mcree.
They need to fix the fucking loss penalty if a player on your team leaves midmatch.
>you're dead between the splitsecond he starts announcing his ult and you pressing Q and also if these precise conditions are met exactly ignoring all potential buffs like armor and shields
Especially no with a self healer.
I've never had that much trouble dealing with genjis ever, it's this exact shit every time "oh you just haven't met a GOOD genji" in about 60 hours playtime.
A good anything is fucking annoying. A good Pharah is way more difficult to deal with.
That's according to Master Overwatch. No offense, but the pool is much smaller there.
Why not make it freeze quicker, and make freezing last longer?
I think her self healing move is helpful as it is, but the ice wall isn't as useful as it should be, so I think it needs to be reworked or replaced
I don't know, his range is still good enough that he can pick people off very effectively with his m1.
Soldier is just fucking nothing now due to his gun either being shitty burst with accuracy or making reaper's shotguns look accurate.
McCree is still extraordinarily good midrange hitscan damage which is a very, very important role to fill.
He also takes the role of the one person that can reliably kill genjis before they can become a problem.
No, you really haven't fought a good genji then.
The 'precise conditions' for dying before you can use a support ult to stop him are exactly this: Not be at 200 hp
Shields and armor do not exist in comp play because torb and symmetra do not exist in comp play.
Pharah is easy to see, shoot, and kill. Hell, with's buffs her rockets don't even exist anymore.
Genji basically has nothing to stop him from getting in and taking the ass right now due to Soldier and Pharah just not being as viable right now.
If you think PHARAH is scarier then you haven't played since the last patch, you're just talking out your ass, or you are one of the turbo shitters.
Genji is a fucking terror higher up.
>Faster freeze isn't gonna stop a lucio from m2+speeding out, or a reaper, tracer, or mercy from pressing shift the second it starts
She probably isn't meant to stop any of those things, unless you use walls to try and close off their exits (which doesn't work because of the map design most of the time
I agree with you on all those things, conceptually Mei is fucked because her whole play-style is picking off stray enemies who are separated from the group. The only heroes that do that have crazy mobility (D.Va, Tracer, Genji), and everybody else is going to stick together and fuck you over.
>Why not make it freeze quicker, and make freezing last longer?
It wouldn't really do much, as mentioned most heroes have abilities that let them get out of dodge, someone is either getting frozen or they aren't. It still won't solve Mei's problem of being able to pick off stragglers in a game where everyone at higher level will to not do that.
>I think her self healing move is helpful as it is, but the ice wall isn't as useful as it should be, so I think it needs to be reworked or replaced
Ice wall is her best move, and she'll need a giant buff or rework to justify removing it.
Maybe a solution would be to remove her right click and just make her left click freeze faster and do a bit more damage, since giving Mei a long range damage option really doesn't mesh with her playstyle.
making posts insinuating that Sup Forums is one person should be an instant global perma desu
Is this a joke?
Genji is fine, McCree is now fine (getting sniped from across the map was not fine), Zenyatta just needs Discord nerfed a bit.
If people can escape easily as it is now, should it be made where on the first hit it slows them enough that they would need to fight their way away?
Or if she's too slow, allow her left click to freeze the floor for her her to speed on? Spraying the floor while you trail some fucker
Alternatively, would there be some way to rework her to be more of a crowd killer?
genji is not in a fine position. The fact that top 4 players all have genji mains / top 10 attacker mains have genji in their top 3 speaks something to the contrary. This is like widow pre-nerf, where the team with the better widow decides the whole match, now with genjis.
Genji nerf is definitely on the horizon.
No, the conditions are be at 170 hp max, don't have heal boost on, don't have an amp, be directly in line of sight, be in range of his swift strike and not have any armor or shields. I don't see why they can't be considered a factor if you get to be so picky about the conditions the enemy is in for genji to stop a lucio ult.
Genji has the highest skill ceiling alongside Tracer and Widow (and possibly McCree too), that's why the best players use those heroes
Having a high skill ceiling doesn't mean you need to be nerfed
roadhog's hook needs a longer cooldown considering it allows him to instakill most heroes.
Other than that McCree should be restored to how he was upon initial release, but his action roll should not instantly reload his revolver. Instead the distance should be increased and i-frames should be added making it a serviceable dodge and preventing him from shredding tanks
First idea wouldn't work because people just use abilities to escape and/or kill her for free. She can't stop a flashbang or a lucio's m2 or what have you, and the prey is already gone.
She can't chase people down because she has no escape strat, she chases someone and she just ends up gangbanged by the enemy team.
She's designed to pick off a flanker or someone that overextends but has no way to actually seal the deal.
>Should Mei be buffed?
yes but she'd also need some nerfs too.
>make the wall slightly taller so you can boost over more places
>buff damage on her left click by a ton but remove the turn speed decrease on hit
>decrease time between firing and the shot coming out on her right click and remove damage falloff but reduce the damage
>make it so when she freezes herself it can be broken by enough damage
completely fine now
i'd say some power should be moved away from Discord
rework his alternate fire, as it's rarely used
very strong, utterly fucking disgustingly broken in the right hands
>further issues
roadhog's hook, just fucking fix it already
Dva and Zarya should be removed from the game
t. genji main
Blacks tend to like whatever some rapper spouted off in the latest hit. If Jay Z rapped about Slim Jims being awesome, you would see tons of them walking around with Slim Jims in their hands or hanging out of their pockets.
>hear McCree is OP
>decide to take him in my starting days
>have a twitchy hand that would make a crackhead jealous
>suck innumerable dicks at every match,cry, and never pick him again despite revolvers being my gunfus.
Life's not fair, Sup Forums
All of those solutions are redundant because there's still no way to create stragglers aside from using Ice Wall to separate people.
Mei's biggest problem will remain that her whole playstyle revolves around someone on the other team being a fucking idiot.
She needs another way to disrupt and separate teams aside from her ice wall.
r u me?
>you'll never be a decent space cowboy
just end it already
do you guys think they''ll ever fix potg?
Wasted trips.
You've also played 550 fucking comp games, get oit of the house sometimes.
Maybe her playstyle and abilities should be changed to put her to be in a different role?
Meant to disable crowds?
Fixing Mei is fucking hard
no, does it even matter?
What even determines who gets it?
There's been multiple rounds that I've been given it for just reviving two people, it makes me feel bad when I see that
genji has the ultimate mobility, whereas tracer and mccree can only walk on floors.
having a high skill ceiling isn't the problem, it's that their higher skill ceilings allow them to overpower and counter their counters.
At least I can be a kinda maybe decent Genji and decent Reaper, so my dreams of being an ultra cyberweeb and a ghost edgelord are at least fulfilled.
Whole bunch of points in a short span of time or some shit. I think there are modifiers for environmental kills and revives too.
simple, rein had 4 elis with pharah kiling 3 and ana 1, making it a quad eli
stupid i know, but that's really just it
Shields and Armor do not exist in competitive because symmetra and torb do not exist in competitive
It is very easy to not be above 170hp and if you're not above it then no heal, other than transcendence is going to save you because the 1-2 combo of dragon blade->shift is near instant.
And let's say you do manage to survive and get off the sound barrier/transendece
The Genji backs off and escapes while your team is now down an important team fight ult for the incoming fight.
I mean it's still the best trade as you just saved your backline from horrible murder, and thus a complete wipe for your team.
But the enemy will still be at an advantage for the next teamfight.
What's wrong with having a few heroes define the game at any given time?
They want knee-jerk balance patches, and Blizzard is willing to oblige. Which is weird because it usually takes 6+ months for theme to balance Hearthstone cards.
Since last, we have had 3? balance patches. Then before that was a very lengthy beta for balancing.
What if Mei's icicles slowed people down like her spray does?
There should be a year minimum between balance patches imo.
The problem is Genji doesn't really have a hard counter to lock him out.
Every goddamned time I try to enjoy this game in comp, I get stuck with idiots. Last night, we were fighting a close damn match. It was 2 to 2 and we were at 94% on the point. Then, oour reinhardt quits. We start getting picked off and scrambling to get back to the point and adjust the team. Another player quits. 4vs6now. They go from 10% to the win.
Just like that, 15 minutes wasted and a rank lost because people quit at the last second. I shut it off and went for a walk.
this isn't fucking dota where counterpicking is a foolproof way to nullify other heroes
genji is countered by sticking together and shooting him with hitscan guns when he appears
Well your an idiot for getting upset when you queue with randoms. It's the equivalent of playing a slot machine.
Genji used to be a lot rarer because pharah meant that mercy used to be unreachable, so 2 squishies that were safe from him.
Soldier could prevent him from poking at range and the rocket+spray shat on Genji when he tried to be close.
Those chars ain't so popular in the comp anymore, so genji doesn't have strong counters right now.
>Good genji on enemy team
>He wrecks me all game
>Consistently lands his 3 shurikens
>Dashes for the kill and dashes out
>Makes good use of double jump
>Reflects to block damage and sometimes kill
>All around better than I am
>Rush to Sup Forums right after as Genji's POTG is going on in the background
>Genji needs a nerf guys! He's just too strong!
Fuck no. It should be like 4 months. Don't do this "balance every month but only touch a fourth of the roster everytime".
we are the same, you and i
I work overnights so sometimes I have to take what I can get. Usually only able to have 2 or 3 friends online at any given time since I'm playing while most people are sleeping or at work.
Winston has nothing to stop an ulting genji from killing his team.
Winston cannot kill a genji, the tickle gun doesn't hurt and he cannot get a jump->tickle kill due to genji's vastly superior mobility.
Genji isn't too strong, it's that his counters are now too weak.
>play genji on console
>double jump
>no one can hit you
It's not that it doesn't happen, it's just it hardly ever will. This is all completely ignoring lucios mobility, everyone else on the team since genjis are usually solo, as well and the fact that the cast time isn't even a second for lucio and instantaneous for zen.
Maybe they're down an ult, but negating them is pretty much their intended purpose anyway, there's nothing to say the team won't hold their own with all things being equal.