What's your favorite vidya? this is mine

what's your favorite vidya? this is mine.

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Roast me

Good choice

I just wish P2's fanbase wasn't so cancerous

Image didn't go through

Ocarina of Time if we're picking for old time's sake.

This if we're talking total hours played.

Also W101 is pretty great.

does p2 even have a real fanbase? i can't imagine a lot of people prefer it over portal 1.

From what I can tell, it's memespouting retards and people who identify as "gamers" that flock to P2. Not exactly a fun crowd to be around.

Still a fun game though, Co-op was neat.

i agree, portal 2 was fun as hell in co-op, single player bit was pretty disappointing though. It's pretty high up in my list just because of said co-op bit, good shit.


I think I've played God Hand all the way through about 13 times and just picked it up to play a level or two or arena fight at least once a month.

Brood War followed by X3 Albion Prelude.

i have never played a game of that IP, is it good?

Also Brood War is gaining steam as a competitive game again.

If you've never watched it, its as good of a time as any to start.

The next set of matches starts in 10 hours on that link

It's hard to choose only one game. I love outrun series. I feel like home when playing t hem it's just pure plenitude.
But I Also have the same feeling when playing others games.

I replayed the game last February and it's still as good as I remember it.

Now i am doing the Crash trilogy and they are just as awesome as ever.

why? Enjoy whatever the fuck you want. and the game is good so who cares.

Dude I do the same. Doing arena or replaying a level just for fun at least one a month. God hand is just a love letter in form of a game.

>wish I could turn back time

>de dalos brinsible
mario 64 ez top 5 tough, nice taste OP

This game got me during a very important developmental time and when I was completely unexposed to RPGs.

I still have an aural memory of the first several zones' music in order.

It's a nintendo game. Barely any nintendo "IP" plays like the last.

Here's every KI:U mission
Start off as a rail shooter like Star Fox 64
Eventually you land and it plays like a beat em up like Bayonettta (but not as good)
Then a boss fight
You get good weapon variety, and a shitload of dialogue. It's one of those games where they talk nearly non-stop as you play it.
Some people fine the controls frustrating, but it's mostly "ok"

I replay it every year around halloween but I could play it through any day and have a wonderful time.

That's mine aswell.

good taste


Do you guys honestly have favorite "game"? As in a single one?

I find it hard to pick between Mario 3, World, DKC2, MMX, F-Zero GX

And this is an actual filtered list. I thought of many other games, but they had that "one moment" that made me realize they're 9.9 games instead of 10/10 games (sorry Mischief Makers)